This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
The Manufacturing Management program is designed to prepare graduates to assume a range of important leadership roles in manufacturing organizations. This program includes study and practice in the areas of production systems, process improvement, lean management, six sigma, operations management, supply chain management, environmental health and safety, and advanced manufacturing technologies. The Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Management program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). The curricular pattern is reviewed in terms of stated objectives, content, methods, supporting resources and evaluation systems.
A minor is not required with this major.
Major Requirements
Core Requirements
AC 210 Accounting for Decision-Making 3 Credits
CS 113 Introduction to Computer Programming 3 Credits
MGT 295 Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
MM 121 Mechanical CAD 3 Credits
ROBO 220 Parametric Modeling and Simulation 3 Credits
MM 216 Manufacturing Processes 3 Credits
TM 120 Introduction to Technology Management 3 Credits
TM 190 Global Quality Management Systems 3 Credits
TM 310 Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) 3 Credits
TM 360 Production Systems 3 Credits
TM 362 Leading Project Teams 3 Credits
TM 366 Supply Chain and Purchasing Strategies 3 Credits
TM 390 Lean Operation Management 3 Credits
TM 401 Industrial Internship 3 Credits
TM 426 Applied Metrology 3 Credits
General Education Requirements
Required courses as part of General Education requirements:
ENGR 290 Engineering Technical Writing and Presentation 3 Credits
ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credits
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
PSY 112 Introduction to Psychology 3 Credits
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics I 3 Credits
PHYS 121 General Physics I 4 Credits
PHYS 125 University Physics I 4 Credits
Directed Technology Electives
Advanced Manufacturing Option or Environmental Health & Safety Option
Directed Technology Electives - Choose 12 Credits of Advanced Manufacturing/Industry 4.0 and/or Environment, Health and Safety courses.
Directed electives
MM 226 Principles of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 3 Credits
MM 324 Fluid Power Systems 3 Credits
ROBO 420 Manufacturing Automation 3 Credits
ROBO 260 Programmable Controllers 4 Credits
ROBO 470 Robotics Systems Engineering and Analysis 3 Credits
ROBO 425 Advanced Programmable Logic Controllers 3 Credits
TM 436 Advanced Applied Metrology 3 Credits
TM 490 Advanced Six Sigma Quality 3 Credits
CM 335 Construction Safety 3 Credits
TM 411 Industrial Hygiene 3 Credits
TM 412 Safety Training Methods 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 120