The Central Peace Studies in an interdisciplinary program which is intended to foster an increased awareness of non-violent methods of conflict resolution
Mission of Peace Studies Minor
- Offer peace education, promote learning and enhance knowledge and understanding of peace, peaceful process and the conditions of peaceful change.
- Develop and apply interdisciplinary methods to study the onset, frequency and severity of war, and to better understand its causes and prevention.
- Provide opportunities for scholarship through teaching, research and the practical application of knowledge of peace and peaceful process.
- Serve as resource to enhance the understanding of peace for the University and local, regional, and national.
Goals of the Peace Studies Minor
Offer a structured concentration of credit courses in the areas of peace, war, conflict and conflict mediation for Central students who want to minor in peace studies. Course cover topics such as the nature of war and peace, just war theory, pacifism, peace movements, deterrence theory, game theory, weapons of mass destruction, social justice, conflict resolution, and the prevention of all forms of violence and destructive conflict.
Provide opportunities for Central students to participate in research projects and practice so they can apply theoretical learning to areas of personal interests and participate in community outreach services.
Sponsor an annual Peace Week and throughout the year sponsor speakers, lectures, film series, symposia, and discussions of relevant topics which are open to the University, local, regional, and national community.
Encourage public interest in peace studies, foster constructive interactions, and serve as a professional education and life-long learning center for all who are interested in peace studies.
How Can Students Use a Peace Studies Minor?
Education in peace studies can enhance critical thinking and improve conflict resolution skills. These capabilities can help students to prepare themselves for careers in a number of settings such as private business, non governmental organizations, governmental organizations, arts and any setting in which conflict management is needed.
Possible fields of work include:
- International Affairs
- Social Work & Counseling
- Conflict Intervention
- Human Rights Advocacy
- Negotiation & Mediation
- Community Dialogue
- Healing & Reconciliation Education
- Law