This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
Program Rationale:
The Master of Arts program is designed to prepare students for careers in the field of human services or as preparation for further graduate study.
Program Learning Outcomes:
- Upon completion of the MA program in psychology, students should demonstrate the following:
- proficiency with researching, summarizing, and critically evaluating scholarly literature;
- the advanced skills necessary to comprehend, design, and conduct rigorous academic research;
- professional-level skill in scholarly presentations, including the ability to write and publish in peer reviewed academic journals and to present at professional conferences;
- an ability to critically analyze and integrate psychological theory in applied and real-life situations; and
- expertise within an area of psychology (community psychology, health psychology, or other area of focus).
Admission Requirements:
Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Applicants most also have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.70 on a 4.00 scale (where A is 4.00), or its equivalent, and good standing (3.00 GPA ) in all post-baccalaureate course work.
- Three letters of reference
- Personal statement*
- a BA/BS degree in Psychology
- grade of B or higher in Statistics and Research Methods
- Grade point average of 2.75 or higher, with a 3.00 or higher in psychology courses
- Two of the letters of reference from academic sources.
*The personal statement should present the applicants professional goals, any specific experiences that helped prepare applicants for the psychology program, such as research or training, and any additional information that may assist the department's admissions committee in reviewing the application.
Applicants must submit the following documents directly to the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Office:
• Completed admissions application
• Application fee
• Official transcripts from each college and university attended (except from Central Connecticut State University), which must be sent from institution to institution
Additional Materials Required:
• three letters of reference (at least two from academic sources)
• a personal statement
Instructions for uploading the statement, and for obtaining and submitting the letters of reference, will be found within the online graduate application.
The application deadline for Spring admission is November 1st and the Fall admission deadline is April 1st. Further information can be found at www.psychology.ccsu.edu/.
Course and Capstone Requirements:
M.A. Program
The program requires 36-39 credits, including a thesis or capstone. A common core of 12 credits is required for all students. In addition, in order to graduate, students must complete the online Graduate Exit Survey. Once students have completed their oral defense, they will be provided a link prompting them to complete the survey.
Common Core:
PSY 501 Thesis and Capstone Preparation 1 Credit
PSY 596 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis I 4 Credits
PSY 597 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis II 4 Credits
PSY 599: defense required
Option 1: Research-based empirical thesis
PSY 591 Advanced Independent Reading and Research in Psychology
PSY 599 Thesis: preparation of the thesis or capstone under the supervision of the thesis advisor.
Option 2: Capstone-Extensive and Integrative Analysis of Literature
PSY 599 Thesis: preparation of the capstone under the supervision of the capstone advisor.
General Psychology Specializations (36 credits):
The general psychology specialization is designed to give students the opportunity to follow their interests. The specialization provides solid preparation in core areas of psychology, including developmental, clinical, and community psychology and research methodology. General psychology MA graduates often go on to doctoral programs, but many also work in a variety of research and human services settings.
Required Courses
Common Core and Specialization:
PSY 501 Thesis and Capstone Preparation 1 Credit
PSY 596 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis I 4 Credits
PSY 597 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis II 4 Credits
PSY 512 Seminar in Developmental Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 545 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 530 Psychopathology 3 Credits
PSY 550 Community Psychology 3 Credits
Directed electives as approved by advisor
Community Psychology Specialization (36 credits):
The community psychology specialization is designed to train students to be active practitioners in the prevention field or prepare them for further study. It emphasizes developing and delivering interventions that can prevent the onset of psychological problems such as substance abuse, interpersonal violence, and depression. Most of our graduates work in the program planning and development level of local and state government, non-profit organizations, and schools, although some work in direct service positions.
Required Courses
Common Core and Specialization:
PSY 501 Thesis and Capstone Preparation 1 Credit
PSY 596 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis I 4 Credits
PSY 597 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis II 4 Credits
PSY 520 Global Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 550 Community Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 551 Prevention and Community-Based Research 3 Credits
PSY 553 Evaluation Research 3 Credits
PSY 595 Graduate Internship in Psychological Applications 3 Credits
Directed electives as approved by advisor (15 credits)
Health Psychology Specialization (39 credits):
The health psychology specialization is designed to prepare students for a career in the field of health psychology or for further graduate study. MA graduates often go on to doctoral programs, and others work in a variety of research and human service settings where they can apply knowledge of health-related behaviors, stress, disease risk factors, and methods to improve health and chronic illness. Some also work in the area of prevention.
Required Courses
Common Core and Specialization:
PSY 501 Thesis and Capstone Preparation 1 Credit
PSY 596 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis I 4 Credits
PSY 597 Psychological Research: Design and Analysis II 4 Credits
PSY 541 Health Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 542 Psychology of Stress 3 Credits
PSY 543 Stress Management: Theory & Research 3 Credits
PSY 547 Clinical Health Psychology and Chronic Illness 3 Credits
PSY 595 Graduate Internship in Psychological Applications 3 Credits
Directed electives
Note: A maximum of six credits at the 400 level may be included, with approval of faculty advisor, in the planned program of study.