Admissions Contact

Graduate Recruitment & Admissions

Academic Department

Jacob Werblow
Curriculum & Instruction
Henry Barnard Hall

Academic Department

Teacher Leadership, MS

Central to Teaching, Changing, & Empowering.

Central’s MS in Teacher Leadership prepares you to become an educational leader capable of implementing innovative instructional approaches that enhance the effectiveness of your school or organization. Learn to be an agent of change who brings restorative practices to the classroom and community with a focus on equity, justice, and anti-racist teaching.

Program Features

  • Starts every January, May, and August
  • 30-credit program
  • Attend full- or part-time
  • Classes offered evenings on campus and online
  • Design and course learning experiences are informed by:
  • Choice of electives tailored to your interests
  • Financial aid is available
  • No GMAT/GRE required

Program Options

This program focuses on teacher collaboration, instructional coaching, and curriculum development for all PK-12 learners.

This program explores the social, political, and ethical dimensions of educational policy and practice.

I am loving the program so far and can’t believe that I am going to be finishing it up after just one year!

Katie Barnicle
’20, MS ’22

Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop and facilitate learning environments and programs that are responsive to personal, cultural, linguistic, and learning differences.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate instructional programs to promote student learning.
  3. Design, implement, and evaluate professional development activities that promote teacher learning.
  4. Use evidence-based decision-making to improve student learning.
  5. Demonstrate growth in professional self-knowledge by engaging in reflective practice.
  6. Apply social, cultural, political, and historical perspectives to critically analyze and assess policy and school practices.
  7. Understand, interpret, critique, and apply educational research.