This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
The Technology & Engineering Education K-12 program prepares graduates to teach in elementary, middle, secondary, and adult technology & engineering education programs in Connecticut and throughout the US. Current teacher shortages in the discipline have prompted many school systems throughout the country to offer financial incentives in a bid to attract qualified Technology & Engineering Education instructors to their systems. Technology & Engineering Education graduates may also obtain positions as teachers in foreign countries, instructors/supervisors in human resource programs in industry or government agencies, and as industry professionals. The program is accredited by Council on Technology Teacher Education.
Technology & Engineering (47 credits)
TE 115 STEM Laboratory Management and Safety 3 Credits
TE 150 Fundamentals of Engineering and Technology for Teachers 3 Credits
TE 201 Children's Creativity & Engineering 3 Credits
TE 215 Materials Processing 3 Credits
TE 217 Laboratory Practices 4 Credits
TE 218 Electrical Applications for STEM 3 Credits
TE 221 Innovation & Invention 4 Credits
TE 245 Building Design & Construction 4 Credits
TE 310 Communication Systems 3 Credits
TE 340 Coding and Computational Thinking for STEM 3 Credits
TE 399 Teaching Technology and Engineering 3 Credits
TE 330 Transportation Design 4 Credits
TE 417 Robot Design & Construction 4 Credits
TE 498 Technology & Engineering Education Senior Design Project 3 Credits
Note:These courses may not be available each semester and are seldom available during the summer sessions; refer to the course description section of this catalog for information.
General Education (43 credits minimum)
These courses count toward the overall general education requirements.
Note: This major does not require a minor.
EDF 215 Education in a Multicultural Society 3 Credits
HIST 161 American History to 1877 3 Credits
HIST 162 American History from 1877 to Present 3 Credits
PE 144 College Wellness 2 Credits
PSY 136 Life-Span Development 3 Credits
STAT 104 Elementary Statistics 3 Credits
STAT 215 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences I 3 Credits
TE 101 Introduction to STEM Systems 3 Credits
WRT 110 Introduction to College Writing 3 Credits
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics I 3 Credits
PHYS 121 General Physics I 4 Credits
PHYS 125 University Physics I 4 Credits
MATH 115 Trigonometry 3 Credits
MATH 119 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry 4 Credits
MATH 124 Applied Calculus with Trigonometry 4 Credits
MATH 135 Applied Engineering Calculus I 3 Credits
Professional Education Requirements (30 credits)
TE 299 Technology & Engineering Education Practicum 3 Credits
EDTE 314 Applying Learning Theories in Diverse Settings (K-12 Programs) 3 Credits
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
EDSC 425 Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Teaching at the Secondary Level 3 Credits
LLA 440 Literacy instruction in the Secondary School 3 Credits
EDSC 431 Student Teaching I — Technology and Engineering Education 5 Credits
EDSC 432 Student Teaching II Technology and Engineering Education 5 Credits
NOTES: (1) EDTE 314 and TE 299 must be taken concurrently; (2) EDSC 425 and TE 400 must be taken concurrently. (Taking LLA 440, EDSC 425 and TE 400 together is strongly recommended.) (3) EDSC 431, EDSC 432, and TE 419 must be taken concurrently; students may not take any other courses during the semester they are enrolled in EDSC 431, EDSC 432, and TE 419. (4) Except for EDTE 314 and TE 299, each of these courses requires acceptance in the pre-professional educatino program. See "Admission to the Professional Program" below.
Total Credit Hours: 120
Admission to the Professional Program
Students must make formal application for admission to the Professional Program of Technology and Engineering Education after completion of 45 credits in course work. At least 15 of these credits must be in TE courses (different criteria apply to transfer students; contact the Office of the Dean of Education and Professional Studies for details). Applications are available from the Dean of Education and Professional Studies, Barnard Hall, and must be filed by September 10 or February 10. Acceptance is prerequisite to taking TE 400, TE 419, EDSC 425, EDSC 431, EDSC 432, LLA 440, and SPED 315. Students must maintain a minimum 3.00 grade point average in all TE and STEM courses. See the entry in this catalog for School of Education and Professional Studies, Admission to Professional Program for additional information.