This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
The Master of Science in Technology Management Program is designed to fulfill the educational needs of students and working professionals whose career paths are directed toward management in technologically-oriented organizations.
Course and Capstone Requirements:
The Master of Science in Technology Management is a 33-credit master’s, consisting of three different plans. Plan A is 30 credits plus a three-credit thesis; Plan B is 33 credits with comprehensive exam; and Plan C is 30 credits plus a three-credit applied research project.
a. All three plans have a core curriculum as follows:
TM 500 Product Life Cycle Management 3 Credits
TM 551 Project Management 3 Credits
TM 562 Supply Chain Strategy 3 Credits
TM 572 Innovative Leadership 3 Credits
TM 510 Industrial Operations Management 3 Credits
SCLM 510 Industrial Operations Management 3 Credits
TM 561 Application of Lean Principles 3 Credits
b. Directed electives.
These are graduate courses in technology at the 400- and 500-level, as approved by a faculty advisor. This allows the student flexibility to develop a specialization. Students selecting a strand will take four courses in that strand, five if the Plan B option is chosen.
c. All three plans have capstone course requirements of 0-3 credits.
Plan A:
Plan B:
Comprehensive Exam
Total Credit Hours: 33
Note: No more than nine credits at the 400 level, as approved by the graduate advisor, may be counted toward the graduate planned program of study.