The minor in TESOL provides students with a practical foundation in the skills needed to teach English to speakers of other languages. The minor is ideal for majors in Education, English, World Languages, Psychological Science, and virtually any other major. The practical teaching skills developed in this minor can be used almost anywhere in the world.
The minor in TESOL provides students with a practical foundation in the skills needed to teach English to speakers of other languages. The minor is ideal for majors in Education, English, World Languages, Psychological Science, and virtually any other major. The practical teaching skills developed in this minor can be used almost anywhere in the world.
Requirements (18 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits):
Students must choose TWO electives from the following:
LING 200 Introduction to Linguistics 3 Credits
LING 230 The Study of Language 3 Credits
LING 300 Language Acquisition 3 Credits
LING 415 Language Policy and Planning 3 Credits
LING 430 Topics in Applied Linguistics 3 Credits
LING 431 The History of the English Language 3 Credits
LING 437 Introduction to Multilingualism 3 Credits
LING 438 Content-Based Second Language Instruction 3 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 18

Elizabeth Austin

Dharshani Jayasinghe