SONA Research Portal

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Participant instructions for Psychology 112 Students (Spring 2024)

Participant Instructions for non-Psychology Courses (Spring 2024)

Psy 112 Faculty Memo and Underage Participant Form (Spring 2024)

For SONA Researchers

1. Instructions for putting your SONA study online

2. Tutorial for Designing an on-line survey at Central

3. Tutorial for adding images to your SONA Online Survey

4. Dear Students,

Have you been having issues accessing SPSS from home? In this video, Dr. Bragg walks you through how to access SPSS and use your own files while trying to help relieve some of IT's workload! This video walks through downloading, installing, and accessing SPSS through the Citrix Workspace app. In my experience the Citrix Workspace app more closely mimics having SPSS installed locally on the computer, and might be a better option for students that might have limited internet bandwidth or speed.

Another benefit is that using Citrix Workspace app is that you don’t have to upload or download files to a web based virtual computer. I show in the video how to access files and folders on the computer that you are using, and even how to access OneDrive directly.

Thank you Dr. Bragg!

https :// web. microsoftstream .com/ video/ dfbb61cf-2b0f-4c13-928b-7932dea8866a

5. Video showing students how to save files using a chrome browser, and how to locate those files and even change the location

6. Link to a video you can share with students on how to create SONA OISs.