In May 2006, President Miller approved a resolution that dissolved the Faculty Senate's Safety and Environmental Health Committee in favor of establishing a University Safety and Health Committee in accordance with Section 31-40v of the Connecticut General Statutes, which require that all state agencies covered under the workers' compensation laws of the State of Connecticut establish a safety and health committee. Regulation 31-0v-1 through 31-40v-11 specify the rules for "establishing and administering committees which will bring employers and employees together in a non-adversarial, cooperative, and effective effort to promote safety and health at each worksite."
The Committee's role is to share ideas with the University administration regarding safety; accident and illness prevention programs; training in the identification and reduction of workplace hazards; and safety and health education.
The University Safety and Health Committee has representatives from all employee groups - AAUP; SUOAF; Administrative and Residual; Administrative Clerical; Protective Services; and Maintenance and Service, as well as members of university management; the Office of Environmental Health and Safety; the Central Public Safety Department; and the Student Government Association.
The Safety and Health Committee wants to know of your concerns, and welcomes your comments and suggestions for how we can maintain a safe and healthy campus community. Please feel free to e-mail the Committee at safetyhealthcommittee@ccsu.edu. All e-mails will be addressed at the committee's regularly scheduled meetings (which occurs twice per semester) and you will receive a response.