The School of Science, Engineering, & Technology (SEST) CareerLink is an employment information and recruitment program. It offers a series of events for SEST students to meet representatives of various companies that align with SEST fields of study. Students learn about the companies, as well as potential employment, internship, co-op, and work study opportunities.
Information Sessions
Events feature a lunch or dinner introducing students to a company. Attendees learn about the company, employment opportunities, and interact with human resource representatives and company employees.
Company Days
These day-long events are dedicated to one company at a time that offers careers in SEST fields. In addition to human resource individuals being available in the Applied Innovation Hub lobby, a series of events take place throughout the day to expose students to activities and services performed by the company. Events may include technical talks, employee panels, HR discussions, and interviews.
Central Engineering & Manufacturing Career Fair
Like other campus career fairs, however these events are limited to 20 companies that offer career opportunities specific to SEST fields of study. Career fairs take place in fall and spring semesters.
Career Accelerator Program Activities
The Career Accelerator Program (CAP) is a collaboration between the School of Business, SEST, and the Career Development Office that connects students with professional presenters and session curriculum developers. CAP activities provide career readiness classes and events to improve Central graduates’ potential for career success when entering the workforce. CAP events help students with resume development, interview skills, networking, and more.
For additional information about SEST Career Link events and activities, contact Dr. Luz Amaya, SEST Leadership Fellow at 860.832.181 or email