What is an Internship?
An internship provides practical work experience in an occupation or profession. The work experience may be part or full-time and extend over any period of time. Most students seek internships during the summer, while others seek internships during the semester. You may intern for the same or different employer each time. This flexibility allows you to sample different career paths and employers of different sizes, locations, and industries. You may start interning at any time; however, it is best to have completed some courses within your major area of study. Junior or senior year would be the best time for the most rewarding experience, especially if only fulfilling the minimum requirement.
Internships help you...
- Gain valuable career-related experience.
- Expand knowledge of career options in your field.
- Develop a clearer picture of your personal career direction.
- Increase confidence in your skills and abilities.
- Strengthen your resume.
- Cultivate important professional contacts for the future.
What is a Field Practicum?
Similar to an internship, a field practicum provides practical work experience in an occupation or profession. The duration of the field practicum may differ from an internship. Below are the requirements for certain majors within SEST.
School of Engineering, Science, and Technology Required Internships and Field Practicum:
BS in Electronics Technology
Internship required, 480 hours
BS in Mechanical Engineering
Field Practicum required, 400 hrs
BS in Construction Management
Internship required, 480 hours
BS in Industrial Technology
Internship required, 480 hours
Although an internship is not required for other majors, it is strongly recommended for all students to gain valuable work experience prior to completing their education. This can be done through an internship or a co-op experience. Co-op is similar to an internship, however, with co-op, a student takes a semester off from school to work for a longer duration, typically 6 months.
The School of Engineering, Science, and Technology posts internship opportunities on this site. We do recommend that students also review opportunities on College Central Network. Every student has an account in College Central Network and can apply to positions, as well as, create and post a resume, cover letter, etc.