Course Abroad Catalog

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6/5/2023 - 6/14/2023

Registration Deadline



GERO 498 - Special Topics in Gerontology, 3 credits
(Prerequisite: GERO 101 or permission of instructor)

PSY 498 - Topics in Psychology, 3 credits

PSY 590 - Advanced Topics in Psychology, 3 credits
(Prerequisite: Admission to graduate program or permission of instructor)

IS 490 - Field Study Abroad, 3 credits




There will be a limited number of at least $1,000, and additional $300 for first-year students. A minimum GPA requirement is 3.0! Scholarships are awarded on a first-first come first-served basis. The registration portal has a limited timeframe, we suggest you prepare your scholarship essay before starting the application! They are due together.

Program Director(s)

Prof. Andrea June
Psychological Science

Prof. Carrie Andreoletti
Psychological Science

Contact Information

Zongxiang Mei
Center for International Education
Chaihyung Christine Park
Course Abroad Program Associate
Center for International Education

Global Aging & Age-Friendly Initiatives: Scotland

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In this program, students are introduced to the concept of Age-Friendly Communities creating and cultivating physical and social environments to be inclusive of individuals across the lifespan. The global society is aging, and communities need to be prepared to meet the needs of our changing demographics. Most older adults will prefer to age-in-place continuing to be engaged and accessing services in their own neighborhoods. Prior to experiencing Scotland, students will be introduced to theory and research in lifespan development with a particular focus on the strengths and challenges of older adulthood. We will discuss the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of healthy aging and the identified domains of livability aimed at enhancing well-being and longevity.

In Scotland, students will explore vibrant cities of varying sizes from the perspective of age-inclusivity. In each location, students will note the accessibility of public transportation, the availability of green spaces, the cultural attitude toward older adults, and other domains of livability. This will begin in Glasgow, which is registered with the WHO as an age-friendly city. Students will also be exposed to more rural areas of Scotland, including several cultural highlights within the Highlands and smaller coastal fishing villages, with day trips from Glasglow and then Edinburgh. The experience ends in Scotland’s compact, hilly capital of Edinburgh. Again, students will be encouraged to explore the city for several days with a focus on age-inclusivity and accessibility and compare it with the other locations visited.

Inclusive of its on-ground and abroad components, this course will provide students with an awareness that making our societies age-inclusive benefits all of us as we age!