Vocational-Technical Education Courses offered at Central include:
- VTE 113 Introduction to Teaching Vocational Education
- VTE 116 Teaching Vocational Education
- VTE 415 Principles of Career & Technical Education
- VTE 455 Labor Market Trends & Job Readiness
- VTE 482 Instructional Supervision & School Administration – Department Head
- VTE 490 Topics in Vocational Technical Education
Vocational-Technical Education Information:
- Information pertaining to classes may be found on the University website www.ccsu.edu/registrar.
- Proceed to the Classes and Registration tab.
- Click on Courses and Catalogs.
- On the right side of the page click on course offerings. Here you will search for VTE classes.
- You will need the Course number, Section, and CRN number to include on the Registration Form.
- The Registration Form may be found under the Classes and Registration tab.
- The Registration Form may be submitted on-line or by Fax.
- Descriptions of the course may be found under Course Descriptions.
For additional information please contact Dr. James DeLaura at 860-832-1850.