Student Wellness Services frequently sponsors programs for suicide prevention throughout the academic year. Please check the Today @ CCSU calendar periodically to find out what programs are coming up on campus.
Signs of Suicide
Depressed Mood
Clinical depression is not something a person can set aside like other forms of depression. The depression interferes with the person's capacity to function in life - impairing work, school, and relationships.
Excessive Anxiety
Clinical anxiety is not something a person can work through like other forms of anxiety. The anxiety inhibits the person's capacity to function in life - impairing work, school, and relationships by triggering the fight, flight, or freeze response.
Change in Sleep
The person may sleep more or less - usually feeling fatigued even after sleeping for an extended period of time.
Change in Appetite
The person may eat more or less and you may notice weight gain or weight loss.
Social Isolation
The person may withdraw from friends or family members and try to avoid social interaction.
Increased Risky Behavior
The person will take greater chances than usual such as with drugs and alcohol, speeding while driving, and sexual encounters - without regard for the potential consequences.
Giving Away Possessions
These possessions don't necessarily need to be of great monetary value. Often, the items have great sentimental value - things the person would not normally offer to others.
Previous Suicide Attempts
Even though a majority of people who attempt suicide do so only once, those who have attempted are 3-4 times more likely to attempt again when compared to those who have never attempted.
Concerned about yourself?
Seek professional help
Counseling at Student Wellness Services is free and confidential. Call 860-832-1926 to set up an appointment or visit the Willard-DiLoreto Complex, 1st Floor. If it is an urgent situation, immediately come in or call 911.
You are NOT alone
There are many students struggling with feelings of hopelessness. In fact, 92% of college students feel hopelessness at some point during their academic careers. Sometimes it may feel like you are alone, but at Central you are NOT alone. Visit Student Wellness Services to speak to a counselor today.
Distract yourself from negative thoughts
Finding ways to distract yourself from negative thoughts and having coping skills may help. It may be an activity such as doing a craft or playing a musical instrument. It could also be taking a walk/hike, talking to a friend, spending time helping others, or just spending time at the mall.
Allow yourself some latitude
Allow yourself some latitude and focus on small achievements. Have a to-do list of no more than 6 items and complete one small task early in the day. Try to be patient and give yourself some slack.
Assess your level of depression
Counselors can assist you in assessing your level of depression and managing your emotional state. If you are feeling depressed, seek Counseling.
Concerned about someone else?
Start the Conversation
If you are noticing the Signs of Suicide in someone, they could be struggling with depression and suicidal ideation. These are some examples for how to start the conversation- "Recently, I have noticed some changes in you. How are you doing?" or "I wanted to check in with you because you haven't seemed like yourself lately."
Ask the Question
One question could save a life. Just ask, "Are you thinking of suicide?" If you are unable to ask the question, find someone who will. We offer free Question, Persuade, Refer Training (QPR) for all members of our campus community. If you see someone on campus with the "I ask" ribbon, it symbolizes that they have completed the training and that they are willing and able to ask the suicide question.
Suggest Resources
These are some examples for suggesting resources- "I can walk with you to Student Wellness Services in the Willard-DiLoreto Complex, 1st Floor to make an appointment." Or "There is a lifeline number that you can call 24/7. 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). You don't have to be suicidal to call." For a further list of suicide prevention resources, please visit our Resources page.
If the person is in immediate danger or tells you that they plan to harm themselves or others, call 9-1-1
Central Student Wellness Services: 860.832.1925
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call: 1.800.273.8255 (TALK)
Crisis Text Line Text: Home to 741741