Contact Information

Gilbert L. Gigliotti
Interim Department Chair
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Willard-DiLoreto Hall
W401-29 and D403-07
Lourdes Casas
Professor, Spanish
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Latin American, Latino, & Caribbean Center Executive Board
Willard-DiLoreto Hall
Gwenn Gregory
Administrative Assistant
World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Willard-DiLoreto Hall

Graduate Student Resources

Graduate Studies at Central

Planned Program of Study

After admission to the graduate program by the Graduate Studies office, the student should consult with her/his adviser to develop a Planned Program of Graduate Studies. After the adviser has signed the planned program form, this form must be submitted to the Graduate School for approval by the Dean. Only then can it become the student’s official plan for the graduate study. The Planned Program form must be submitted to the Graduate School during the first semester of graduate studies. Any changes in the Planned Program must be approved by the academic adviser and the Dean. A Planned Program course Substitution form must be filled out, signed by the adviser, and submitted to the Dean.

Plan A: Master's Thesis

The Master’s Thesis is required of all graduate students completing degrees under the Plan A option. The thesis represents a report of original scholarship.
Before starting to work on the thesis, students have to take SPAN 599, in which they will write their thesis proposal to be approved by their thesis supervisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Once the proposal is approved, the thesis is written under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty. It requires approval of a second reader, but does not require an oral defense.
The recommended length for a MA/MS thesis is between 80-100 pages including notes and bibliography.

Plan B: Comprehensive Exams

Students who choose Plan B will take Comprehensive Exams. Comprehensive Exams are given twice a year, in the Spring and in the Fall semesters.

Plan C: Special Project

A Special Project or Plan C is required of students enrolled in the MA for Certified Teachers. This project involves applied classroom based research. But otherwise policies and requirements are similar to those of Plan A, with the exception that ML 595 is required instead of Span 599. The dissertation (both Plan A and Plan C) is written following the regulations specified in the appropriate Handbook prepared by The Graduate School.