First-Year Students

Welcome to Central! We are so glad you have joined our Blue Devil community and we are looking forward to working with you over the coming months.

All entering students begin their career at CCSU being advised by our professional advisors, according to your major. These Advisors will assist you in building your class schedules and will remain as your primary advisor until you transition to a Faculty Advisor in your major. In order to construct your schedule, we will need some information from you.

To Do List!

Your SAT/ACT scores won’t affect your admissions status but they will be used to determine the most appropriate placement for your Writing and Math courses. Official scores (sent from your high school or the testing organization) should be sent to You can not register for a Writing or Math class without SAT/ACT scores, transfer credits, or placement exam results!

Depending on your standardized test scores, that might be enough information to determine your course placement. If not, you’ll receive an email invitation to take the Writing Placement exam.

Didn't take the SAT's or ACT's, not a problem.

For your Writing placement, you will receive an email inviting you to take the Writing Placement exam. Take this as soon as you can so you will be able to take a Writing course your first semester (this will help you in all of your classes)! You will need to sign yourself up for the Math Placement exam. You can only take this once, so plan accordingly.

Writing Placement Exam – if we have your SAT/ACT scores and you still need to take the placement exam, you will receive an email invitation. If you did not provide us with any scores, you will receive an email invitation. Take this as soon as you can so that you will be able to register for a Writing course your first semester (strong writing skills will help you in all of your classes)!

Math Placement Exam – if you are not comfortable with your placement based on your standardized test scores OR you didn’t take/send us your scores, you will need to take the exam. You need to sign yourself up for the Math Placement exam. You can only take this once, so plan accordingly.

Depending on your AP class scores and possible transfer credits, you might already have credits that apply towards your degree. Submit those to as soon as possible and make sure you let your advisor know about these when you discuss making your class schedule.

Orientation is a great opportunity to start making Central your home away from home! Your Orientation Leaders will not only show you around campus, but they will help you feel more comfortable in our community and answer any questions you might want answered by one of your peers. You’ll also be meeting with your Academic Advisor during orientation to review degree and curricular requirements and create or modify your class schedule.

Orientation Information

The Free Financial Aid application can be completed online at student Once you receive your Financial Aid award, you will need to officially accept the award online using your WebCentral Account. Contact the Office of Financial Aid Office at or 860.832.2200.