
Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

These criteria must be met by new applicants for an AGILE scholarship as well as by those students whose scholarship is being renewed for the subsequent semester. Students must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States, a national of the United States, an alien admitted as refugees, or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence;
  • Be enrolled at least half-time or accepted to Central Connecticut State University’s Software Engineering MS program;
  • Demonstrate financial need each semester, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid according to the rules of the US Department of Education.

Scholarship Application Requirements

These criteria must be met by those students who apply for a new AGILE scholarship. Successful applicants must demonstrate academic talent, commitment and motivation, time management and communication skills. Students are required to:

  • Complete an application form.
  • Write a personal essay:
    • Explain your academic and career plans;
    • Provide your reasons for pursuing a Software Engineering MS degree;
    • Explain what sets you apart from other applicants for the scholarship in terms of your academic potential and professionalism:
      • Evidence of academic potential is not limited to GPA, standardized test scores, and other formal indicators. It can be also be demonstrated through other achievements, such as participation in professional or academic competitions, and through recommendation from faculty or industry-based internship supervisors.
      • Evidence of professionalism as a combination of personal attributes and soft skills can be demonstrated through past participation in undergraduate research, relevant internships/co-ops, or volunteer/community projects.
  • Have the results of completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with Central Financial Aid.
  • Provide up-to-date (unofficial) transcripts from all previous undergraduate and graduate institutions.
  • Provide a proof that you are a citizen of the United States, a national of the United States, an alien admitted as refugees, or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
  • Provide three or more letters of recommendation, with at least one from current and/or past instructors and one from current and/or past employer. At least one letter should address your academic ability and suitability for the program.
  • Have a degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher and a minimum of 3.00 or higher in any post baccalaureate coursework.

Scholarship Renewal Requirements

These criteria must be met by students whose scholarship is being renewed for the subsequent semester. Students must:

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.3 in the courses required for the MS Software Engineering program;
  • Be on track to graduate on time consistent with a typical planned degree program:
    • 4 semesters for students enrolled full-time (9 or more credits per semester);
    • 6 semesters for students enrolled half-time (6 credits per semester).
  • Participate in all activities required by the program;
  • Meet all scholarship eligibility criteria (see above).

Contact Information

Dr. Stan Kurkovsky
Professor, Computer Science