Pauline Williams '97 & Rich Williams
Wedding Date: Aug 16, 1997
Pauline Williams & Rich Williams Central Love Connection
We met in a Central Geography Class and the rest was “History” I was the 1996 Home Coming Queen and a 1997 President’s Citation Recipient. I graduated in May of 97 and got married in August of 97. Last year we renewed our vows after 25 years of Marriage. Our daughter Trinitee Williams is a 2022 Central President’s Citation Recipient and a 2022 Graduate. My Son Christian is a Jr. at Central. I am a recent Breast Cancer Survivor, Rich is a 2 time Kidney Cancer Survivor who now has Stage 5 Kidney Disease and is in need of a Kidney Transplant. If anyone is interested in being a Kidney donor please contact me via email Trinchris@comcast.net Thank you and God Bless You

Rachel Cunningham '18 & Frank Posca '16
Wedding Date: Oct 5, 2024
Rachel Cunningham & Frank Posca Central Love Connection
Frank was my RA in James Hall my freshman year, and we started out as friends and quickly became best friends, then started dating the during our RA training! We were RA’s together for Frank’s senior year. He was an RA in Gallaudet and I was in Vance. We started dating in 2015, and were engaged on August 19th, 2022. Our wedding date is October 5th, 2024. Central played such an important part in our story, we even took our engagement photos there yesterday! We will have our engagement photos from all over campus back in 2 weeks! Attached I have a selfie of us in front of James Hall where our story began!

Jennifer Sirois '17 & Peter Sirois '15
Wedding Date: Jul 1, 2019
Jennifer Sirois & Peter Sirois Central Love Connection
In 2014, my journey at Central took an unexpected turn when I met my husband. Exhausted from a double shift as a CNA, I returned to my dorm to find my phone buzzing incessantly. A relative, also a Central student, urgently needed to use my building's laundry facilities due to a problem in theirs. As I hurried downstairs to assist, I encountered my relative conversing with a young man seated on a bench. Little did I realize then that this chance encounter would lead to me sharing his last name, forever intertwining our lives.

Shirley Pastore McCormack '92 & Geoff McCormack '93
Wedding Date: Oct 23, 1993
Shirley Pastore McCormack & Geoff McCormack Central Love Connection
I was part of a new year-long international student exchange program that Central developed with British universities.
I met Geoff at Sheffield Hallam University in South Yorkshire through dorm friends in 1990. We were one of multiple US/UK couples who met and married as a result of this program!
We currently live in Ohio, and celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary this past October. Our two daughters attend Ohio public universities.

Vanessa Falcone '93 & Mike Falcone '92
Wedding Date: Jul 24, 1998
Vanessa Falcone & Mike Falcone Central Love Connection
My husband and I met freshman year in 1988. We were in the same psychology class and started talking as we walked up the hill back to our dorms. I was in Sheridan and he was in Vance. We hit it off and started dating soon after. We have been together ever since. We got married in 1988 and have two adult children. Our son is a Central grad and our daughter attends Eastern.

Katie Jambard '13 & Matt Orn '12
Wedding Date: Oct 1, 2017
Katie Jambard & Matt Orn Central Love Connection
Katie and Matt met in Professor Ratliffe’s World Civilizations Course that took place in Diloreto Hall back in ‘09. Although Katie did not end up needing the course to graduate, she was able to catch the attention of the cute boy that sat behind her. In her attempt to avoid the attention of another male admirer in the class, Katie took the opportunity to discuss Matt’s midterm performance, essentially breaking the ice and making the first move. Katie then invited Matt to an Education Club sponsored event where Matt won her over with his trivia skills during a Devil’s Den version of “The Weakest Link” during which her best friend Amanda had to entertain Matt as Katie was helping to run the event. Matt then made his move- at the persistence of Katie’s friend- and asked Katie to a movie. Fifteen years later they still credit Central- and that other male admirer- with having brought them together!

Delrita Fryer '20 & Ryan Fryer '19
Wedding Date: Oct 16, 2021
Delrita Fryer & Ryan Fryer Central Love Connection
Ryan and I met during my freshman year at Central at a Central Car Club (C3) meeting, we quickly became close friends and became a couple the following semester. We fell in love over our mutual love for cars. Fast forward 8 years, we are married, own 3 classic cars, a house and a crazy Labrador mix named Harley. As well, Ryan and I are both engineers working at Pratt & Whitney.

Sydney D’Agostino '20 & Joe D’Agostino '19
Wedding Date: Oct 6, 2023
Sydney D’Agostino & Joe D’Agostino Central Love Connection
My husband was reviewing my group at RA Group Dynamics day in 2018. He hunted down the person taking notes on me to get my name. The next day he DM’d me on Instagram. We started dating 1 month later. Now we’re married!

Kylie Peters '23 & Matt McGrath '23
Kylie Peters & Matt McGrath Central Love Connection
We met in American Sign Language class and instantly hit it off. Our first date was during the Super Bowl and shortly after we went to a Journey concert. After that we decided we couldn’t go without each other!

Emily Kelsey '95 & Stephen Kelsey '93
Wedding Date: Jun 29, 1996
Emily Kelsey & Stephen Kelsey Central Love Connection
We were both in the band and that on our way to one of the performances. We both lived on campus, "down the hill." We were active on campus in band, program council, dorm council and were COLAs. We have dated steadily since 1992. The photos are from our wedding and 25 wedding anniversary.

Aiman Khan '17 & Janzayb Khan '17
Wedding Date: Dec 6, 2019
Aiman Khan & Janzayb Khan Central Love Connection
We met in the student center lobby in one of the central events. We started talking, meet ups every other day after class. Fell in love & got married after 3 years of relationship in December 2019. Happily married 😊

Jennifer Kaprielian '14 & Jeffrey Kaprielian '13
Wedding Date: Jun 26, 2015
Jennifer Kaprielian & Jeffrey Kaprielian Central Love Connection
Jen and Jeff met in 2008, in Carroll Hall. After seeing each other around for several weeks, Jen's computer broke just as a giant paper was due and Jeff was able to fix it. Within 6 months they had moved into a tiny apartment across the street from James Hall, and the rest is history. They now live in Farmington with their three beautiful children and sweet little cat. Jen is a high school band director and serves in the Air National Guard, while Jeff is a business systems administrator for Cigna. They are 96% sure that the dorm they first met in is now an English professors office.

David Lasecki '11 & Emily Lasecki '11
Wedding Date: Sep 21, 2013
David Lasecki & Emily Lasecki Central Love Connection
I (David) was a transfer student for the fall of 2009 semester and moved into Beecher Hall. Emily was the PA of the building at the time, and I met her for move-ins. She would say I was grumpy looking at the first move-in and made it her mission to be my friend.
While walking around campus, we ran into each other randomly at different times. Eventually, in late September, that friendship turned into a relationship after a devil den's hang-out night (which, If I am correct, was a karaoke night). From there, the rest is history; we have been together ever since. Now we work together at a high school, David as Director of Technology and Emily as a Math Teacher, and we have two wonderful children.

Scott Davis '93 & Christine Davis '94
Wedding Date: Nov 7, 1997
Scott Davis & Christine Davis Central Love Connection
Christine and I met while we were students, I was an RA in Gallaudet Hall and she lived in Sam May Hall. We met through many common friends and went on our first date near the Westfarms Mall on 11/7/91 followed by a trip to Elmer’s. Christine also became an RA in Barrows Hall, and found her calling, higher education.
We dated for 6 years and got married on the anniversary of our first date. Since then we’ve lived in Georgia while Christine was getting her Masters at the University of Georgia and I worked in Atlanta in the film/video and sports television industries.
After Georgia, we moved to North Carolina where Christine continued working in Higher Education at the University of NC Charlotte and I worked in video production and continued in sports broadcasting, currently working as a supervising producer, overseeing commercial production and as an on-field camera operator for NFL’s Carolina Panthers. At the first of 2024, Christine accepted the role of Vice Chancellor at the University of NC - Wilmington.
We have 2 children, Cooper and Emma. Cooper is in grad school at NC State University and Emma is a sophomore in high school, eyeing a possible return to the northeast for college.
It’s been a great 33 years, thanks to a chance meeting as undergrads at Central and we are grateful for our experiences in New Britain.

Stephanie Katz '20 & Nicholas Collazo '18
Wedding Date: Nick and I met my freshman year at Central! We were best friends and always hung out at breakers in between classes. I remember he would help me find where my classes were and would randomly come into my bio class during lecture. He was not in this class by the way! He’d text me everyday to ask if I was coming to breakers after class and that became our everyday routine. One day he invited me out for a lunch date at California Pizza kitchen and ever since then we have been inseparable!

AJ Gemmell '14 & Devyn Gemmell '13
Wedding Date: Dec 29, 2022
AJ Gemmell & Devyn Gemmell Central Love Connection
My wife and I met on a Central study abroad trip to Belize during winter break 2012-2013. We started dating over the summer of 2013 and were married in December of 2022.

Katherine Thompson '16 & Timothy Thompson '18
Wedding Date: Oct 17, 2020
Katherine Thompson & Timothy Thompson Central Love Connection
We met when he was a freshman and I was a junior! We met off campus on Valentine’s Day but we learned we both went to central and started dating that March of 2015! We have been together since, through both graduations and different states and multiples towns

Erin O’Keefe '13 & William O’Keefe '13
Wedding Date: Oct 11, 2020
Erin O’Keefe & William O’Keefe Central Love Connection
My husband and I met on Arute Field during Marching Band camp in 2009! We were both Music Education majors at the time - He played saxophone, and I played the clarinet. The band director at the time forgot to write me into the show drill and stuck me in with the trumpets, so I marched behind him all season. We had our engagement photos taken on Arute Field in 2019, and tied the knot in our backyard during the pandemic in October of 2020. 15 years together, and married for almost 4 years!
That one time… at band camp… I accidentally met my husband. 💕🎶

Natalia Page '19 & Lance Page '19
Wedding Date: Sep 4, 2021
Natalia Page & Lance Page Central Love Connection
Lance and I met in Marketing our sophomore year and became best friends. We eventually got engaged on campus in 2020 and got married in 2021! Thank you to Central for helping us find each other!

Richard Lewis '57 & Nancy Crouch Lewis '59
Wedding Date: Apr 18, 1959
Richard Lewis & Nancy Crouch Lewis Central Love Connection
He was well-known on campus, an athlete (basketball and track) and president of the senior class. She was a shy sophomore introvert living in Marcus White Hall (the only dorm on campus). He’d been noticing her from afar without her awareness. Then one fateful spring afternoon he showed up and “rang her bell”—actually and metaphorically; men were not allowed above the first floor—and asked her to go out with him for coffee and French fries at a local coffee shop. They were married in April of 1959, the year she graduated, while he was teaching in Greenwich, Connecticut. After living in five states and Vancouver BC, Richard and Nancy Lewis now happily reside in Bellingham, Washington, a stone’s throw from the west coast ocean, with their two sons and five grandchildren an easy drive away. They look forward to celebrating their 65th anniversary in April.
Susan Fuhr '88 & Kevin Fuhr '88
Wedding Date: Jul 8, 1995
Susan Fuhr & Kevin Fuhr Central Love Connection
October 1986, Kevin and I met across the crowded barroom of Elmer's Place, walking distance from campus. He claims the pitcher of beer he was holding was the draw. We drank, we danced, we closed the place. Kevin walked me back to Vance Hall; we kissed. His dorm, Gallaudet. Next day, I saw him in passing and, by today's terms, was ghosted. MY normal modus operandi, so now I knew what that felt like! Nonetheless, Kevin sent me an orange carnation for Halloween, via a campus fundraiser. Which "Kevin" in my life sent the flower? I hoped it was from my Kevin but I had dated another Kevin, and had yet another Kevin as a friend. Friend Kevin took credit! My Kevin was ticked! Our first official date was November 19, a date we still celebrate. We had dinner at Civic Pub and went to a Hartford Whalers game. The Whalers lost (All Guts, No Glory), but Kevin and I won a future together as we continued to talk for hours into the night. We graduated in 1988. We found real jobs. I went for a Masters in Reading and Language Arts/Consultant Certification (Central '92); Kevin received a second degree from UConn in Mechanical Engineering '93. We married in 1995; We have two sons; We lived in Belgium for 2+ years, and now reside in NJ. We still get together with our Central friends and look upon our time spent there with great joy. So many fond memories. Social!
Heather Smolley 02' & Mark Smolley '02
Wedding Date: July 22, 2004
Heather & Mark's Central Love Connection
Heather was a freshman living in Gallaudet Hall. Mark was a freshman on the Central Football team living in Sheridan Hall.
Their paths crossed when Mark spied Heather on the way to visit a friend and the rest is history.
Since the Spring of 1998 Heather and Mark have been together and married in 2004. They have 3 daughters and are both teachers.
Susan (Anderson) Fuhr '88 & Kevin Fuhr '88
Wedding Date: July 8, 1995
Susan & Kevin's Central Love Connection
October 1986, Kevin and I met across the crowded barroom of Elmer's Place, walking distance from campus. He claims the pitcher of beer he was holding was the draw. We drank, we danced, we closed the place. Kevin walked me back to Vance Hall; we kissed. His dorm, Gallaudet.
Next day, I saw him in passing and, by today's terms, was ghosted. MY normal modus operandi, so now I knew what that felt like! Nonetheless, Kevin sent me an orange carnation for Halloween, via a campus fundraiser.
Which "Kevin" in my life sent the flower? I hoped it was from my Kevin but I had dated another Kevin, and had yet another Kevin as a friend. Friend Kevin took credit! My Kevin was ticked!
Our first official date was November 19, a date we still celebrate. We had dinner at Civic Pub and went to a Hartford Whalers game. The Whalers lost (All Guts, No Glory), but Kevin and I won a future together as we continued to talk for hours into the night.
We graduated in 1988. We found real jobs. I went for a Masters in Reading and Language Arts/Consultant Certification (Central '92); Kevin received a second degree from UConn in Mechanical Engineering '93.
We married in 1995; We have two sons; We lived in Belgium for 2+ years, and now reside in NJ. We still get together with our Central friends and look upon our time spent there with great joy. So many fond memories. Social!
Bob Wessman '70 & Pam Cruickshanks '70
Wedding Date: Apr 17, 1970
Bob & Pam's Central Love Connection
One day on campus in 1966, I spotted an attractive coed studying in Elihu Burritt Library. I sat down at a table facing this person to see if she would notice me. Every so often she would catch me looking at her, but we didn't speak. After several library visits, I got the courage to talk to her.
Pam lived in Marcus White dorm, and I was a commuter. We began dating, and over time fell in love. We studied hard and joined several college organizations which gave us a chance to work with wonderful people like Richard Judd and the new president, F. Don James. A memorable event we shared was escorting Dr. James and his wife to his Inaugural Ball at the Student Center.
In our senior year, I asked Pam to marry me at the library where we first met. She said yes. We got married during spring break of 1970, our senior year. We graduated together in May of 1970.
After graduation, I taught biology at Plainville High for 22 years and retired early to begin a career in photography. Pam taught elementary school, mostly kindergarten, for a total of 32 years. She did take time to have our 2 children. Our girls, Amy and Carrie, got undergraduate degrees from UConn, and advanced degrees from Central. Pam and I recently celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary.
PS. During my second career, I had the pleasure of being Central’s campus photographer for 11 years.
James Ardaiolo '70 & Beth Moreland '69
Wedding Date: Jul 31, 1971
James & Beth's Central Love Connection
Beth was her sororities rep at the Inter Greek Council where I was the chairman. We would stare at each other and the rest is history!
Mark Finn '97 & Deborah Stockman '91
Wedding Date: October 17, 1987
Mark & Deborah's Central Love Connection
I noticed her in one of my classes. Then another. Then on my way to another, she was looking for the same building where I was headed. Wouldn’t you know she was in the same class again! was living on campus and she was commuting from Bristol. We got to know each other that spring and were married that fall!
Shayna Schrier '14 & Gregory Schrier '13
Wedding Date: June 22, 2018
Shayna & Gregory's Central Love Connection
We met at Central our freshman year at an off-campus party. We became fast friends and have fond memories of visiting one another. Greg was always a gentleman and walked me up the hill to Sam May. I would visit him in Carroll Hall. We participated in Dean’s Cup together, technically competing against each other and shared many meals in the dining hall or Devil’s Den. I would visit Greg in the mailroom as he was the manager for a couple of years and he would visit me working in the dining hall or on sign-in duty for one of the residence halls. We loved our time at Central and owe our entire lives to the seemingly small decision of attending school there. It is full circle now as Greg represents his company at Central’s career fairs and we have our own little one who one day might also choose to be a blue devil.
Amy (Wasko) Fitzgerald '95 & Patrick Fitzgerald '94
Wedding Date: March 20, 1999
Amy & Patrick' s Central Love Connection
We met at an off campus party and spent the whole party talking. He lived in Beecher, I lived in Barrows. His dorm room faced the sidewalk and he’d yell out to me to get my attention. we started dating and we married in 1999. We have 2 children, Jack, a freshman at Union College and Madelyn a senior in high school. In addition to finding each other we made lifelong friendships and continue to get together at Central homecoming or dinners out.
Marlene Hermonat Skonieczny '66 & Henry Skonieczny '65
Wedding Date: December 26, 1966
Marlene & Henry' s Central Love Connection
We met at a dance in the old women's gym when I was a freshman. Henry was a New Britain resident and a sophomore at WPI, home for the weekend from Worcester, MA. He was at the dance with CCSC friends. We've been married for 55+ years.
Christine Donovan ‘82 & Rick Donovan ‘82
Wedding Date: June 29, 1985
Christine & Rick’s Central Love Connection
I was in Alpha Pho Omega fraternity, and she was in Nu Betta Gamma sorority. We met, we married, and have two children together.
Jeff Golden '97 & Susie Golden '98
Wedding Date: April 15, 2000
Jeff & Susie’s Central Love Connection
Jeff and I met my freshman year through mutual friends. We ended up hanging around with the same group of people throughout that year but were dating other people. Fall semester of my sophomore year we got closer and ended up dating. We’ve been together ever since the day he asked me to be his girlfriend on October 10, 1995!
Briana (O’Leary) Frye ‘14 & Oaty Frye ‘13
Wedding Date: July 1, 2017
Briana & Oaty' s Central Love Connection
Oaty and Briana met their freshman year in 2009 when they noticed each other from across the room at Memorial Hall. She mentioned to her new friend, Sara Weller (‘13), that she thought he was cute. Sara said they went to high school together and were friendly, so she proceeded to call him over and introduce them.
After the initial introduction, Briana tried to add Oaty as a friend on Facebook… which he declined (and she never lets him forget it). They went their separate paths and reconnected senior year when Sara Weller and Dan Ray (‘14) set them up on a date. He picked her up for their first date in front of Sheridan Hall on Valentine’s Day 2013 and then took her to Maggie McFly’s in West Hartford.
Oaty graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. Briana graduated the following semester with her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. The pair married July 1, 2017, and welcomed their twins, Oaty and Norah, in July 2020. They currently reside in Middletown, Connecticut.
Tyler Margid '15 & Jessica Hanley '13
Tyler & Jessica's Central Love Connection
It was a very happy homecoming for Central alumni couple Tyler Margid ’15 and Jessica Hanley ’13. As the pair strolled around campus before the football game against Columbia, they stopped at Vance Hall, the spot where they first met in 2011. It was there that Margid dropped to one knee and popped the question. Amid cheers from onlookers, Hanley said yes and the newly engaged couple headed over to the football field to watch the game. Watch a video of the proposal here !
Kyle Miller '18 & Shannon Kelly '15
Wedding Date: October 15, 2023
Kyle & Shannon's Central Love Connection
We kind of met at Central. While we were both working on our Bachelor’s degrees, and probably crossed paths almost all the time. We also had some of the same friends as well. And who knows, we probably even talked to each other before. She went on to continue to pursue a Masters degree in special education (2020). We technically got together after graduating, but really knew each other all along.
Rick McGowan '74 & Peggy Doolittle-McGowan '75
Wedding Date: December 27, 1975
Rick & Peggy's Central Love Connection
While we actually met in high school, she went off to Curry College and I to CCSC. I convinced her to transfer to Central her sophomore year as we both wanted to teach PE and coach. Peg actually went on to captain the volleyball team and was named athlete of the year. We went on to both teach and coach and have since retired.
John Sarra '73 & Eve Sarra '74
Wedding Date: August 24, 1974
John & Eve's Central Love Connection
I was a DJ at the campus radio station, what is now WFCS, in 1971. One Sunday afternoon when I was on the air, two young ladies came into the studio to hang out for awhile. One of the ladies left with another friend, leaving Eve alone, so we started chatting.
I had some production work to do after my show, so Eve stayed on and we discovered how similar our backgrounds were. After work, we went together to a movie that the Program Council had sponsored. So I guess you could say that was our first date.
Two years later, I was supposed to pick Eve up at her dorm to go out to dinner to celebrate our 2-year anniversary. I made up an excuse that someone took ill, and I had to fill in for them at the radio station. She was mad, but came down to the radio station anyway, and that's when I proposed to her while on the air during which her favorite song, Cat Steven's "The Boy with the Moon and Star on His Head" was playing. Years later, I learned that the song was about infidelity, go figure!
It didn't seem to matter though, because we have been happily married for 47 years and have 2 wonderful children and a grandson who's at UCONN in his junior year.
(In the picture, Eve is on the far left and I am in the front row kneeling, 2nd from left.)
Kimberly DeBaise '99 & John Debaise '99
Wedding Date: July 9, 1999
Kim & John's Central Love Connection
The summer of 1995 I was heading into my second year at Central, and John's mother - who I worked with - told me he was transferring there after graduating from Tunxis. So, I offered to show him around. We arranged to meet on the stairs of Welte Hall, which are now buried after the renovation, and we've been together ever since. We were both commuter students, and we'd often meet at our cars on the roof of the parking garage at the top of the hill to spend time together between classes.
Jeremy Anderson '16 & Mayra Suarez '16
Jeremy & Mayra's Central Love Connection
I first saw her on Facebook and Instagram in 2015. She was so beautiful, and I noticed we went to the same school, so I was very interested in her. Then in the Spring 2016 semester we coincidentally had the same law class, and I was finally able to meet her. As soon as I saw her the first day of class I knew I had to say something to her. After class, I went to the computer lab and sure enough there she was there as well. I had to seize the moment, so I went over to talk to her. I asked her if her she was Mayra (I pronounced it incorrectly at first) and she said yes. I was a little nervous and didn't know what to say so I said we're friends on Facebook. Long story short we continued talking briefly, shared a few laughs then exchanged numbers. The rest was history. We've been together ever since then and now we have a beautiful 3 month old girl and just bought a home together. Over the past couple of years, we've made so many great memories together going on dates and traveling the world. Now we have a beautiful family together and are happily in love. Shoutout to Central Law class for bringing us together.
Sarah Mahan '09 & Robert Cavener '11
Wedding Date: August 24, 1974
Sarah & Robert's Central Love Connection
I was on the swim team and he was on the soccer team. We met at a couple athlete parties, but it wasn’t until we were living across from each other in the Princeton apartments that we started to connect. In September 2008 we first became an item and the rest is history!
Carl Stenger '75 & Pam McLauchlan '75
Wedding Date: June 5, 1976
Carl & Pam's Central Love Connection
We met our freshmen year in September during the first weeks of school and have been together for 47 years. Carl played football for the Blue Devils and lived in Sam May. Pam lived in Clarence Carroll and was quite the catch. We have so many wonderful memories of meeting for meals at Slaters, going to Belvedere Pizza, Welte Hall, the Palmer House, Stanley Park, Arute Field, and driving our motorcycle. We have been married for almost 46 years. We have two wonderful married children and 4 grandchildren. Our daughter Kristin is married to Ryan with twins, Keane and Gracie. They have served as International Missionaries in South Asia for the past 12 years. We have many fond memories of traveling in that region with them over the years. Our son, Ken is married to Jamy. They have two lively boys Cole and Ben.
We raised our family in Shelton, CT and now live in a beautiful 55+community in Beacon Falls, CT. Carl & Pam are both in the property casualty insurance business and together ran CSA insurance for over 20 years. We sold the agency and currently Carl serves as a Commercial Producer for John M. Glover Insurance and Pam is a Personal Lines Agent for Bearingstar Insurance.
Bridget Armstrong '11 & Paul Armstrong '10
Wedding Date: September 9, 2011
Bridget & Paul's Central Love Connection
He was a soccer player, she was not. Paul is from Liverpool, England and was at Central on a full soccer scholarship. Bridget is from Colchester, CT. Paul and Bridget met at a soccer party at Princeton Apartments at the end of the spring 2008 semester - Bridget a freshman, Paul a sophomore. Paul returned to England the next day and the two kept in touch over the summer. When he returned for pre-season in August, Bridget visited him. The rest is history. The two dated for 3 years and married after Bridget graduated in 2011. They bought a home in Wethersfield in 2015 because they often drove through the town while at Central and loved the area. Six years married, they welcomed their first child in March 2018 - Maggie (who already has her own pink Central sweatshirt)! Paul and Bridget spend their time with a handful of other Central couples - English soccer players who married Connecticut girls and settled in the Wethersfield/Rocky Hill/Newington area.
Laura Chiara '07 & Adam Chiara '07
Wedding Date: June 27, 2015
Laura & Adam's Central Love Connection
Our story started in 2003 at Central. We met in Carroll Hall. I lived on the 3rd floor and he lived on the 1st, then 2nd, floor. We met in the dorm and were friends for a year before we started dating. We are married and have two dogs and a son together. We bought a house 10 minutes from Central so we still visit frequently! You can often see us taking a walk on campus with our two dogs and son in his stroller!
Sharon Leger '10 & Joel Patrick Leger '09
Wedding Date: June 11, 2011
Sharon & Joel's Central Love Connection
I had just transferred to Central as a sophomore and was trying to find my place on campus. I knew I had to put myself out there and as a elementary education major, the Education Club seemed like the best place to start.
I walked in the doors of Vance, walked towards the meeting, then totally chickened out and walked past the door.
As I was kicking myself for giving up, I walked past the second entrance to the meeting room. A second entrance? That must be fate. I walked in, looked around the room and saw an empty seat next to a good-looking man in the first row. "I've come this far," I thought as I slid into the seat next to him and flashed him a shy smile.
And the rest was history. We met in September 2007, were married in June 2011 and are now successfully employed teachers - both with our dream jobs - with two beautiful daughters. And it all began at an Education Club meeting in Vance...
Thank you, Central!
Rene Karas-Johnson MS '96 & Frederick Johnson Jr BS '93, MS '00
Wedding Date: May 3, 2003
Rene & Frederick's Central Love Connection
We met at Central when IT was upgrading our computers to Nt4 and found out we had grown up one town apart and had mutual friends. We have been married for 18 years and have worked together full-time at Central for 25+ years.
Carol (Albert) Amell '83 & Shawn Amell '82
Wedding Date: October 29, 1983
Carol & Shawn's Central Love Connection
Shawn was a Senior Accounting Major and I was a Junior Sociology/Social Work Major, both looking forward to graduating on time. We had signed up for other classes that semester when we independently realized we both needed an Art class to graduate. And that's were we met. In Mrs. Hayes level 300 Art class, surrounded by Art Majors who had a great laugh that we were allowed to take the class since we knew nothing about Art or architecture. We bonded over knowing no one else and the fact that we were so out of our element! 38 years later and 3 amazing children, we are still going strong!
Amberleigh MacIntyre '16 & Nicholas Maida '16
Wedding Date: August 4, 2018
Amberleigh & Nicholas's Central Love Connection
Nick and I met in the Honors Program at Central. Even though we had very different majors (he was studying Management Information Systems and I was studying English Literature), we still had an honors class together almost every semester for four years. We began hanging out in the Devil's Den in between classes and talking in the library even after we finished the work for projects we were assigned to. We first became friends after being put in the same group for a project sophomore year, in 2014. At the end of that year, we began dating (I really had to work to get past the friend zone) and in October of 2017 he proposed.
Sean Florian '86 & Beth Charamut '86
Wedding Date: July 29, 1988
Sean & Beth's Central Love Connection
Sean was the president of the Ski Club at Central. Beth attended a bus trip Sean ran to Killington, VT. They both had been skiing most of their lives. Beth remembers Sean checking her onto the bus, and skiing with her friends. At lunch, Sean walked up to Beth's table and asked her if she would like to ski with him and his friends after lunch. His friends were the Central ski team. Beth skied with Sean and the guys all afternoon, and was smitten by Sean. The rest is history. Sean and Beth spent all of their time together following that day, and graduated that Fall together. Both started working and living at home to save money. Sean proposed to Beth in April, 17 months after they met and will be married for 34 years, this summer. They have two kids, both of whom skied since the age of 2, making names for themselves in the skiing world. They are a skiing family - nothing could make them happier.
Michele McGraw '10 & David McGraw '09
Wedding Date: July 18, 2013
Michele & David's Central Love Connection
We met in 2008 at Central. He was an intern in Student Activities/Student Union Operations. We were both in the Counseling: Student Development of Higher Education masters program. We became friends, graduated the program one year apart and started dating. We got married, have two children and live in CT.
Shirley Pastore McCormack '92 & Geoff McCormack '93
Wedding Date: October 23, 1993
Shirley & Geoff's Central Love Connection
I was an exchange student to Sheffield Hallam University in England (1989-1990) where I met my husband Geoff, who is English. We became one of a number of Central-British University couples who found each other thanks to Central's Study Abroad program. The study-abroad coordinator at the time joked she was becoming a matchmaker. Thanks to Central, I've had life-long friendships with my Sheffield friends, some of whom also married Central students!!!
Robert Hokunson III '11 & Heather Hokunson '11
Wedding Date: September 12, 2015
Robert & Heather's Central Love Connection
Heather and I met when were both Resident Assistants in Gallaudet Hall our junior year. We quickly became close friends, that soon developed into an amazing relationship. While we were RA's we kept it a "secret" in order to make sure we stayed in the same Resident Hall. Although we denied it, it was very obvious that the two of us were more than friends. After college we moved in together in 2013 when we bought our first house in Newington, CT near Central. We then got married on 9/12/2015 and have been happily married ever since. Our family grew as we welcomed in Dominic Luke Hokunson on 12/20/2017. Dominic has been a blessing and hopefully is a future Blue Devil.
Kimberly Kirkegard '11 & Chris Kirkegard '11
Wedding Date: August 25, 2017
Kimberly & Chris's Central Love Connection
Chris and I met through mutual hometown friends our freshman year at Central in 2007. I met him first in front of Kaiser (a detail Chris will dispute) and I knew he was special. We started dating in 2009 while both living in Vance and after graduating in 2011, both moved back to our hometowns (on opposite sides of the state). We commuted back and forth to each other for 4 years before moving in together...halfway between. We got married in August 2017 and haven't looked back since! Central took 2 people from opposite sides of the same state and forced us to meet. If it weren't for Central I would not have met my husband.
Judy Grumbach Schumacher '68 & Karl Schumacher '71
Wedding Date: August 17, 1968
Judy & Karl's Central Love Connection
We met in Central's cafeteria when I was 19. I remember telling my friend at Southern that I was dating "an older man" who was 4 years older than me. He had joined the army after high school and then gone to Central. He made me laugh every time we were together. I told him I was pinned to another guy. He told me it looked like my sorority pin in the dark! I knew he was "the one". We married in 1968 and became the parents of 3 wonderful children who in turn got married and gave us wonderful grandchildren. Our life has been filled with so much joy. We have been very fortunate. On August 17, 2018, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary...and it all began at Central.
Alexandra Kitchener '15 & Dean Ott '15
Wedding Date: October 8, 2017
Alexandra & Dean's Central Love Connection
Dean and I met on the SGA! We dated sophomore year and moved into together after college! Dean was senior class president and I got a shout out in his speech :)
Sophie Sopelak '62 & Don Sopelak '62
Wedding Date: August 11, 1962
Sophie & Don's Central Love Connection
We met in a math class, second semester freshman year, only because he transferred from UCONN. We started dating in sophomore year and since we were both Mathematics Ed majors we had many of the advanced math classes together. We would like to thank Dr. Bulman in Physics, who helped us over a rough patch in our junior year! Don proposed on June 24, 1961 and we made wedding plans for August of the next year. Our classmates in math and science classes endured our discussions over differences and wedding plans. Later, one classmate questioned how we were doing at our fifth class reunion. Our love and faith have helped us reach our 60th wedding anniversary and we're happier than ever!
Lucy Rabay '96, MBA '99 & Gareth Butcher '96, MBA '99
Wedding Date: August 7, 1997
Lucy & Gareth's Central Love Connection
I am from Brazil and came to Central as a member of the Swim Team. He is from England and came to Central as a member of the Soccer Team. We met in 1993 and started dating in 1995 when he was the captain of the soccer team, and I was the captain of the swim team. We obtained our Master's at Central in 1999 and then moved to Brazil the same year.
Patricia Morency '81 & David Morency '79
Wedding Date: September 18, 1982
Patricia & David's Central Love Connection
We met by chance at the "pub" in the Central Devil's Den. My husband was an education major and pitcher on Central's baseball team. I was a business management major. Our daughter is followed in our Central academic footsteps and majored in marketing. Who knew over 40 years ago, dancing at the Central pub would lead to continuing the legacy in our family of Central. Parents, a grandmother, an uncle, cousins, and our daughter have all gone to Central. Thank you Central for wonderful memories!
Bill Panetta '70 & Patty Sailer '71
Wedding Date: November 27, 1970
Bill & Patty's Central Love Connection
We met at a party at the "white house" off campus after a Central basketball game. Noticed Patty in her cheerleader uniform. The rest is history!
Alan Kuhlman '72 & Carol Sweeney '73
Wedding Date: May 26, 1973
Alan & Carol's Central Love Connection
We met in October 1969 at an on campus-dance. I was a sophomore and Carol was a freshman. We dated throughout college and married May 26, 1973, and we graduated together one week after our wedding. The week after graduation we left on a cross country-trip and we were on the road for four months living in a 1953 bread truck that had been converted into a camper. Along the way we worked in Denver and Zion National Park in Utah. It was quite an adventure. We settled in Bristol CT in late 1973. Carol was a chemist with Stanley Works and I worked for General Electric in Plainville. In 1978 we moved to West Virginia with another Central couple to a 76-acre farm. We built a solar and wood heated home. Carol began a 31-year career teaching high school science and I bought a commercial printing company and embarked on a 33-year journey in print, direct mail, and graphics. We sold our farm in 1993 and moved to Charleston, WV where we still reside. We have two daughters, Leah, an elementary school teacher and Julia, a chiropractor. Carol and I both retired in 2016 and have been traveling, reading more books, volunteering, and enjoying more time together after rewarding but demanding careers. Life has been good to us and we are lucky to have met at Central!
Sue Tuba '71 & Dan Tuba '71
Wedding Date: June 24, 1972
Sue & Dan's Central Love Connection
Dan and I met for the first time on a blind date on September 19, 1968. My sorority sister, Jan, made the connection. We went to a Beta Psi Beta function. We dated on and off during that semester and when we came back after winter break things got serious. I got pinned in the spring. On February 7, 1971, we got engaged on the Merritt Parkway while driving back to Central after spending the day with Dan's family. (We had to pull off the exit just before the Sikorsky Bridge because I was crying so much.) The rest as they say is history. We were married June 24, 1972 and have had a happy and loving marriage for 49 years. We are blessed with two wonderful sons and three grandsons. Who says blind dates don't work out? This was one blind date that worked out for the best!
Arthur (Lenny) Lavalette '67 & Elizabeth (Beth) Terrill '65
Wedding Date: April 11, 1962
Lenny & Beth's Central Love Connection
I had three opportunities to meet Beth prior to actually accomplishing my goal. First was watching her as a candidate for homecoming queen. The second was sitting behind her during a showing of “Show Boat.” The third was at a dorm holiday party (but I was in no condition to try to make a good impression thanks to my friend, Budweiser). The fourth was the charm. On January 6, 1962 after the Blue Devil's home basketball game, at a “sock hop” in the old women’s gym, we met. During one of the slow dances I urged my fraternity brother, John Buczak, to ask the girl in the lavender sweater to dance so that I could cut in. He did and I did. That began the most wonderful part of my life and it is still going on today. Despite the cautions Beth received from her dorm mother, she became my everything. We started with visits to the Collage Spa followed by necking on a hidden stairway, eating chocolate covered cherries in the library, smooching while waiting for curfew, and 3 months and 5 days later we had eloped by using a borrowed(?) car on Spring Weekend. Now, 50+ years and two wonderful sons later we are seeing friends from our Central days, enjoying the things we do and are still very much in love. No one gave us a chance for a successful marriage but, like many things associated with Central, the experience led us to achieve more than was expected.
Anne Stone '69 & Earle Stone '70
Wedding Date: August 15, 1969
Anne & Earle's Central Love Connection
We met freshman year when we were sitting next to each other in a Math 101 class. Our paths crossed occasionally over the next two years. Our next class together was Dr. Beach's class our senior year. That led to a Christmas-time engagement and we were married the following August following graduation. Since Anne was the babysitter for President F. Don James' boys, we asked him to perform our wedding ceremony, which he did in the courtyard of the Administrative Building 52 years ago last August. We still keep in touch with him. So our CCSC/Central connection is strong and we visit the campus periodically on our anniversary.
James Ardaiolo '70 & Beth Moreland '69
Wedding Date: July 31, 1971
James & Beth's Central Love Connection
Beth was her sorority representative to the Inter Greek Council. I was the chairman of the council. This was our first connection. We both then served on the President’s Student Advisory Council. Check out the Dial Yearbook for 1969 and you will see a number of pictures of the two lovers!
Marianne Robinson '71 & James Robinson '70
Wedding Date: August 21, 1971
Marianne & James's Central Love Connection
I began at Central in fall of 1967. I roomed with a girl from my hometown of Waterbury who I didn’t know previously. It just so happened that she had a brother who was a sophomore at Central, and he asked me out! I remember his sister saying to me that although he had asked me out, I shouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t ask me out again. She said that he wasn’t dating girls more than once. My retort to her was that I didn’t plan on marrying the guy. Well, we have been happily married for 50+ years. We have two sons and four beautiful grandchildren!
Jessica Pace '07 & Brian Altieri '07
Wedding Date: August 18, 2018
Jessica & Brian's Central Love Connection
Brian and I met while serving as senators in Central’s Student Government Association (SGA) during our senior year. The results of a personality activity at an SGA retreat previewed our compatibility and prompted some initial sparks to fly. (Romantic, right? Ha!) In all seriousness, not only did SGA bring us together romantically, but our leadership experiences with the group really solidified our future aspirations. Oftentimes, career goals can get in the way and become a source of strain on a blossoming relationship. In our case, the opposite proved true. Granted, we’re both goal-driven individuals, but having the unwavering support of someone who deeply loves you and believes in your abilities is a truly powerful feeling. Since graduating, we've grown so much as a couple and in our respective professions—Brian is a successful lawyer and I oversee the external communications for one of the largest law firms in the state. (Yes, the fact that we both wound up in legal careers is sheer coincidence. We actually found out that Brian passed the state bar exam and that I’d be working for the Connecticut Bar Association in the same week. Destiny, maybe?) The years spent shaping this love of a lifetime culminated in August 2018 when we both said “I do” surrounded by our friends and family. We’re so excited about the next chapter in our lives as husband and wife, but there will always be a special place in our hearts for the place where our story began.
Diane Patterson '83 & Marc Patterson '82
Wedding Date: November 17, 1984
Diane & Marc's Central Love Connection
I lived in Barrows 5 girl's dorm. Our floor made a ziti dinner that we served in the penthouse for the guy's floor of Vance 6. The guys participating came to Barrows to pick a name out of a beer mug. The guy would go to that girl's dorm room before going upstairs for dinner. Marc pulled my name out of a beer mug. Being the funny guy he is, he cracked some jokes but finally pulled my name after the third attempt. He came to my dorm and we went upstairs for ziti dinner. Afterwards, my roommates and I went to Mr. C's for drinks. I remember ditching Marc at this point, as I wasn't interested in him. We went to Elmer's for more drinks and that's when I ran into Marc again. We started talking and some guys were making fun of my hometown. They thought theirs was much better. They were a bit arrogant to say the least. They made fun of Marc being from Long Island with a slight accent and wearing bell-bottom jeans which was not the norm at that time. Marc defended me from their snide remarks and walked me home that night from Elmer’s. Marc said he would be going on a ski trip and would come back in a few days to see me. I didn't think much of it but he did return to see me. We now live happily in Murrells Inlet, SC and have two kids.
Jessica Narkawicz '01 & Thomas Narkawicz '01
Wedding Date: July 2, 2005
Jessica & Thomas's Central Love Connection
I moved into James Hall during the spring semester of my sophomore year. My husband can still recount the day I moved in. He lived on the first floor of James Hall, and I moved on to the second floor. We saw each other occasionally on campus but had never spoken. Then, in the spring of 1999, we wound up on the same airplane on the way to our spring break destination in Cancun, Mexico. We finally introduced ourselves to one another and found that we had a lot in common. It wasn't until we returned from spring break that we officially started dating. In 2005, we got married. Now, almost 23 years after we first met, we have a beautiful family together (a daughter and a son) and we are still best friends. It was certainly a Central love connection!
Anne Erickson '71 & Dean Erickson '72
Wedding Date: September 12, 1970
Anne & Dean's Central Love Connection
Dean and I were in the same history class the second semester of our freshman year. He had just returned from the Vietnam War and entered Central under the GI Bill. I vividly remember the first time he walked into the classroom. I said to myself, "That's the man I want to marry." Unfortunately Dean was not great at attending class every day. His, roommate, however was. So I started asking questions about him. When I learned some information I began to "accidentally" run in to him on his way to his mailbox at the student center. After a couple of "coincidental" meetings, he asked me out. We married 2 years later on September 12th, 1970. Unfortunately, "this love of my life" passed away on March 16, 2017 after a long illness. We spent 50 wonderful years together. Message to all: "There is such a thing as love at first sight!"
Ashley Larobina '10 & Eric Larobina '09
Wedding Date: November 27, 2016
Ashley & Eric's Central Love Connection
13 years ago, fall semester, the boy with the most beautiful blue eyes walked into one of my classes. But I ended up dropping that particular class. Alas, worry not! As fate would have it, that beautiful blue-eyed boy walked into another class of mine. After months of chit chat, he finally asked me to hang out. Before we knew it, we were inseparable and the rest is history. Ironic we met in a criminology class, since we stole each other’s hearts.
Connie Crameri '88 & Greg Crameri '89
Wedding Date: June 29, 1991
Connie & Greg's Central Love Connection
I was living on campus the summer of 1987 and my husband had an off-campus apartment. I met him when I shopped at Wawa’s (located at the corner of the campus). He was working there. I always made a point of going in there ....one weekend I went out in Hartford with friends and ran into him at a bar there. He asked for my number and after that we started dating. Enjoyed going through my last year at Central with him. I was majoring in Accounting and he was majoring in Music Ed. Our oldest son now attends Central.
Sal LoBello '85 & Cathy LoBello '86
Wedding Date: May 21, 1988
Sal & Cathy's Central Love Connection
I was waiting for the prior class to end in DiLoreto Hall when it was at that moment I fell in love for the rest of my life. The classroom was clearing out when I first laid eyes upon her - the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. But I had no nerve to go up and approach her. Then one day in the student center I saw her again sitting with a friend of mine, it was the perfect opportunity to go up and talk to her... so I did. 33 years later, we have 3 beautiful children (the youngest attends Central) and it couldn't have been scripted any better --- all thanks to Central
Adam Kozak '04 & Chrystal Lodovico '05
Wedding Date: January 20, 2018
Adam & Chrystal's Central Love Connection
Chrystal Lodovico and I (Adam Kozak) are proud Central alum. We both had science classes together in Copernicus Hall but never connected. I lived all of my years enjoying life on campus while Chrystal commuted. The chemistry was just right over a decade later in 2015, getting engaged in 2016 and married on January 20, 2018 in Bristol, CT. We are both outdoor enthusiasts, marathon participants, have a passion for teaching science, and for our alma mater, Central - Go Blue Devils! Our connections to Central have remained close as we both teach science in the New Britain Schools.