Navigational supports exist as an essential resource that promotes college student success. These important relationships provide students with the opportunity to establish meaningful mentoring relationships with faculty, peers, alumni, and administrators. Navigators help student to succeed in college by provide them with skills, support, resources, information, and guidance. You don’t have to do it alone or feel alone when you have people resources you can GO-2. There are many individuals on and off campus who want to see male students succeed.
You will find a link on this website listing the name and contact information for each of our GO2 We suggest calling or email them as the best way to initiate contact. Navigational supports are open to anyone regardless of your gender, major, and (or) academic status (e.g., full or part-time or undergraduate or graduate).
Navigational supports are free. GO2 are individuals who are willing to help you succeed by investing their time, expertise, and talents. The support only costs you the time you are willing to devote to your own success.