Men deserve gender competent wellness resources that specialize in servicing the emotional needs of men. It is the aim of Counseling & Student Development to provide male students with therapeutic supports that focus on helping college men live healthier lives. Counseling & Student Development offers a full range of counseling and wellness assessments, screening, and evaluations designed to address the unique health needs of men. To learn more about our specialized counseling services for men, please contact Counseling & Student Development at 860.832.1927 and schedule a consultation with one of our counselors.
Link: http://web.ccsu.edu/health-services
CONNECTIONS is a weekly group where Central college men can gather for personal support, encouragement, information, guidance, and comradery with other men who seek to be his best.
College men deserve a place where they can go to address “guy issues” and acquire the necessary resources to succeed in college.
Transitional Life Coaching is a performance enhancement process that is designed to help students maximize their student potential. Coaching embraces a holistic framework that focuses on directing, mentoring, educating, and training individuals or a group of individuals to set and achieve specific goals and (or) benchmarks.
The Men’s Health & Wellness Forum is an annual forum established as a means of celebrating the diversity of the male spirit. The forum focuses on promoting the needs of male students by encouraging men to become actively engaged in actives that support and improve education, health, and wellness outcomes.
It is the goals of the Men’s Health & Wellness Forum to heighten awareness about lifestyle practices that will improve the lives of men and those who genuinely care about their welfare. The event provides institutions of education, parents, partners, healthcare providers, government representatives, and the larger community with resources to improve wellness outcomes for male populations.
Why study alone when you can study with the Central Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Making the Grade Study Sessions and Success Seminars provide students with the opportunity to study with other students who are seeking additional accountability for their study time. We want to help you get your work done, learn from your peers, and succeed by making the grade. Weekly success seminars are hosted every Friday.
When: Fridays
When: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Where: Africana Center (Basement Marcus White Hall)
Sisters JOINING FORCES with brothers in order to create a more just and equitable world for all"
Men’s health issues don’t only affect men but affect all of us. When men are unhealthy families are unhealthy and when families are unhealth communities are unhealthy. The support of our Sisters is essential and necessary if we want to improve the health, wellbeing, and success of college men. The Sisters of the Brotherhood (SOB) exists as a vehicle established to bring college women and men together to address important societal issues. SOB was founded by Central female students who committed themselves to making a difference in the lives of college men. SOB is led by our sister allies who are willing to partner with us to improve gender equity for both women and man.
Student Success Advocates serve as a student advisor and role model. They provide academic support, coordinate retention programs and efforts that foster the academic success of Central male students. Student Success Advocates work to connect students with appropriate resources on campus by escorting and (or) making referral connection.
SIDELINES function as a recognized wellness resource for male students. It operates as a safe and supportive place where engaged male students can find individuals who have identified themselves a gender competent resources for male students.
Navigators serve as wellness resource guides and transition specialists that volunteer to help male students complete their personal, educational, and professional goals. Navigators are agents of retention.
M.A.V.E.R.I.C. is a social marketing campaign that engages the Central male community in projects that promote peace. We believe a maverick is someone who thinks independently and does not conform to gender norms about violence. The participants of the BROTHERHOOD strive to be mavericks. Participants of the campaign seeks to engage men in constructive activities that help men better understand the institutionalization, socialization, and the culture of violence in our society and its impact within and outside of the guy community. The campaigns slogan: “No Horsing Around! Violence Affects All of Us”.
It is our collective mission to maximize the wellness potential of every boy and man. The agreement encourages collaboration, gender responsive or specialized service, advocacy, information dissemination, resource sharing, and the delivery of health promotion activities that inform and educate male students about living well.
The fatherhood component connects Central students to statewide fatherhood resources through the Department of Children and Families’ Fatherhood Initiative. The HEALTHYfellows / Man Enough Support Initiative also serves as a collaborative partner of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (Region 5) and the Department of Social Services. Through the partnership, the institutions co-sponsors the Dads Matter Too Conference. It is our hope to connect the campus community to fatherhood resources in order to strengthen families and improve the college experience for students who are fathers and (or) prospective fathers.
The Men’s Health & Wellness Forum was established as a means of celebrating the diversity of the male spirit. The forum focuses on promoting the needs of male students by encouraging men to become actively engaged in actives that support and improve education, health, and wellness outcomes.
It is the goals of the Men’s Health & Wellness Forum to heighten awareness about lifestyle practices that will improve the lives of men and those who genuinely care about their welfare. The event provides institutions of education, parents, partners, healthcare providers, government representatives, and the larger community with resources to improve wellness outcomes of boys and men.