Central’s Educator Preparation Programs are accredited by The Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) through 12/31/29. This accreditation recognizes that our education programs have met national professional standards for the preparation of teachers and other educators. In CAEP’s performance-based accreditation system, institutions must provide evidence of competent teacher candidate performance. Teacher candidates must know the subject matter they plan to teach and how to teach effectively so that all students learn.
Connecticut State Department of Education
Educator Preparation Programs within Central’s School of Education are approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Data and Information
Measure 1 (Initial): Completer effectiveness. (R4.1)
Measure 2 (Initial and/or Advanced): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. (R4.2, R5.3, RA4.1)
Measure 3 (Initial and/or Advanced): Candidate competency at completion. (R3.3)
Measure 4 (Initial and/or Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired (in positions for which they have prepared).
CAEP has annual reporting measures which are used to provide information to the public on program impact and program outcomes. The following measures are those specified by CAEP for annual reporting. Impact measures include (1) completer effectiveness, (2) employer satisfaction and stakeholder involvement, (3) candidate competency at completion, and (4) ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they were prepared. The EPP is responsible for clearly identifying and prominently displaying data pertaining to each of the Accountability Measures on its website so that the information is easily understandable and accessible by the public.
Below are the reporting measures for our undergraduate and graduate initial licensure programs and for our advanced licensure programs including data tables and/or information that provide supporting evidence for each measure.
Measure 1 (Initial): Completer effectiveness. (R4.1)
The EPP’s main goal is to effectively use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data to measure completers’ effectiveness. This year, one of our major accomplishments is the thorough review and revision of our completers’ satisfaction survey that took user-friendliness into account to help generate a high response rate from our completers. Recognizing that qualitative data plays a crucial role in and provides insights into teacher effectiveness that quantitative data alone cannot capture, and the challenges of obtaining high response rate for surveys, we developed action plans to conduct a systematic qualitative data collection that includes the following: (1) classroom observations designed to measure teacher practices against standards of effective teaching and the contribution of individual completers to their students’ achievement gains using an observation protocol adapted from Danielson’s Framework for Teaching for Classroom Observation (2010) and the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Educator Performance Evaluation (EPE); (2) a structured and validated protocol for analyzing artifacts (i.e., lesson plans, formative and summative assessments, scoring rubrics, student work) to evaluate the quality of instruction (i.e., rigor, authenticity, intellectual demand); and (3) teacher self-reports of what they are doing in classrooms through interviews. The survey and action plans were co-constructed by the EPP and its PK-12 partners. The target rollout for the new and improved completers’ satisfaction survey, and the pilot implementation of our qualitative data collection action plans is fall 2024.
Measure 2 (Initial and/or Advanced): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. (R4.2, R5.3, RA4.1)
As reported in Measure One, one of our major accomplishments is the thorough review and revision not only of our completers’ satisfaction survey but also the employer satisfaction survey based on their feedback and recommendations. The goal is to increase the relevance of the survey instrument as well as to help generate a high response rate from our employers. Other measures include an action plan to conduct a systematic qualitative data collection through interviews using an interview protocol for both structured and semi-structured interviews that were co-constructed by the EPP and its PK-12 partners. The target rollout for the new and improved employers’ satisfaction survey, and the pilot implementation of the interview protocol is fall 2024.
Measure 3 (Initial and/or Advanced): Candidate competency at completion. (R3.3)
Measure 4 (Initial and/or Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired (in positions for which they have prepared).
The EPP recognizes the importance of tracking its program completers for the purposes of accountability and continuous improvement. The EPP has employed informal/formal ways of tracking its completers’ employment through alumni survey, alumni self-reporting, employers’ satisfaction survey, alumni social events, and/or word-of-mouth from P-12 partner schools/districts or other completers.
A promising data source for tracking completers’ job placements in Connecticut is the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) dashboard that EPPs can now access to view data relevant to their educator preparation programs at initial and advanced levels. The CSDE dashboard contains information about the district hiring distribution of completers, disaggregated by race, ethnicity and gender and years of employment.
The data below was collected from the public records of the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) Data Dashboard. No data beyond AY 2022 is currently available on the Dashboard. The CSDE will be providing the AY 2022-2023 data on the Data Dashboard in early September 2024 at which time the School of Education EPP will update Measure 4 data on our website to include AY 2022-2023.