Endowed Scholarships

Endowed scholarship funds may be named in recognition of the donor(s) to honor their commitment to Central or to pay tribute to an individual or organization important to them. Donors may restrict endowed scholarships to specific areas of study or to benefit a distinct student population. Donor-defined scholarship may focus on an individual college or school, department or major field of study. Endowed funds may also include restrictions based on geographic areas, high school attended, etc. Awards may be merit-based, need-based, or a combination of the two. Scholarship recipients must hold matriculated status at Central, but can be full- or part-time, first-year or continuing, undergraduate or graduate. Donors may also set restrictions on recipients’ grade point average and/or number of academic credits earned. Through this type of gift, donors can ensure the continuation of academic excellence and student recognition in areas that reflect their particular interests.

Endowed scholarship funds are invested with the assets of the Foundation. Disbursements are made according to the terms of the donation. Named endowment funds require a minimum donation of $25,000 and may be capitalized over a five-year period.

Accessibility & Diversity

Provides scholarships for full-time matriculated undergraduate students at Central with preference given to a single parent or non-traditional students who meet one or more of the following criteria: a) students who have returned to higher education after an absence of three or more years; b) demonstrated lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education; or c) documented efforts to finance higher education costs through full and part-time employment.

The Ebenezer Bassett Scholarship recognizes the Humanitarian Spirit. It is awarded to students who have demonstrated their commitment to the improvement of civil rights and equality in their communities. Scholarship recipients must come from underrepresented, non-traditional, underprivileged groups with proven financial need and a drive for outstanding academic achievement.

The Justus Beach Scholarship is awarded to students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who are enrolled in one of the University's teacher preparation programs.

The Ed and Grace Creed Scholarship provides awards to full-time matriculated undergraduate students with a minimum of 30 hours of earned academic credit at the University who demonstrate a lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education, thereby financing educational costs through full and part-time employment. Preference will be given to students pursuing academic majors in the School of Business or the School of Engineering, Science and Technology. Recipients must be Connecticut residents.

The Educational Support Services Scholarship provides support for students enrolled in any University program aimed at providing educational access and opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students (e.g. the Educational Opportunity Program, Connecticut Collegiate Awareness and Preparation Program, etc.)

The Donald Houldcroft Scholarship is awarded to low-income, economically and educationally disadvantaged students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as matriculated undergraduate students in the Carol A. Ammon School of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be graduates of an accredited public high school. Financial need will be determined by the University’s Office of Financial Aid in accordance with federal financial aid methodology. Students who have completed the Educational Opportunity Program, the Connecticut College Access Success Program, or similar collegiate access program will be given preference.

The Charles and Linda Jones Scholarship provides one or more scholarships in the name of Charles "C.J." Jones Jr. to matriculated graduate students enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to a Master's degree. As a pre-condition for eligibility, students shall have successfully completed one of the University's programs aimed at providing educational access and opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students. Recipients shall also have earned the Bachelor's degree from the University. Should there be no eligible graduate students, the scholarship may be awarded to an outstanding Senior or Junior level undergraduate student in EOP, CONNCAP or similar program.

The fund also provides one or more scholarships in the name of Linda M. Jones to undergraduate students from New Britain, Connecticut enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to public school teacher certification at the elementary school level (kindergarten to grade six.) Students shall be accepted to the Professional Program leading to certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Catherine H. and James F. Jost Family Scholarship is awarded to students in the Educational Opportunities Program (EOP) and other high-achieving students.

The Anna Bubser Judd Scholarship is awarded to students from Hartford or West Hartford, Connecticut with evidence of academic achievement, community involvement, demonstrated leadership, and commitment to diversity. First-year students must place in the top 40% of their graduating class or have a combined SAT of 1,000 or more. Transfer students must have a minimum of 30 credits and a 2.7 cumulative average. Students must be enrolled full-time for the award period.

The Dr. Carolyn R. Fallahi Endowed Mental Health Scholarship provides scholarships and/or provide other supports to improve students’ mental health.

The Koteen Family Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for full-time matriculated undergraduate students who have been accepted for enrollment as first-time, first-year students at Central. The scholarship shall be renewable each year for up to five years provided the recipients continue as full-time students and maintain a 3.0 grade point average. The scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of financial need as determined by the University's Office of Financial Aid. Recipients shall be students from disadvantaged social, economic and educational backgrounds and graduates of urban public high schools in depressed urban communities. Recipients must be in the top 10% of their high school graduating classes.

The Ana Grace and Isaiah Marquez-Greene Scholarship provides scholarships for full-time, matriculated incoming first-year students and continuing students at the University who graduated from a high school within the Consolidated School District of New Britain or to students from underrepresented racial, ethnic and income communities.

The Scott Pioli Scholarship is awarded to incoming and currently enrolled students who have participated in and have excelled as College for Every Student (CFES) Scholars.

The Richard S. Spada and Robert G. Childers Scholarship supports students who identify with the LGBTQ community and have exhibited integrity, leadership, and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity in their quest for a higher education. Recipients must hold matriculated status at Central or have been accepted for enrollment as a matriculated student.

The WKND Scholarship is awarded to first-time, first-year, full-time matriculated undergraduates who are graduates of an accredited high school in Hartford, East Hartford, Bloomfield, or Windsor and who scored 1000 or higher on their SAT, are ranked in the top third of their class, and demonstrate leadership in school and community extracurricular activities.

The Alvin B. Wood Scholarship provides support for educationally disadvantaged students, particularly students admitted through the Educational Opportunity Program, CONNCAP, or similar collegiate access program. Recipients may be full-time or part-time, but must hold matriculated status, must have earned a minimum of twenty-four (24) credits and, must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8. Applicants must submit evidence that they have demonstrated leadership and provided service to Central.

The Barbara Zapatka Scholarship provides scholarships to graduates of New Britain High School enrolled in a Secondary Education program leading to certification in Biology. Candidates shall have earned a minimum of 24 credit hours at the University and have financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference shall be given to members of an underrepresented group in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central Women's Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women.


The J.D. Arute Endowed Scholarship provides athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity football team. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Joe Bellomo Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity softball team. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Blake Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity men's track and cross-country teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Michael F. Clynes Athletic Enrichment Fund provides funds to augment institutional monies appropriated to the Athletic Department in order to sustain the intercollegiate athletics program in a manner which contributes positively to the personal development of students by providing a wide range of opportunities for competing in sports at the intercollegiate level.

Ray Crothers Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of Central's intercollegiate track and cross-country teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The William Detrick Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity men's and women's basketball teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Football Endowment Fund provides programmatic and scholarship support for intercollegiate football. Athletic grants-in-aid awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Norman Gerber Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of varsity men's and women's sports teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Hitchcock-Young Athletic Development Fund provides support for athletic grants-in-aid for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and summer school scholarships for members of the varsity football team. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Harrison J. Kaiser Memorial Fund supports an award given annually to a Central Connecticut State University graduate who participated in intercollegiate athletics at Central and who, since graduation, has distinguished himself/herself and his/her alma mater by his/her accomplishments and service.

The Charles "Chick" Klett Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid for members of varsity men's and women's sports teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Carl Krein Scholarship provides scholarship awards to students in the University's athletic training program.

The Mackey-Wittneben Scholarship is awarded to matriculated, full-time students affiliated with the Blue Devils Division I Football Program.

Provides funds for grants-in-aid to members of varsity football and baseball teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Provides funds for grants-in-aid to members of varsity athletic teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the Baseball team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the men's basketball team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the men's soccer team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the men's track & field team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the softball team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the volleyball team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the women's basketball team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the women's lacrosse team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the women's soccer team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the women's swimming and diving team.

Provides athletic grant-in-aid scholarships for student athletes on the women's track & field team.

The Des McAleenan Memorial Scholarship supports students involved in the Men's Soccer Program at Central.

The Moore Family Fund assists the Athletic Department in sustaining the intercollegiate athletics program consistent with the overall mission of Central Connecticut State University. The fund provides support beyond the University's budget to supplement the cost of the special needs and services of the Athletic Department, such as donor recognition, equipment, travel, printing, and entertainment.

The Ted Owen Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity men's and women's track and cross-country teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Scott Pioli Football Enrichment Fund provides funds to augment institutional monies appropriated to the Football Program in the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics in order to sustain the Football Program in a manner which contributes positively to the personal development of student-athletes by providing a wide range of opportunities for competing in football at the intercollegiate level.

The George Redman Scholarship provides scholarships to student-athletes competing in the sports coached by George Redman: intercollegiate baseball and intercollegiate football. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the University and must be active members of baseball or football teams for the period when the award is granted.

The Brenda Reilly Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of the varsity softball and women's basketball teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Remington Young Swimming Scholarship provides athletic grants-in-aid to members of the intercollegiate women's swimming and diving team. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the University and must be active members of the swimming and diving team for the period when the award is granted.

The Jack Suydam Scholarship provides funds for athletic grants-in-aid to members of varsity men's and women's swimming teams. Awards are determined by the Director of Athletics in accordance with policies and procedures of Central Connecticut State University, the Northeast Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

The John Webster Scholarship supports students in the Central Men's Soccer and Track programs.

The Zangara Family Scholarship provides athletic grants-in-aid to members of the intercollegiate football team who are residents of the state of New Jersey. In years when there are no members of the football team from New Jersey, the scholarship may be awarded to any member of the football team, regardless of residence. Recipients must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the University and must be active members of football team for the period when the award is granted.

Health & Rehabilitation Sciences

The Kim Bailey Nursing Scholarship is awarded to senior undergraduate Nursing majors in good academic standing with financial need and a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Rose S. Bernhardt and G. Keith Bernhardt Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in nursing.

The Dr. Antone B. Capitao Endowed Fund supports the equipment and program needs of the Biomechanics Laboratory in the School of Education. In addition, funds will are allocated to support Physical Education Skills equipment purchases, specifically for badminton and gymnastics. The coordinator of the Biomechanics Laboratory and the Chair of the Physical Education Human Performance department, in consultation with the Dean of the School of Education, shall determine expenditures.

The Carolyn Louise Cistulli Scholarship is awarded to Central students from either Waterbury or Bristol, Connecticut, majoring in Nursing or Education. Recipients must be in good academic standing with at least a 2.8 GPA. The scholarship is potentially renewable provided students maintain that GPA.

The Catherine J. Fellows Scholarship is awarded to students who are outstanding in their dance performance and excel in their participation in Dance Education and have thereby enhanced the quality of the University's dance program.

The C. J. Huang Trust Scholarship is awarded to U.S. and international students in various academic divisions of the University, particularly the School of Education, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, the School of Business, and the Graduate Studies at Central.

The Paul L. Jones Scholarship provides support for matriculated students enrolled in the Health and Human Services program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student must have graduated from a Connecticut high school and currently reside in Connecticut. Preference is given to full-time students. Students must submit a narrative statement which includes financial need and personal/professional goals, a current resume, and academic transcripts.

Provides scholarships to students who have been accepted into the nursing program at Central Connecticut State University. Students must be a junior or senior in good academic standing. Students must have demonstrated financial need and consideration will be given to those with the greatest need.

Carl F. Krein Athletic Training Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in the Athletic Training professional program with a University GPA of 2.70 or better and a GPA of 2.70 or better in the Athletic Training professional program who (i) have completed two or more semesters of athletic training clinical experiences and (ii) provide evidence of community service, student leadership.

Provides support to full-time, matriculated undergraduate students in the Physical Education and Human Performance Department. Recipients must be Juniors or Seniors with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and have demonstrated leadership and service to the University through active participation in student organizations or other leadership activities.

The Jim Marcelynas RN146 Endowed Scholarship is awarded to students in the Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) program who have completed their fifth semester and have a 3.50 GPA or higher. Recipients must demonstrate the values of the DNAP program including integrity, excellence, wellness, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Qualified students should embrace those values, while displaying leadership, professionalism, critical thinking and encouraging a sense of community. Scholarship recipients will be chosen by the full-time DNAP faculty.

The David De Nuccio Graduate Scholarship recognizes outstanding performance by graduate students in the Central Department of Biological Sciences. These awards are for the most worthy graduate students in each of the three majors: M.A. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences-Anesthesia, as determined by the faculty.

The Demetra Daniel Perrelli Dance Scholarship provides scholarship support for Dance majors at the university.

The Emily Pirog Athletic Training Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in the Athletic Training professional program with a University GPA of 2.70 or better and a GPA of 2.70 or better in the Athletic Training program who (i) have completed two or more semesters of athletic training clinical experiences and (ii) provide evidence of community service, student leadership in professional organizations, and/or attendance at professional conferences at the university, state, regional, or national level.

The Schain Family Endowment Fund provides scholarships and other support for matriculated students in the Marriage and Family Therapy Program.

The Dr. Zulma R. Toro Scholarship is awarded to matriculated Central undergraduate students in good academic standing who are participating or have participated in a University-sponsored community engagement activity.  Preference shall be given to students majoring in Nursing and Social Work.  In years when there are no eligible candidates, the scholarship may be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing who are majoring in Elementary Education.

The Estelle Jones Triarhos Scholarship is awarded to students who are outstanding in their dance performance and participation and have thereby enhanced the quality of the University's dance program.


The Adeline Bianchi Scholarship provides funds for scholarships to matriculated, full- or part-time Business Administration Students majoring in Accounting with a minimum grade point average of 3.2. The award(s) may be used toward tuition and fees and other educational expenses, such as books. The awards may not be applied to room and board charges. The award may be renewed provided the recipient(s) maintain a GPA of 3.2 or above.

Provides scholarships for Central students majoring in Finance. Qualified applicants will have completed 60 credits and have a GPA of 3.5 or above.

The Business Education Alumni Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students majoring in Management Information Systems.

The Frank Cannata Scholarship provides a prize for a student majoring in accounting who has achieved the highest four-year overall grade point average. Evidence of need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.

The Conry Asset Management Scholarship supports full-time, matriculated Finance majors who hold Junior standing and a GPA of 3.2 of higher. Recipients must maintain good academic standing for the duration of the award, which may be renewable. Financial need, as determined by the University, may also be considered at the discretion of the University.

The Ed and Grace Creed Scholarship provides awards to full-time matriculated undergraduate students with a minimum of 30 hours of earned academic credit at the University who demonstrate a lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education, thereby financing educational costs through full and part-time employment. Preference will be given to students pursuing academic majors in the School of Business or the School of Engineering, Science and Technology. Recipients must be Connecticut residents.

The David Fearon - Juran Institute Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated sophomores or juniors at the University who have distinguished themselves by continually demonstrating a desire to learn beyond today's conventions of management thought and practice, by their passion for customer success, and by their excellence as a student in all courses undertaken through a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher.

The Flynn Family Scholarship is awarded to full- and part-time matriculated undergraduate and graduate students majoring in one of the Business disciplines who demonstrate promise in entrepreneurial careers in business and industry, new venture creation, or managing family-owned or other small business enterprises. Preference shall be given to students with financial need. Initially the scholarship is non-renewable, but it may be expanded to a renewable scholarship at such time as earnings from the Fund become sufficient to support multiple awards.

The Fote Family Scholarship is awarded to students based on academic achievement and financial need. Recipients must be currently enrolled full-time, matriculated undergraduate or graduate students or students who have been accepted for enrollment as full-time, matriculated undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Business.

The Gianaris Family Scholarship provides scholarships to full-time, matriculated undergraduate student majoring in any discipline within the School of Business, or School of Engineering, Science and Technology. Ideally, the recipients will have demonstrated leadership and service to the University through active participation in Intercollegiate Athletics, or other leadership development activities. Preference shall be given to students who have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00, though the faculty selection committee may, at its discretion, make an award to a student whose GPA is below 3.00 if the student meets the other criteria.

The Dr. Patricia Hall Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Finance.

The C. J. Huang Trust Scholarship is awarded to U.S. and international students in various academic divisions of the University, particularly the School of Education, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, the School of Business, and the Graduate Studies at Central.

Dr. Anna L. Eckersley Johnson Memorial Fund Scholarship is awarded to matriculated full- and part-time students majoring in any discipline within the Central School of Business who are engaged in academic studies that are international or global in nature or in global community activities that enhance their academic experience.

The Kerzner Family Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in any program offered by the university with a preference given to School of Business students or its successor at the university. Qualified recipients shall (a) have a minimum of 30 semester hours of academic credits; (b) be in good academic and disciplinary standing; (c) have worked part or full-time to help finance higher education costs; and (d) have demonstrated quality of service, leadership and academic achievement.

The Middlesex Mutual Scholarship is awarded to juniors in the School of Business who express a commitment to pursuing careers in the insurance field. Recipients must be US citizens and permanent residents of Connecticut, have a minimum cumulative average of 3.0, and demonstrate a record of involvement in campus activities. Preference will be given to students who transfer from Middlesex Community College.

The William and Patricia Panetta Scholarship is awarded to incoming, first year or currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students at the University who aspire to careers in business or public history. Recipients must be: (1) incoming pre-business or currently enrolled business students, full- or part-time, with any major or minor within the School of Business with financial need or (2) incoming or currently enrolled public history majors or minors, full- or part-time, also with financial need. Scholarships may be renewed until recipients have graduated as long as they remain eligible.

The Paul K. Rogers Scholarship is awarded to one or more full-time first-year or full-time continuing undergraduate students majoring in one of the fields identified below who have financial need as determined by the University’s established process for making this determination. Recipients shall be pursuing one of the following majors: Manufacturing Management, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Technology, or one of the Business disciplines (e.g., Accounting, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing). The recipient(s) must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Scholarships may be used for tuition, room, board, or other direct educational expenses, such as books.

The A. Todd Sagraves Scholarship provides scholarships to incoming first-year or currently enrolled undergraduate students majoring in Education or Business with special consideration given to those who have participated in DECA or are non-traditional.

The Virginia C. Vollenweider Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business and graduate students in any field.

This fund was established to provide scholarship support to students in the Business Education Graduate Certification Program.

The Michael J. Witty Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in accounting, with preference given to students who demonstrate special ability and an interest in taxation.


Pauline M. Alt Teacher Education Scholarship - Recipient must be a full-time matriculated undergraduate student at Central with 30 hours of earned academic credit and a minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to students(a) who are majoring in elementary education or international education,(b) who are Connecticut residents, and(c) who present evidence of financial need. The scholarship may be renewed annually provided the recipient continues as a full-time student and earns the required minimum cumulative grade point average.

The Nancy Antonez Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in any program leading to teacher certification in Connecticut.

The Thomasina L. Arena Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in any program leading to teacher certification in Connecticut.

The Justus Beach Scholarship is awarded to students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who are enrolled in one of the University's teacher preparation programs.

The Beyard-Ellis Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship provides support to assist students in Central's doctor of education degree program (Ed.D.) with the development and completion of their dissertation.

The Esther Murray Clarke Scholarship is awarded to students in the School of Education's Elementary Education Teacher Preparation Program who have completed the sophomore year with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Applicants shall be accepted to the Professional Program leading to certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Class of 1940 Scholarship provides scholarship support for juniors or seniors in good academic standing in any teacher preparation program.

The Class of 1953 Scholarship provides support for undergraduate students preparing for careers in teaching (early childhood, elementary, or secondary education). Recipients must have achieved an overall grade point average of 3.0 at the end of their sophomore year of study (minimum 60 semester hours earned), have a record of University and or community service, be a student in good standing, and have the recommendation of the Central faculty regarding motivation, academic achievement and potential for teaching.

The Class of 1954 Scholarship provides support for undergraduate students preparing for careers in teaching (early childhood, elementary, or secondary education). Recipients must have achieved an overall grade point average of 3.0 at the end of their sophomore year of study (minimum 60 semester hours earned), have a record of University and or community service, be a student in good standing, and have the recommendation of the Central faculty regarding motivation, academic achievement and potential for teaching.

The Class of 1962 Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in any program leading to teacher certification in Connecticut.

The Sidney L. Cramer and Beatrice Kovner Cramer Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in any of the University's academic programs leading to public school teacher certification. The scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest cumulative grade point average at the conclusion of the Junior year.

The Elene S. Demos Scholarship Fund provides scholarships and program support for Central's educational efforts in Jamaica.

The Ann C. Denault Scholarship provides scholarship support for matriculated students admitted to a professional program in Education. Preference will be given to qualified students who were graduated from one of the high schools in Waterbury, Connecticut and/or qualified students in the Literacy, Elementary, and Early Childhood Education program.

The Frank & Cecile Fiederlein Scholarship is awarded to full-time matriculated undergraduate students who are enrolled in any program leading to public school teacher certification. Students shall be accepted to the Professional Program leading to certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Robert J. and Anita H. Fitzsimmons and Family Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Education. Recipients must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 and hold Junior standing at the time of application.

The M. DeLott Garber Scholarship is awarded to junior education majors with a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average. Evidence of need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.

The Geary Memorial Scholarship is awarded to juniors majoring in Elementary Education or Special Education and/or juniors majoring in Engineering Technology. Minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average required for eligibility. Scholarship should be awarded to sophomore students going into junior year. Recipients are eligible for renewal in senior year if minimum grade point average is maintained.

The William and Mary Hilliker Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with preference given to candidates who are preparing for a teaching career in any STEM-related areas.

The C. J. Huang Trust Scholarship is awarded to U.S. and international students in various academic divisions of the University, particularly the School of Education, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, the School of Business, and the Graduate Studies at Central.

The Charles and Linda Jones Scholarship provides one or more scholarships in the name of Charles "C.J." Jones Jr. to matriculated graduate students enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to a Master's degree. As a pre-condition for eligibility, students shall have successfully completed one of the University's programs aimed at providing educational access and opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students. Recipients shall also have earned the Bachelor's degree from the University. Should there be no eligible graduate students, the scholarship may be awarded to an outstanding Senior or Junior level undergraduate student in EOP, CONNCAP or similar program.

The fund also provides one or more scholarships in the name of Linda M. Jones to undergraduate students from New Britain, Connecticut enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to public school teacher certification at the elementary school level (kindergarten to grade six.) Students shall be accepted to the Professional Program leading to certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Richard L. and Nancy F. Judd Scholarship Fund supports scholarships for matriculated graduate students in the department of Special Education and Interventions. Preference shall be given to Special Education and Intervention majors who are recognized for outstanding contributions to the greater New Britain community. Recipients must maintain good academic standing for the duration of the award, which may be renewable. Financial need, as determined by the University, may also be considered at the discretion of the University.

The G. Wesley Ketcham Scholarship is awarded to a full-time junior or senior in technology education who shows promise of becoming an outstanding technology education teacher.

The Arthur H. & Catherine B. Kevorkian Scholarship Fund is awarded to students who are preparing for careers in teaching at the elementary or secondary school levels. A student receiving the scholarship as a Junior may receive the scholarship as a Senior provided the recipient remains a matriculated student in good academic standing.

The James A. and Mary Hayes Lord Scholarship is awarded to full-time juniors or seniors in the School of Education and the School of Engineering, Science & Technology who have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

The Ruth Schlichting Kossyta Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students accepted to the Professional Program who are preparing for careers in elementary or secondary school teaching.

The Lester Levine Scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors majoring in education who hold a minimum cumulative average of 2.5.

The Lindgren Family Scholarship provides support for full-time or part-time matriculated graduate students enrolled in any of the Department of Educational Leadership and Instructional Technology's academic programs. Recipients shall be selected based on their potential for success in educational leadership and on documented financial need (as determined by institutional methodology). Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have completed a minimum of 12 credits in planned program of study in Educational Leadership. The Faculty of the Department may add further selection criteria to the above in order to enhance the selection process.

The Donald Linner Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The Florence Widger Lohse Scholarship provides scholarship support for education majors.

The William McInerney/Class of 1938 Scholarship is awarded to junior or senior students in good academic standing enrolled in any teacher preparation program.

The Ann W. McMann Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated education majors with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Incoming first-year students are not eligible.

The Frank J. Rio Scholarship is awarded to the full-time, junior level, undergraduate student with the highest cumulative GPA studying for a degree leading to public school teacher certification in the natural sciences.

The Graciette Maria Simao Rosa Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in any of the University's teacher preparation programs.

The A. Todd Sagraves Scholarship provides scholarships to incoming first-year or currently enrolled undergraduate students majoring in Education or Business with special consideration given to those who have participated in DECA or are non-traditional.

The Irene M. Sarges Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The Robert E. Sheridan Scholarship is awarded to a new or continuing full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate student majoring in a discipline within the School of Education. Continuing students must hold a GPA of 3.00 or better.

The Jane Rogers Statchen Education Scholarship is awarded to full-time Early Childhood Education majors who are members of an underrepresented group and have demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students who graduated from Bristol Eastern High School in Bristol, CT and first-generation students.

The Paul J. Sorbo, Jr. Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students who have been accepted for admission to the University in the fall semester following their graduation from Windsor High School. Applicants are expected to pursue a degree leading to certification on any of the University's teacher preparation programs.

The Tansey Trust Scholarship is awarded to students in the University's School of Education who are preparing for careers in teaching.

Provides scholarship support for students in the University's School of Education who are preparing for careers in teaching.

The William and Josephine (Bertino) Tansey Math Education Scholarship is awarded to full-time juniors or seniors majoring in mathematics education (mathematics teacher preparation.) Priority will be given to students who are Connecticut residents, though students from other states are eligible to receive this scholarship.

The Dr. Zulma R. Toro Scholarship is awarded to matriculated Central undergraduate students in good academic standing who are participating or have participated in a University-sponsored community engagement activity.  Preference shall be given to students majoring in Nursing and Social Work.  In years when there are no eligible candidates, the scholarship may be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing who are majoring in Elementary Education.

The Virginia C. Vollenweider Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business and graduate students in any field.

The Barbara Zapatka Scholarship provides scholarships to graduates of New Britain High School enrolled in a Secondary Education program leading to certification in Biology. Candidates shall have earned a minimum of 24 credit hours at the University and have financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference shall be given to members of an underrepresented group in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central Women's Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women.

The John Zubretsky Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in an academic program leading to public school science teacher certification.

The Dr. Bonita B. Franks ’60, ’62 Endowed Education Scholarship is awarded to junior or senior Education majors in good academic standing with financial need.  Recipients must possess a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

Engineering, Science & Technology

The Carmine J. Abate Sr. Scholarship provides support for students: (1) who graduate from New Britain High School; (2) who participated in varsity football at the high school; and (3) who meet all entrance requirements for admission to the University as a first-time, full-time, matriculated undergraduate. Preference will be given to applicants who major in Construction Management or Civil Engineering.

The Abraham Family Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated, undergraduate students majoring in Computer Electronics and Graphics Technology.

The Carol A. Ammon Endowment Fund provides scholarship support to students who are currently enrolled as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students or students who have been accepted for enrollment as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students in the Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences and the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at the University. Preference is given to Junior and Senior undergraduate students and Graduate students who maintain at least a 3.00 GPA per semester, complete a full-time course load each semester (12 semester hours for undergraduate students and 9 semester hours for graduate students), and those who have financial need.

The Jack Arute, Sr. Scholarship is awarded to graduates of New Britain High or E.C. Goodwin Technical School who have been accepted to Central and declared a major in Civil Engineering Technology or Construction Technology. Candidates must have an SAT score of 1000 or higher, rank in the top third of their graduating class, and have demonstrated leadership in extracurricular or community activities.

The Stuart Bennett Construction Fund provides support for the acquisition of technology and equipment for the Construction Management program, as well as support for field trips, speakers, student clubs, and program enhancements.

The Anthony and Helen G. Bichum Scholarship provides support for full-time undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at the University. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic performance and financial need.

The Stephen and Marie Burg Scholarship is awarded to junior or senior level students in the School of Engineering, Science & Technology. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Nominees shall show evidence of outstanding academic and career potential. Financial need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.

The Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) Construction Law Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students enrolled in the Construction Management or Civil Engineering Technology degree programs. Continuing students shall have completed a minimum of 15 semester hours in residence at Central with an earned GPA of 3.0 or higher. The award may also be given to incoming first-year students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in high school and on the SAT exam with evidence of planning, design, management or supervisory experience in field operations of building or heavy/highway construction projects.

The William Chatfield Scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors majoring in Technology Education with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

The Sue Ann Collins Scholarship is awarded to underrepresented students majoring in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with preference given to candidates who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central’s Women’s Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women, or any university initiative dedicated to preparing women for STEM-related careers. Candidates shall have earned a minimum of 24 credits at the University and maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

The Dominic and Laurette Costanzo Scholarship Fund provides support for incoming and continuing undergraduate students with financial need majoring in Computer Electronics and Graphic Technology. Preference will be given to students who are residents of New Britain and students with a demonstrated record of extra-curricular activities.

The Ed and Grace Creed Scholarship provides awards to full-time matriculated undergraduate students with a minimum of 30 hours of earned academic credit at the University who demonstrate a lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education, thereby financing educational costs through full and part-time employment. Preference will be given to students pursuing academic majors in the School of Business or the School of Engineering, Science and Technology. Recipients must be Connecticut residents.

The Michael J. D'Amato Fund supports full-time students enrolled in the Construction Management program.

The David De Nuccio Graduate Scholarship recognizes outstanding performance by graduate students in the Central Department of Biological Sciences. These awards are for the most worthy graduate students in each of the three majors: M.A. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences-Anesthesia, as determined by the faculty.

The Dr. William J. Driscoll and Linda M. Ober Scholarship is awarded to matriculated junior and senior undergraduate students enrolled in the mathematics department or its successor department. Recipients must be in good standing and possess a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. In years when there are no qualified candidates, scholarships may be awarded to junior or senior students in any program offered by the Mathematical Sciences Department, or its successor department.

The Duffy Family Scholarship is awarded to a continuing student in the School Engineering, Science & Technology who shows evidence of outstanding academic and career potential, or an incoming first-year student with high academic achievement. Financial need may be considered at the discretion of the faculty.

The John Eismont and Anna Sielawko Engineering Scholarship Fund was established to support scholarship awards for undergraduates in good academic standing who are pursuing studies in Engineering at Central.

The Geary Memorial Scholarship is awarded to juniors majoring in Elementary Education or Special Education and/or juniors majoring in Engineering Technology. Minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average required for eligibility. Scholarship should be awarded to sophomore students going into junior year. Recipients are eligible for renewal in senior year if minimum grade point average is maintained.

The Gianaris Family Scholarship provides scholarships to full-time, matriculated undergraduate student majoring in any discipline within the School of Business, or School of Engineering, Science and Technology. Ideally, the recipients will have demonstrated leadership and service to the University through active participation in Intercollegiate Athletics, or other leadership development activities. Preference shall be given to students who have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00, though the faculty selection committee may, at its discretion, make an award to a student whose GPA is below 3.00 if the student meets the other criteria.

The J. Thomas Gugerty Endowed Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated undergraduate students majoring in Robotics and Mechatronics, Engineering Technology, or Computer Engineering Technology. Students must have earned a minimum of 30 credits and a GPA of at least 2.75. Preference may be given to students participating in an experiential learning opportunity at Edmunds Gages and to students with financial need.

The Hartford Chapter CSI Scholarship is awarded to a first-year student whose academic and career interests are in the area of construction management or civil engineering technology and who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in high school and on the SAT exam.

The Helen Ivanowsky Johnson and Richard E. Johnson Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated undergraduate students enrolled in the Technology and Engineering Education degree program. Recipients shall be formally admitted to the Professional Program leading to public school teacher certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Carol A. Jones Scholarship is awarded to full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate students majoring in Biochemistry who hold at least Sophomore standing and have achieved a GPA of 3.00 or higher.

The William and Mary Hilliker Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, with preference given to candidates who are preparing for a teaching career in any STEM-related areas.

The Raymond and Theresa Kalber Family Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to underrepresented students majoring in Mathematics, with preference given to candidates who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central’s Women’s Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women, or any university initiative dedicated to preparing women for STEM-related careers. Candidates shall have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have financial need as determined by the University’s standard methodology.

The Rene E. Karas-Johnson ’96 and Frederick M. Johnson, Jr. ’93, ‘00 Family Endowed Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate Construction Management or Management Information Systems majors with demonstrated financial need. 

The KBE Building Corporation Scholarship in Honor of Kenneth Russo is awarded to full-time, matriculated undergraduates enrolled in the Construction Management Program. Recipients shall have a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 and be active in or have been honorably discharged from one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines) or the Connecticut National Guard.

The G. Wesley Ketcham Scholarship is awarded to a full-time junior or senior in technology education who shows promise of becoming an outstanding technology education teacher.

The Phil Kurze Memorial Scholarship is awarded to full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate and/or graduate students pursuing any discipline offered by the School of Engineering, Science, and Technology.

The Lincoln Mongillo Scholarship is awarded to a full-time matriculated undergraduate student with a minimum of 30 credit hours earned and a minimum GPA of 2.75. Recipients must be declared majors in construction management or civil/construction engineering technology. Preference will be given to students who are residents of Southington, CT.

The Donald Linner Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The James A. and Mary Hayes Lord Scholarship is awarded to full-time juniors or seniors in the School of Education and the School of Engineering, Science & Technology who have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average.

The Martinsen Scholarship is awarded to students in any technology major in good academic standing who present evidence of financial need.

The Miano Memorial Scholarship is awarded to junior level students chosen alternately from science or mathematics majors and arts or humanities majors who hold a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

The Northrop Grumman Scholarship is awarded to junior or senior students in the School of Engineering, Science & Technology based on scholastic achievement and character. Recipients who are junior students must be considered for renewal provided scholastic achievement is satisfactorily maintained. This scholarship was formerly known as the Litton Industries Scholarship.

The Brian M. O'Connell Fund provides support for an annual lecture by recognized scholar-practitioners in computer science, engineering and technology, philosophy, law, music and other fields of study and for an annual scholarship to a matriculated student attending the University.

The AVNA Scholarship provides support to students in the School of Engineering, Science & Technology. Student must meet the following criteria: (1) be a U.S. citizen; (2) declare a major in mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering technology, manufacturing engineering technology or industrial technology with manufacturing specialization; (3) must have earned between 50 and 60 semester hours of academic credits in residence at the University; and (4) have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

The Raymond Perreault, Jr. Scholarship is awarded to senior Construction Management majors with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in courses within the major. Recipient must be a Connecticut resident with a record of active participation in extra-curricular activities related to Construction Management.

The Paul J. Resetarits & Family Scholarship is awarded to continuing Manufacturing and Construction Management majors who are student athletes or who will participation in a course abroad or semester- or year-long study abroad program during the academic year in which the award is made. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 2.7.  Financial need, as determined by the University, may also be considered at the discretion of the University.

The Paul K. Rogers Scholarship is awarded to one or more full-time first-year or full-time continuing undergraduate students majoring in one of the fields identified below who have financial need as determined by the University’s established process for making this determination. Recipients shall be pursuing one of the following majors: Manufacturing Management, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Technology, or one of the Business disciplines (e.g., Accounting, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing). The recipient(s) must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00. Scholarships may be used for tuition, room, board, or other direct educational expenses, such as books.

The Irene M. Sarges Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The Matthew W. Schall Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Construction Management with 26 or more credit hours earned and evidence of financial need.

The Timothy D. Shine Scholarship is awarded to an incoming first-year student or a continuing student majoring in Chemistry.

The Anthony Teixeira Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students in the Construction Management program.

The Thomas J. Vasko Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students or currently enrolled students at the University who are full-time, matriculated undergraduates majoring in engineering with an earned cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

The Virginia C. Vollenweider Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business and graduate students in any field.

The Fu-Shang Wei Scholarship is awarded to full-time, matriculated undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Technology who have an earned cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

The Barbara Zapatka Scholarship provides scholarships to graduates of New Britain High School enrolled in a Secondary Education program leading to certification in Biology. Candidates shall have earned a minimum of 24 credit hours at the University and have financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference shall be given to members of an underrepresented group in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program who have exhibited leadership qualities as demonstrated by participation in a program or initiative sponsored by the Central Women's Center or Committee on the Concerns of Women.


Made possible by a generous gift from Kenneth G. Fuller, the Fuller Endowment supports endowed professorships, scholarships, and programmatic enhancements in such a manner as the University President deems best.

The Alumni Association Scholarship is awarded to the children, grandchildren, and siblings of Central graduates or its predecessor institutions who are matriculated undergraduate students at Central with 24 hours of earned academic credit and a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. Recipients must be registered for at least 6 credits in the semester to which the scholarship is being applied. Student must demonstrate qualities of service, leadership and academic achievement.

The Barnes & Noble Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need, or at the discretion of the University President, to meet an area of greatest need.

The Helen Bichum Trust provides scholarships for students from New Britain or the contiguous towns who are pursuing bachelors or higher degrees (i.e. graduate or professional) at the University.

The Ruthe Boyea Scholarship is awarded to a matriculated undergraduate or graduate student with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and with promise of outstanding academic and career potential. Financial need may be considered at the direction of the committee.

The Elihu Burritt Family Scholarship is awarded to full-time matriculated undergraduate students who: (1) are enrolled and in good standing at Central; (2) have a GPA of 3.0 or better; (3) are engaged in academic assignments which will require them to make use of the resources of the Elihu Burritt Library and, in particular, the Elihu Burritt Collection; and (4) can demonstrate how Elihu Burritt is central to the academic assignment.

The Anthony and Bonnie J. Cascio Scholarship is awarded to matriculated, full- or part-time, undergraduate or graduate students. The Scholarship may be used for tuition, room, board, or other direct educational expenses, such as books.

The CSEA-Glennen Scholarship is awarded to dependents of classified staff members who meet the following criteria: matriculated, undergraduate first-year and continuing students, studying full- or part-time. Continuing students must hold a GPA of 3.0 or better.

The Friends of NBHS Football Scholarship is awarded to students who have graduated from New Britain High School, participated in varsity football at the high school, and who have successfully completed one semester of full-time undergraduate study at Central. Recipients shall have earned at least 15 semester hours of credit with a minimum GPA of 2.50. The scholarship is non-renewable.

The Foundation Scholars Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students who rank in the top 25% of their graduating class and have achieved a minimum of 1100 on the SAT.

This fund is currently under development.

The Gigliotti Family Scholarship is awarded to graduates of New Britain High School who are matriculated at Central, hold a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher and are active in an officially-recognized student club or organization.

The Doris Honig-Guenter and Raymond A. Guenter Scholarship is awarded to full-time or part-time, matriculated undergraduate students with a minimum of 30 credits earned at Central who have financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office using federal and/or institutional methodology.

The James A. and Mary Hayes Lord Scholarship provides scholarship support for matriculated first-year and continuing students in good academic standing on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.

The C.J. Huang General Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need, or at the discretion of the University President, to meet an area of greatest need.

The Dr. Mong Koo Chung/Hyundai Motor Company Scholarship is awarded to high-achieving students engaged in full-time study, as well as students from Central studying at Korean universities and students from Korean universities studying at Central.

The Ki Hoon Kim Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students with preference given to: (1) students from Korea or Japan or of Korean, Japanese, or Korean-Japanese descent and (2) any Central student engaged in a Central study abroad program to Japan or Korea. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need. Should there be no qualified applicants in any given year, at the discretion of the University President or designee, scholarships may be awarded to any Central student with unmet need. Additionally, the fund may be used to provide travel support for Central faculty engaging in research in Japan or Korea and to support cross-cultural activities on campus.

The Patricia and Thomas Martucci Scholarship is awarded to first-time full-time undergraduate students who graduate from Rockville High School, or its successor institution. In years when there are no qualified candidates, the scholarship may be awarded at the discretion of the University, giving preference to past years' recipients who may still be enrolled.

The Justin McCarthy Scholarship is awarded to students who are residents of Connecticut and who are pursuing a career in transportation or logistics.

The Jack and Barbara Miller Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students with preference given to recruiting high academic ability first-year students. The scholarship may be awarded to incoming and continuing students and recipients may receive the scholarship more than once.

The Kevin C. Oliva Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students who exemplify persistence and kindness, two traits very close to Kevin Oliva’s heart. Recipients must maintain good academic standing for the duration of the award, which may be renewable. Financial need, as determined by the University, may also be considered at the discretion of the University.

The W. Terry Owens/Ann Murtha Scholarship is awarded to a New Britain High School graduating senior who participated in varsity football.

The Nancye Perry Scholarship provides scholarships for an area of greatest need, as determined by the University President.

The Pete and Pamela Greene Rosa Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated incoming first-year or transfer students from Bristol or New Britain, Connecticut.

The David Rybczyk Scholarship is awarded to students who graduated from Plainville High School, participated in or supported varsity athletics at the high school, and who have been accepted for admission as a full time, first-year, first-time student at Central Connecticut State University. The Scholarship is renewable for up to 8 semesters.

The John E. Smith Jr., Trust Scholarship provides scholarship awards for financially needy students.

The Otto Strobino Lions Memorial Scholarship is awarded to currently enrolled full-time matriculated undergraduate or graduate students from New Britain, in good academic standing, with financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference is given to students who are active in the community.

This fund is award to matriculated undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, as determined by the University’s normal process for determining financial need.

The Dr. Zulma R. Toro Scholarship is awarded to matriculated Central undergraduate students in good academic standing who are participating or have participated in a University-sponsored community engagement activity.  Preference shall be given to students majoring in Nursing and Social Work.  In years when there are no eligible candidates, the scholarship may be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing who are majoring in Elementary Education.

The Virginia Wicks Vidich Scholarship is awarded to students who have the underlying character and ability to be successful but whose personal, economic, or social circumstances have put them at risk. Priority will be given to: (1) students enrolled in a University program aimed at providing educational access and opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students; (2) students with families who are unemployed or underemployed and have returned to higher education after an absence of three or more years to upgrade their skills and enhance the quality of their lives; (3) international students with acute financial need; or (4) other students who present to the University compelling evidence of personal crisis which will hinder their ability to continue their pursuit of an undergraduate degree.

The Herbert D. Welte Scholarship is awarded to any new or continuing full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate student. Continuing students must hold a GPA of 3.00 or better.

The Welte Society Fund provides funds for special cultural programs to enrich and broaden the lives of Central's student, faculty and neighbors.


The Carol A. Ammon Endowment Fund provides scholarship support to students who are currently enrolled as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students or students who have been accepted for enrollment as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students in the Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences and the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at the University. Preference is given to Junior and Senior undergraduate students and Graduate students who maintain at least a 3.00 GPA per semester, complete a full-time course load each semester (12 semester hours for undergraduate students and 9 semester hours for graduate students), and those who have financial need.

The Barnes & Noble Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need, or at the discretion of the University President, to meet an area of greatest need.

The Beyard-Ellis Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship provides support to assist students in Central's doctor of education degree program (Ed.D.) with the development and completion of their dissertation.

The Anthony and Helen G. Bichum Scholarship provides support for full-time undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at the University. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic performance and financial need.

The Helen Bichum Trust provides scholarships for students from New Britain or the contiguous towns who are pursuing bachelors or higher degrees (i.e. graduate or professional) at the University.

The Stanislaus A. Blejwas Scholarship is awarded to a currently enrolled full-time undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates an interest in Polish issues. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in an interdisciplinary academic minor in Polish Studies or to a Central student who studies in Poland for a semester or a year.

The Class of 1959 Scholarship is awarded to matriculated graduate students enrolled in any of the University’s post-baccalaureate programs. Scholarships may be awarded based on academic performance or financial need. Recipients must be in good academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.00).

The David De Nuccio Graduate Scholarship recognizes outstanding performance by graduate students in the Central Department of Biological Sciences. These awards are for the most worthy graduate students in each of the three majors: M.A. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences; M.S. - Biological Sciences-Anesthesia, as determined by the faculty.

The Graduate Student Association Scholarship provides support for matriculated graduate students who have completed a minimum of 15 academic credits in residence at Central Connecticut State University, have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher and have demonstrated exemplary involvement and leadership in student or community service activities.

The C.J. Huang General Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need, or at the discretion of the University President, to meet an area of greatest need.

The C. J. Huang Trust Scholarship is awarded to U.S. and international students in various academic divisions of the University, particularly the School of Education, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, the School of Business, and the Graduate Studies at Central.

The Charles and Linda Jones Scholarship provides one or more scholarships in the name of Charles "C.J." Jones Jr. to matriculated graduate students enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to a Master's degree. As a pre-condition for eligibility, students shall have successfully completed one of the University's programs aimed at providing educational access and opportunity to economically disadvantaged or educationally underprivileged students. Recipients shall also have earned the Bachelor's degree from the University. Should there be no eligible graduate students, the scholarship may be awarded to an outstanding Senior or Junior level undergraduate student in EOP, CONNCAP or similar program.

The fund also provides one or more scholarships in the name of Linda M. Jones to undergraduate students from New Britain, Connecticut enrolled in one of the University's academic programs leading to public school teacher certification at the elementary school level (kindergarten to grade six.) Students shall be accepted to the Professional Program leading to certification as a precondition for eligibility.

The Richard L. & Nancy F. Judd Scholar-in-Residence Fund provides support for periodic residencies by recognized scholar-practitioners in educational leadership and other fields of study related to the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership.

The Ki Hoon Kim Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students with preference given to: (1) students from Korea or Japan or of Korean, Japanese, or Korean-Japanese descent and (2) any Central student engaged in a Central study abroad program to Japan or Korea. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need. Should there be no qualified applicants in any given year, at the discretion of the University President or designee, scholarships may be awarded to any Central student with unmet need. Additionally, the fund may be used to provide travel support for Central faculty engaging in research in Japan or Korea and to support cross-cultural activities on campus.

The Phil Kurze Memorial Scholarship is awarded to full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate and/or graduate students pursuing any discipline offered by the School of Engineering, Science, and Technology.

The Paulette Lemma Family and Friends Scholarship is awarded to matriculated full- or part-time graduate students who have completed nine credit hours in a graduate program, with no grade less than a B+ and an earned grade point average of 3.50 or higher. Applicants are expected to submit an essay on how they intend to use their degree to make a difference to their graduate field of study.

The Otto Strobino Memorial Scholarship is awarded to currently enrolled full-time matriculated undergraduate or graduate students from New Britain, in good academic standing, with financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference is given to students who are active in the community.

The Paul Schneider, MA 2021, MS 2023 & Bryan Garcia Scholarship is awarded to graduate students in geography / international studies, with an emphasis on Latin America, or if such a student is not identifiable, the award(s) may go to a graduate student, a rising junior, and / or a rising senior with an emphasis on Latin America (anthropology; business; geography; history; international studies; political science, etc.) and / or pursuing any area of interest in geography / international studies.

The William and Patricia Panetta Scholarship is awarded to incoming, first year or currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students at the University who aspire to careers in business or public history. Recipients must be: (1) incoming pre-business or currently enrolled business students, full- or part-time, with any major or minor within the School of Business with financial need or (2) incoming or currently enrolled public history majors or minors, full- or part-time, also with financial need. Scholarships may be renewed until recipients have graduated as long as they remain eligible.

The Peggy Parry Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled at the University who meet one or more of the following: (1) full-time, matriculated junior or senior undergraduate geography major who shows promise as a professional geographer; and/or (2) full-time matriculated undergraduate geography majors and/or full-and part-time matriculated graduate geography majors to present papers and otherwise participate in regional, national and international scholarly conferences in geography.

The Timothy J. Rickard Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled at the University who meet one or more of the following criteria: (1) junior undergraduate geography major who shows the greatest promise as a professional geographer, and/or (2) graduate and undergraduate geography major who is presenting a paper or otherwise participating in a regional, national and international scholarly conferences in geography.

The Virginia C. Vollenweider Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business and graduate students in any field.


The Antar-Fouhail Middle East Endowment Fund shall assist the Middle Eastern Studies Committee of the International Studies Program at Central in promoting the study and accurate portrayal of the geographical region known as the Middle East.

Louise Bulloch English, Jacob Thomas Bulloch, and Nancy Steele Bulloch Scholarship Scholarship is awarded to students studying abroad at an African university. Scholarships provided by this fund are awarded by the Center for International Education in conjunction with the Central Study Abroad Program.

The Professor Andrew Azukaego Moemeka Endowed Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are in good academic standing and have demonstrated a significant interest in Nigerian culture.

The Paul Hochstim Scholarship provides financial support for: (1) scholarly exchanges between German universities and Central Connecticut State University; (2) scholarships to academically superior students; (3) acquisition of scholarly materials; and (4) special seminars and colloquia related to German-American studies.

The C.J. Huang Chinese Student and Educational Development Fund provides support for the exchange of faculty and students with Ouyang Yu Experimental Middle School in Hunan Province, People's Republic of China.

The Dr. Mong Koo Chung/Hyundai Motor Company Scholarship is awarded to high-achieving students engaged in full-time study at Central, as well as students from Central studying at Korean universities and students from Korean universities studying at Central.

The Italian Studies Endowment Fund provides scholarships to: (1) students majoring or minoring in Italian, with preference given to those who have completed at least 6 credits that count toward fulfillment of the major or minor requirements; or (2) students majoring or minoring in Italian who are participating in a Central-sponsored Study Abroad program to Italy. The recipient(s) must have a minimum GPA of 3.00. Scholarships may be used for tuition, room and board, or other direct educational expenses, such as books or costs associated with a study abroad program that appears on the student's University bill.

Originally established to support faculty, administrative, and student exchange opportunities with Northwest Normal Teachers College, Cheongju University, Federal University Paraiba, and Sam Sharpe Teachers College, the James-Hauser Exchange Fund currently supports exchange opportunities in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East that are included in the strategic goals of the Center for International Education. Scholarships provided by this fund are awarded by the Center for International Education in conjunction with the Central Study Abroad Program.

Dr. Anna L. Eckersley Johnson Memorial Fund Scholarship is awarded to matriculated full- and part-time students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business who are engaged in academic studies that are international or global in nature or in global community activities that enhance their academic experience.

The Ki Hoon Kim Scholarship is awarded to first-year and currently enrolled full- or part-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students with preference given to: (1) students from Korea or Japan or of Korean, Japanese, or Korean-Japanese descent and (2) any Central student engaged in a Central study abroad program to Japan or Korea. Scholarships may be awarded on the basis of academic performance or financial need. Should there be no qualified applicants in any given year, at the discretion of the University President or designee, scholarships may be awarded to any Central student with unmet need. Additionally, the fund may be used to provide travel support for Central faculty engaging in research in Japan or Korea and to support cross-cultural activities on campus.

The Kwang Lim & Hesung Chun Koh Scholarship is awarded to Central students studying abroad in Korea and/or a student in any academic major studying Korea and/or the Korean diaspora. 

The Alice Lynch Scholarship Fund primarily supports students from underrepresented groups and students participating in international exchange programs. The fund also provides support for acquiring academic equipment, increasing library holdings, recruiting faculty, and retaining consultants. The fund may also be used to enhance the visibility of the university among its constituent communities by sponsoring faculty and staff travel to conferences and meetings, hosting university guests, and sponsoring visits to campus by persons of national and international prominence. The fund may also sponsor research which contributes to the existing body of knowledge or applied research which deals with practical application of theoretical knowledge.

The Dr. Norton Mezvinsky Middle East Studies Endowed Fund and aims to advance Middle East Studies at Central, while ensuring that Dr. Mezvinsky's vision continues to flourish. The fund supports guest lectures by renowned scholars and diplomats who engage in meaningful discussions on Middle East history, culture, or politics. The fund also provides scholarships for Central students studying any aspect of Middle East history or culture, or studying U.S. interactions of foreign policy that involves Middle East history or culture.

The George R. Muirhead Scholarship provides support for Central students who study abroad in Great Britain. Scholarships provided by this fund are awarded by the Center for International Education in conjunction with the Central Study Abroad Program.

The Yoko Niibo Scholarship provides support for exchanges of students between Central Connecticut State University and Japanese or Korean Universities. Scholarships provided by this fund are awarded by the Center for International Education in conjunction with the Central Study Abroad Program.

The Jewish/Israeli Heritage & Culture Fund provides scholarships and programmatic support to encourage the study of Jewish/Israeli heritage and culture including: (1) student scholarships; (2) support of programs that highlight Jewish/Israeli heritage and culture which attract members of the Jewish community to CCSU; (3) guest speakers on Jewish/Israeli topics of interest by the CCSU Hillel or faculty at the suggestion of the local Jewish community; (4) enhance the Elihu Burritt Library's holdings of educational materials on the Jewish religion and its history and culture; and (5) exchange scholarships with any Israeli universities with which the University signs a formal exchange agreement.

The Donald S. and Judith D. Waldman Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated under-graduate or graduate student in good academic standing interested in the Jewish history or culture, which may include the history of the State of Israel, or the Hebrew language. In years when there are no students who meet this criteria, scholarships may be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing who are minoring in Art History or students in any major or minor enrolled in an individual Art History course.

The H.G. Peter Wallach Scholarship is awarded to students who: (1) are majoring in political science; (2) have demonstrated an understanding of current issues in civil liberties and constitutional law; or (3) who will be engaging in study in Germany.

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

The Paul Altieri Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, and/or Sociology. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and at least 24 credits earned at the University. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (or its successor college) will, in consultation with the chairs of the departments named above, award scholarships based on the following criteria, in order of importance: (a) financial need; (b) academic record; and (c) service to the community or the University.

The Carol A. Ammon Endowment Fund provides scholarship support to students who are currently enrolled as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students or students who have been accepted for enrollment as full-time, matriculated undergraduate and graduate students in the Carol A. Ammon College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences and the School of Engineering, Science and Technology at the University. Preference is given to Junior and Senior undergraduate students and Graduate students who maintain at least a 3.00 GPA per semester, complete a full-time course load each semester (12 semester hours for undergraduate students and 9 semester hours for graduate students), and those who have financial need.

The Michele Deasy Fund provides support to: (1) purchase academic equipment or library holdings for use by the Honors Program; (2) fund stipends, honoraria, travel and accommodations for guest lecturers for the Honors Program; (3) fund representation expenses which enhance the visibility of the Honors Program among prospective students; (4) provide travel stipendsforr Honors Program students who represent the University at scholarly conferences and meetings.

The Baha G. El-Eid scholarship is awarded to full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate Political Science majors and/or full- or part-time matriculated undergraduate or graduate students majoring in International Studies with a concentration in Middle East Studies.

The June Baker Higgins Scholarship is awarded to a matriculated junior undergraduate student with a major or minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, who exhibits academic excellence and outstanding potential. A recipient of the scholarship, who maintains a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00, may be awarded the scholarship again for the senior year. In years when there is no qualified candidate who meets the aforementioned criteria, the scholarship may be awarded to promising undergraduate and graduate psychology majors to conduct research, present papers and participate in regional and/or national scholarly conferences in psychology.

The Mary, Aurea and Louis Gentile Scholarship is awarded to financially needy students majoring in history.

The Taylor A. Greene Scholarship is awarded to the winner of the Taylor A. Greene High School Prose Writing Contest who opts to attend Central Connecticut State University.

The Keith T. Hall Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students with financial need. Preference will be given to students majoring in Geography.

The Joyce and James Hanson Endowed History Scholarship provides scholarships to undergraduate students who have declared History as their major. Students must possess a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and demonstrate financial need.

The Donald Houldcroft Scholarship is awarded to low-income, economically and educationally disadvantaged students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as matriculated undergraduate students in the Carol A. Ammon School of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be graduates of an accredited public high school. Financial need will be determined by the University’s Office of Financial Aid in accordance with federal financial aid methodology. Students who have completed the Educational Opportunity Program, the Connecticut College Access Success Program or similar collegiate access program will be given preference.

The Curtis E. and Degi Jennings Scholarship is awarded to deserving students of Central Connecticut State University with preference to students majoring in the Liberal Arts.

The Elizabeth Lees Memorial Anthropology Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students majoring or minoring in Anthropology who demonstrate a commitment to the field of Anthropology. Preference will be given to students
who show evidence of their commitment to the field while burdened with an academic challenge that is causing a financial challenge.

The Lemega Family Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students at Central majoring in history, with a preference given to students in good academic standing who are studying public history or Latin American history.

The Fred M. Lougee Scholarship is awarded to students majoring or minoring in a modern language, who have completed at least 6 credits that count toward fulfillment of the major or minor requirements. Priority shall be given to students participating in a short- or long-term study abroad program during the year in which the funds are awarded. Recipient(s) must have a minimum GPA of 3.2. Scholarships may be used for tuition, room, board, or other direct educational expenses, such as books or costs associated with a study abroad program that appear on the student's University bill.

The Kevin M. Lynch, Ph.D. and Denise E. Lynch, Ph.D. Excellence in Humanities Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students majoring in one of the following humanities disciplines: Art; World Languages; Literatures and Cultures; History; Music; Philosophy; English; and Theatre who are in good academic standing, hold junior, senior or graduate student status, and excel in their studies as evidenced by a superior GPA in the major.

The Miano Memorial Scholarship is awarded to junior level students chosen alternately from science or mathematics majors and arts or humanities majors who hold a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

The World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Scholarship scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any language offered by the Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.

The Hughson Mooney Scholarship is awarded to matriculated, full-time, junior-level students majoring in History with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and a demonstrated lack of sufficient means to meet the cost of higher education and documented efforts to finance higher education costs through full- and part-time employment.

The Donald Linner Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The Brian M. O'Connell Fund provides support for an annual lecture by recognized scholar-practitioners in computer science, engineering and technology, philosophy, law, music and other fields of study and for an annual scholarship to a matriculated student attending the University.

The William and Patricia Panetta Scholarship is awarded to incoming, first year or currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students at the University who aspire to careers in business or public history. Recipients must be: (1) incoming pre-business or currently enrolled business students, full- or part-time, with any major or minor within the School of Business with financial need or (2) incoming or currently enrolled public history majors or minors, full- or part-time, also with financial need. Scholarships may be renewed until recipients have graduated as long as they remain eligible.

The Dr. Anastasios Papathanasis Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in Economics with a minimum of 15 credits in Economics who has demonstrated interest in Economics by contributing to either the University and/or community. Recipient of the scholarship must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00. The faculty may add further selection criteria to the above in order to enhance the selection process. The scholarship may be awarded more than once to the same recipient.

The Peggy Parry Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled at the University who meet one or more of the following: (1) full-time, matriculated junior or senior undergraduate geography major who shows promise as a professional geographer; andor (2) full-time matriculated undergraduate geography majors and/or full-and part-time matriculated graduate geography majors to present papers and otherwise participate in regional, national and international scholarly conferences in geography.

The Timothy J. Rickard Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled at the University fwho meet one or more of the following criteria: (1) junior undergraduate geography major who shows the greatest promise as a professional geographer, and/or (2) graduate and undergraduate geography major who is presenting a paper or otherwise participating in a regional, national and international scholarly conferences in geography.

The Rich Royster/Brittany Mariani Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Psychology.

The Irene M. Sarges Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students preparing to teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, Special Education, World Languages, or Technology Education. The recipient(s) must be admitted to the Professional Program and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00.

The Professor Ben Sevitch Communication Department Scholarship is awarded to the student majoring in Communication who starts the senior year with the highest cumulative grade point average. The recipient must have earned a minimum of 30 credits at Central prior to the senior year.

The Paul Schneider, MA 2021, MS 2023 and Bryan Garcia Scholarship is awarded to graduate students in geography/international studies, with an emphasis on Latin America, or if such a student is not identifiable, the awards may go to a graduate student, a rising junior, and/or a rising senior with an emphasis on Latin America (anthropology; business; geography; history; international studies; political science, etc.) and/or pursuing any area of interest in geography/international studies.

The Xiaoping Shen Scholarship supports students enrolled in the Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies (AAPIS) minor as well as graduate students majoring in Geography who elect the Thesis or Special Project as their capstone.


One or more scholarships shall be awarded to matriculated students who have declared a minor in Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies (AAPIS) as follows: (1) a $500 scholarship shall be awarded after the completion of nine credits in AAPIS including the core course (AAPI 110) and (2) a $1,000 scholarship shall be awarded after they have completed the minor (18 credits). All recipients receiving the scholarship referenced in (1) above shall have a GPA minimum of 2.5 overall and 2.7 in AAPIS. All recipients receiving the scholarship referenced in (2) above shall have a GPA minimum of 2.7 overall and 3.0 in AAPIS and must be enrolled in at least 2 credits during the semester in which the scholarship is applied. All recipients must submit a statement of approximately 150 words describing the student’s interest in the AAPIS.


One $1,000 scholarship shall be awarded to a matriculated graduate student in geography, who shows the greatest promise as a professional geographer. The student must have completed 21 graduate credits in geography, have the capstone proposal approved by the Graduate School, have a minimum GPA of 3.5, and have enrolled in Geog 599 Thesis or Geog 595 Special Project. The student must submit a statement of approximately 300 words describing their professional goals and a copy of the capstone approval letter from the Graduate School. The student must be enrolled in at least 2 credits during the semester in which the scholarship is applied.


The above awards shall be distributed annually. In years when there are no qualified candidates in one of the two categories above, all available funding may be awarded to students in the other category. In years when there are no qualified candidates at all, there will be no awards made for that year.

The Sodexo Scholarship is awarded to Central students who are Sodexho Campus Dining Student Associates in good standing with preference to Associates who are majoring in Tourism and Hospitality Studies.

The Evelyn Angela Szczygla Scholarship Fund is awarded to full-time matriculated undergraduate students who: (1) have enrolled in an academic major which prepare them for careers in journalism and communication; (2) have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better; and (3) show evidence of financial need.

The John & Nancy Tully Endowed History Scholarship is awarded to students admitted to the Honors Program who have declared History as their major and have demonstrated financial need. If, in a given year, there are no students meeting these criteria, then scholarships will be awarded to History BSED students in good academic standing who have demonstrated financial need.

The Vigdor Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior in Economics who has been accepted for graduate studies at an accredited college or university.

The Virginia C. Vollenweider Scholarship is awarded to students majoring in any discipline within the School of Business and graduate students in any field.

The Paul Vouras Scholarship supports a prize for the graduating Social Science student majoring in geography, sociology, political science, economics or history, who has the highest cumulative grade point average entering their final semester.

The Donald S. and Judith D. Waldman Endowed Scholarship is awarded to matriculated under-graduate or graduate student in good academic standing interested in the Jewish history or culture, which may include the history of the State of Israel, or the Hebrew language. In years when there are no students who meet this criteria, scholarships may be awarded to matriculated undergraduate students in good academic standing who are minoring in Art History or students in any major or minor enrolled in an individual Art History course.

The H.G. Peter Wallach Scholarship is awarded to students who: (1) are majoring in political science; (2) have demonstrated an understanding of current issues in civil liberties and constitutional law; or (3) who will be engaging in study in Germany.

Gavin M. Zambruski was born in Falls Church, Virginia and raised in Cheshire, Connecticut, graduating from Cheshire High School as a member of the Class of 2001. He furthered his education at Central Connecticut State University and Louisiana State University obtaining his undergraduate and Masters Degrees. He was a Correction Officer with Cheshire Correctional Institution and was a steward of the Cheshire Correctional Complex Employees AFSCME Local 387.

Gavin passed away in June 2019 at the age of 36. The Gavin M. Zambruski Scholarship Fund was established in his memory and provides scholarships for incoming students with financial need majoring in Criminology.

Leadership & Service

The Pauline M. Alt Women's Re-entry and Leadership Scholarship provides scholarships to matriculated undergraduate students at Central with 15 hours of earned academic credit and a minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average. Preference will be given to women (a) who have returned to higher education following an absence of three or more years, (b) who have a demonstrated record of leadership community service and in advancing issues which support the enhancement of women, (c) who are Connecticut residents, and (d) who present evidence of financial need. The scholarship may be renewed annually provided the recipient continues as a matriculated student and earns the required minimum cumulative grade point average.

The APO Scholarship is awarded to students who have a demonstrated record of service to the applicant's community and school and show evidence of leadership in civic and school activities, good academic standing at either high school or collegiate level, and financial need.

The Peter J. Berry & Suzanne Chaffee Berry Scholarship is awarded to student leaders at Central Connecticut State University who intend to enter non-profit, government service or business upon graduation. Recipients must be able to demonstrate leadership qualities through involvement in student government or other campus activities.

The Michael D'Amico/Class of 1998 Scholarship is awarded to a full-time, undergraduate student with demonstrated involvement and leadership in student activities. Preference will be given to a student with documented efforts to finance higher education costs through full- or part-time employment.

The Graduate Student Association Scholarship provides support for matriculated graduate students who have completed a minimum of 15 academic credits in residence at Central Connecticut State University, have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher and have demonstrated exemplary involvement and leadership in student or community service activities.

The Cynthia Guertin Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students who put their personal convictions, whether of faith or other deeply held values, to work in their lives in very palpable ways, and use their gifts in the service of others, whether in their families or in their larger communities. Applicants must be enrolled, either full-time or part-time, at Central in either semester of the academic year following the scholarship award, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7, and must have completed at least 60 credits by the end of the Spring semester in the year in which they apply for the scholarship.

The H. B. Jestin Fund provides support for scholarly and professional growth activities of faculty, staff and students.

The Anna Bubser Judd Scholarship is awarded to students from Hartford or West Hartford, Connecticut with evidence of academic achievement, community involvement, demonstrated leadership, and commitment to diversity. First-year students must place in the top 40% of their graduating class or have a combined SAT of 1,000 or more. Transfer students must have a minimum of 30 credits and a 2.7 cumulative average. Students must be enrolled full-time for the award period.

The KBE Building Corporation Scholarship in Honor of Kenneth Russo is awarded to full-time, matriculated undergraduates enrolled in the Construction Management Program. Recipients shall have a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 and be active in or have been honorably discharged from one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines) or the Connecticut National Guard.

The Kerzner Family Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who: (1) have a minimum of 30 semester hours of academic credits in residence at the University; (2) are in good academic and disciplinary standing; (3) have documented efforts to finance higher education costs through full- or part-time employment, (4) who have demonstrated qualities of service, leadership and academic achievement; and (5) who are Connecticut residents.

The Abraham Kotkin Scholarship is awarded to matriculated undergraduate students who are a resident of New Britain, have earned a minimum of 45 semester hours, and hold a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75. Preference is given to students who demonstrate exemplary involvement in civic and community service activities which promote the City of New Britain and enhance life in the New Britain community. Applicants may also present evidence of financial need for consideration by the Scholarship Committee. Foreign students residing in New Britain are eligible to receive this scholarship.

The Rev. Robert J. Lord Trust provides support for undergraduate students who have earned a minimum of 60 credit hours at the University with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7. Recipients must be in good disciplinary standing and present evidence of voluntary participation and leadership in University and community extra-curricular activities including but not limited to Campus Ministry, Central Orientation Leaders/Advisors, Inter-Residence Council, Student Government Association, Student Union Board of Governors, and Student Union Program Council.

The Otto Strobino Lions Memorial Scholarship is awarded to currently enrolled full-time matriculated undergraduate or graduate students from New Britain, in good academic standing, with financial need as determined by the University's Financial Aid Office. Preference is given to students who are active in the community.

The David Ross Scholarship supports prize awards to the undergraduate student(s) named as the Outstanding Volunteer of the Year at the Student Organizations Recognition Program, or similar program, regardless of the recipient's expected graduation date.

The SGA Scholarship is awarded to full-time matriculated undergraduate students who have demonstrated exemplary involvement and leadership in the University community. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.

The Unity Lodge-New Britain Freemasons Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students with 30 credits or more and a GPA of 2.8 or higher and who uphold the attributes and ideals of Freemasonry, among them: tolerance and respectfulness of the opinions of others; behavior which shows kindness and understanding toward others; practicing charity; dedication to the development of high moral character and good citizenship; demonstrating qualities of service, leadership, and academic achievement. Preference shall be given to students from the greater New Britain region.

The Veterans Excellence Scholarship is awarded to the undergraduate student(s) named as the Student Veteran of the Year at the annual Veterans Recognition Program, or similar program, regardless of the expected graduation date of the recipient(s). This fund also provides support for the Great Elm Post 9945, Veterans of Foreign Wars Scholarship which is awarded annually to a student who is an active VFW member or who is VFW-qualified (served active duty in a combat zone).


The Michele Deasy Fund provides support to: (1) purchase academic equipment or library holdings for use by the Honors Program; (2) fund stipends, honoraria, travel and accommodations for guest lecturers for the Honors Program; (3) fund representation expenses which enhance the visibility of the Honors Program among prospective students; (4) provide travel stipendsforr Honors Program students who represent the University at scholarly conferences and meetings.

The Friends of the Library Fund provides support for the Elihu Burritt Library in order to enhance teaching and research and meet the diverse educational needs of the Central community. The Fund provides program and acquisition support to augment institutional monies appropriated for a quality public university library.

The Gender Equity Collection Fund provides funds to the University Library for the purchase of books, periodicals, or archives by and about gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender persons, and for the purchase of books, periodicals or other library materials about Brazil published either in English or Portuguese or both.

The Ingraham Book Fund provides support for library acquisitions.

The Alice Lynch Scholarship Fund primarily supports students from underrepresented groups, women athletes, and students participating in international exchange programs. The fund also provides support for acquiring academic equipment, increasing library holdings, recruiting faculty, and retaining consultants. The fund may also be used to enhance the visibility of the university among its constituent communities by sponsoring faculty and staff travel to conferences and meetings, hosting university guests, and sponsoring visits to campus by persons of national and international prominence. The fund may also sponsor research which contributes to the existing body of knowledge or applied research which deals with practical application of theoretical knowledge.

The Rudewicz Endowment provides support for the archival activities of the Connecticut Polish and Polish-American manuscript collection.

The Tennerowicz Book Fund provides funds to support the purchase of art books for the University Library.

Performing & Fine Arts

The Milton Bellin Scholarship is awarded to an art student with particular emphasis on illustration.

The Rodney B. Card Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students majoring in Art or Art Education. Recipients must have completed 25 or more credits in residence at Central with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.

The Catherine J. Fellows Scholarship is awarded to students who are outstanding in their dance performance and excel in their participation in Dance Education and have thereby enhanced the quality of the University's dance program.

The Judd-Fox-Larkin Endowed Fund for the Arts provides annual grants to support University theatre productions, art exhibitions, and musical and dance performances on a rotating basis.

The Dorothy Haynes Fund supports financial assistance for students, faculty resources, or the acquisition of works of art or property, all in the furtherance of the study of art within the Art Department at Central.

The Frederick and Lois Holland Scholarship is awarded to music or music education majors, or musicians identified by the faculty as students who will significantly contribute to the ensembles in the Music Department.

The Siegelind and Dieter Johannes Scholarship is awarded to students based on academic achievement and financial need and who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as matriculated undergraduate students majoring in Music or Music Education.

The Estelle Jones Triarhos Scholarship is awarded to students who are outstanding in their dance performance and participation and have thereby enhanced the quality of the University's dance program.

The Margaret and John Paskavitch Scholarship is awarded to talented and worthy, full-time matriculated undergraduate students studying music, with preference to students studying violin, cello, piano or clarinet.

The Demetra Daniel Perrelli Dance Scholarship is awarded to students who are outstanding in their dance performance and excel in their participation in Dance Education and have thereby enhanced the quality of the University's dance program.

The Pettinico Family Scholarship is awarded to students who are active participants in a University select choral ensemble and for students who are active participants in the University Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, Sinfonietta, Wind Symphony or similar instrumental music ensemble. Preference is given to students majoring in music or music education.

The Dorothy L. Smith Endowment provides funds to supports the University's Art Department. Specifically, it supports capital projects and equipment, student scholarships and programmatic expenses.

The Thaddeus Torp Scholarship is awarded to a theatre studies major who has made outstanding contributions to the department.

The Elizabeth Walden Scholarship is awarded to students who are active participants in a University select choral ensemble.

Polish Studies

The Stanislaus A. Blejwas Scholarship is awarded to a currently enrolled full-time undergraduate or graduate student who demonstrates an interest in Polish issues. Preference will be given to a student enrolled in an interdisciplinary academic minor in Polish Studies or to a Central student who studies in Poland for a semester or a year.

The John Eismont and Anna Sielawko Engineering Scholarship Fund was established to support scholarship awards for undergraduates in good academic standing who are pursuing studies in Engineering at Central. When possible, preference will be given to student applicants of Polish descent. The first scholarships will be awarded in Spring 2022.

The Alexander J. Federowicz Scholarship is awarded to a Polish born, full-time, matriculated undergraduate student currently studying at Central with a minimum of 60 semester hours in residence at Central with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

The Fiedorczyk-Wodarski Lecture Fund supports an annual lecture related to the Polish Studies Program.

The Gajda Publishing Fund provides support to publish lectures delivered by speakers brought to Central under the auspices of the Endowed Chair in Polish and Polish-American Studies.

The Godlewski Fund supports a biennial evening of Polish culture.

The Martin & Sophie Grzyb Memorial Fund is awarded to students of American birth who excel in Polish Studies at Central Connecticut State Univeristy.

The Alexander Koproski Fund provide funds for a biennial lecture on business and economic issues facing Poland and Eastern Europe.

The Koproski Family Scholarship provides scholarships to incoming and continuing undergraduate students enrolled in an interdisciplinary academic minor in Polish Studies, students who have studied in Poland for a semester or a year, or students who have otherwise demonstrated a scholarly interest in any area of Polish Studies (Polish history, language, immigration, ethnicity or economics).If there are no eligible students, the selection criteria may be expanded to include students studying business or engineering.

The Franciszek Lachowicz Polish Studies Fund provides funds to expand and ensure the presence of the S. A. Blejwas Endowed Chair and the Polish Studies Program at the University for future generations.

The Louis and Anna-Mae Maglaty Polish Cultural Enrichment Fund provides support of the Polish Studies program.

The Milewski Lecture Fund provide funds for an annual lecture related to the Polish Studies Program.

The Nowakowski Family Fund provides support for evening of Polish "Cultural Conversation."

The Michael A. Peszke Memorial Lecture Fund supports an annual lecture related to the Polish Studies Program.

The Polish Invitational Golf Tournament Scholarship is awarded to a Polish born, full-time, matriculated undergraduate student currently studying at Central with a minimum of 60 semester hours in residence at Central with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

The A. & R. Rudewicz Fund provides funds for an annual concert and for the Polish Medal of Merit award.

The Rudewicz Endowment provides support for the archival activities of the Connecticut Polish and Polish American manuscript collection.