The RJP is a team of Criminology students, working under the Institute for the Study of Crime and Justice (ISCJ), to raise awareness about issues pertaining to racial bias and systemic racism. They are compiling examples of racial injustice in the CJ system throughout the U.S. They are analyzing these examples to identify factors that contributed to the injustices and to understand what corrective actions, if any, have been taken to address them. You can read about these stories through our Instagram account: @ccsu_iscj
Recognizing Racial Justice Advocates
Learn about some organizations and individuals who advocate for racial justice here.
New Course: Racism & Bias in Criminal Justice Settings
A team of Criminology faculty members have created a new course to facilitate deeper exploration of issues pertaining to racism and bias in criminal justice settings. It capitalizes on a range of faculty expertise to reinforce the importance of addressing racial bias and systemic racism from a broad perspective. This course addresses historic and contemporary issues of equity, justice, and systemic racism, and explores students’ own experiences with social justice and inclusion/exclusion. It promotes identification of avenues for reducing disparities, bias, and discrimination in the workplace and broader society.