We did it! On Friday October 28th, 2016, we had a very successful drilling day. Five 20-foot-deep groundwater monitoring wells were put in on campus near Copernicus Hall. With a pre-existing well, that makes a six-monitoring-well field. Dr. Oyewumi is thrilled that he will now be able to teach students work-force ready skills such as determining groundwater flow, pumping tests, aquifer characterization, and water chemistry. Geological Sciences students were present for the entire drilling process and were taught sampling techniques and drilling procedures by HRP and Glacier Drilling personnel. We look forward to incorporating this well field into our Hydrogeology and Environmental Geochemistry as well as Field Methods and introductory labs.
We thank the following people and organizations for donating their time and effort for all of the planning and work involved:
HRP Associates, Farmington, CT - Provided detailed site and health and safety planning, mark-out service, on-site sample logging, and a step-by-step overview of the drilling and sampling process for Geological Sciences students.
Michael Ainsworth – project manager
Kaitlyn Weider - geologist
Catyie Carr - geologist
Melissa Noryk - geologist
Mackenzie Fannon - geologist
Glacier Drilling, Durham, CT - Provided drilling services, well completion, and a detailed overview of the drilling process for Geological Sciences students.
Mark Schock – owner and driller
Matt Schock - driller
Mike Aldo - driller
Corbuilt LLC, Canturbury, CT – Provided utility markout service and showed the students how the equipment worked.
Greg Colbath
Environmental Professionals of Connecticut (EPOC) - Provided a $3000 grant to cover drilling costs.
Seth Molofsky - President
Central Connecticut State University – Provided planning and on-site support.
Dr. Richard Bachoo – Chief Administrative Officer
Jim Grupp – Director of Engineering Services
Karen Misbach - Director of Environmental Health & Safety and Sustainability
Dean Faris Malhas – Dean, School of Engineering, Science and Technology
Dr. Jim Mulrooney – Assistant Dean, School of Engineering, Science and Technology
Dr. Cliff Anderson – Engineering Professor
If you would like to help us improve the teaching experience of the well field, please consider donating at the donate button on the Geological Science Department home page.
We could use:
Four Onset® HOBO U20 Water Level Loggers to continuously monitor water depth and temperature - $500 each.
One portable 12V DieHard 22AH portable power supply to run a downhole water pump - $200.
One dedicated Dell Latitude 15 3000 laptop computer to upload and process data in the field - $900.