VO2max Testing
VO2max Testing can be administered on a treadmill or a stationary bike. Testing includes a multi-stage endurance test to measure maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max).
Testing takes approximately 60 minutes; report includes work-rate and heart-rate during testing in an effort to use the information for future workouts, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) will be reported to estimate current cardiovascular fitness levels.
Date: Upon receipt of payment, assessment will be scheduled by appointment
Location: Exercise Physiology Lab Room 006, Kaiser Building
Fee: $200/test for VO2 max testing
VO2max and Anaerobic Threshold Testing
VO2max and Anaerobic Threshold Testing can be administered on a treadmill or a stationary bike. The same testing protocol will be used to measure maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max).
Testing takes approximately 60 minutes; report includes work-rate and heart-rate during testing in an effort to use the information for future workouts, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) will be reported to estimate current cardiovascular fitness levels. Additionally, anaerobic threshold will be estimated based on respired gases during testing. Heart rate data during testing and estimated anaerobic threshold provides valuable information about suggested training intensity levels.
Date: Upon receipt of payment, assessment will be scheduled by appointment
Location: Exercise Physiology Lab Room 006, Kaiser Building
Fee: $225/test for VO2 max and Anaerobic Threshold testing
Lactate Threshold Testing
Lactate Threshold Testing is administered on a stationary bike. Blood samples are taken at various stages of testing to directly determine the onset of blood lactic acid, known as the lactate threshold.
Testing takes approximately 60 minutes. Lactate threshold testing allows direct measurement of Lactate levels (via blood draws/finger pricks during exercise); information can be used to improve future workouts by determining when your body relies more heavily on fats or carbohydrates while exercising.
Date: Upon receipt of payment, assessment will be scheduled by appointment
Location: Exercise Physiology Lab Room 006, Kaiser Building
Fee: $250/test for Lactate Threshold testing
Wingate Testing
Maximal Anaerobic Power measures anaerobic capacity during exercise. Assessment can be done through the Wingate test.
Wingate Testing is administered on a computerized Monark cycle ergometer that directly measures peak anaerobic power, as well as anaerobic capacity.
Testing takes approximately 60 minutes.
Schedule: Upon receipt of payment, assessment will be scheduled by appointment
Fee: $75/test
Location: Exercise Physiology Lab Room 006, Kaiser Building
The assessments are run by the Physical Education and Human Performance department at Central and is focused on providing high quality, gold standard, fitness assessments for athletes and active individuals seeking to analyze and understand current health and fitness levels.
For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Jennifer DelSanto.