Foster Academic Choice
LO 1: First-year students will demonstrate an understanding of the rich selection of academic options available to them at Central.
Successful students will:
- Independently access course descriptions and prerequisites to aid in appropriate course selection.
- Articulate why general education is an integral component in a Central education.
- Familiarize oneself with majors and minors available on campus and how to seek out information.
- Select a major (and minor as relevant) that supports their academic and career goals and personal interests, values, and strengths.
- Identify the academic requirements for specific majors, including general education and related requirements, on a program sheet.
Connect with the Central Community
LO 2: First-year students will demonstrate familiarity with resources and make connections within our university community.
Successful students will:
- Utilize university-wide and course-specific technology, including the learning management system (e.g., Blackboard) to access course materials, view schedules and course expectations, and/or submit assignments.
- Describe or engage with at least two university resources available to assist them in achieving their academic goals.
- Describe or engage with at least two university resources available to assist students in maintaining their physical, psychological, and emotional health.
- Articulate how the use of university resources can contribute to student success.
- Describe and adhere to important campus policies/timelines affecting registration, including withdrawals and repeating classes.
- Identify their academic advisor and explain the role that their advisor plays in their pursuit of academic success.
- Develop positive relationships with peers, staff, and faculty to develop a sense of belonging.
- Participate in one or more co-curricular learning opportunities outside of the classroom during their first semester.
Develop Academic Success
LO 3: First-year students will demonstrate academic development, including the adoption of academic habits, skills, and techniques that facilitate learning and academic success.
Successful students will:
- Engage in regular attendance and active intellectual participation in oral and written course requirements. 
- Participate in at least one mentoring experience with a faculty member outside of class.
- Achieve improved competency in notetaking, active reading, critical thinking, questioning, writing, and reasoning skills.
- Demonstrate an ability to follow directions, ask for clarification, and use feedback to improve learning and academic performance.
-  Evaluate information sources appropriate to the assignment and ethically and legally use information. 
Engage in Personal Growth
LO 4: First-year students will exhibit personal growth for success, developing skills that will serve them over a lifetime.
Successful students will:
- Practice self-advocacy, self-efficacy, self-reflection, and self-exploration, and demonstrate the results of these activities in interactions with members of the Central community.
- Exhibit effective time management skills, balancing academic work with other activities (including work and family responsibilities, and having a meaningful social life).
- Demonstrate an increased understanding of the importance of equity and inclusion and the ability to work respectfully in classrooms that reflect equity and inclusion.
- Engage in respectful interactions and collaborations with others including those with alternative or differing ideas and perspectives.