Purpose & Functions of Graduate Studies Committee
The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) serves as the primary faculty governance body for all graduate school related activities. It is a standing committee of the University Faculty Senate and is made up of representatives from all academic departments offering graduate programs and/or specializations and a representative from the University library. The Chair of the Graduate Student Association and one member of the GSA at large are also members with voting privileges. The Dean of Graduate Studies is an ex-officio member.
The primary functions of the GSC are to:
- Review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee all proposals and recommendations regarding graduate courses and programs.
- Formulate and recommend to the Faculty Senate academic policies affecting graduate matters such as academic standards, degree requirements, andadmission policies.
- Evaluate proposals and recommendations of faculty members, departments, and university committees for their effect on the whole graduate program.
- Hear appeals from the administrative decisions of the Dean of the Graduate Studies at Central relative to admission to candidacy, meeting of degree requirements and similar matters.
- Recommend to the Dean the names of graduate students eligible for scholarships, fellowships and other awards.
- Present to the Faculty Senate an annual report of the activities of the committee prior to the close of the academic year.
- Advise the Dean regarding graduate programs, policies and procedures.