I. Membership
- One member and alternate shall be elected for continuous terms at the discretion of the academic department offering graduate programs and of the University library. Elected alternates can serve as representatives of their departments only when elected members are unable to fulfill their responsibilities.
- Instead of selecting one member and alternate to represent the whole department, any department offering more than one graduate degree program may select one member and one alternate to represent each graduate degree program. Similarly, the faculty committees or the departments offering an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary graduate degree program may each select a member to serve on the GSC.
- The Chair of the Curriculum Committee, ex officio and non-voting.
- The Dean or designee of the Graduate Studies at Central and the Deans or designees of the Academic Schools that offer graduate programs, ex officio and non-voting.
- One or two graduate students and their alternates selected for a one-year term by and from the matriculated graduate students in good standing according to procedures established by the Graduate Student Association.
II. Organization and Procedures
- The GSC shall organize itself in the spring before the end of the academic year, electing its chair and secretary for three year terms from among those members representing academic departments and the University library. The chair and secretary shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
- The date and place of meeting shall be established at the organizational meeting. The GSC will ordinarily meet on the fourth Thursday of each month during the academic year.
- The latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority for the GSC.
- A quorum shall consist of forty percent of all voting GSC representatives as specified in Articles I. 1, I. 2 and I. 5.
- To ensure that all graduate programs are represented on the GSC, the GSC chooses to exempt itself from the Senate rule of members serving for the limit of six consecutive years term limits (Senate Bylaw 2.12.3).
- The by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of GSC members present at any regular or special meeting of the GSC provided that written amendments are presented to the GSC members as part of the next GSC agenda. Changes are subject to approval by the Faculty Senate.
- An agenda of items to be considered in any meeting shall be sent by the Chair to members of the committee, not less than three days prior to the call of the meeting. The by-laws shall be distributed to members prior to the first fall GSC meeting.
- Meeting minutes and reports to the Senate (see Sec III. 6.) shall be posted on the Graduate Studies website under the appropriate GSC link.
- Standing Committees shall be established to carry out the functions and responsibilities as described in Article IV (Standing Committees).
III. Functions and Responsibilities
- To review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee all proposals and recommendations regarding graduate courses and programs.
- To formulate and recommend to the Faculty Senate academic policies affecting graduate matters such as courses, programs, degree requirements, scholastic standards and admission policies.
- To evaluate proposals and recommendations of faculty members, departments, and university committees for their effect on graduate program(s) and/or the Graduate Studies at Central.
- To hear appeals from the administrative decisions of the Dean of the Graduate Studies at Central relative to admission to candidacy, meeting of degree requirements and similar matters.
- To recommend to the Dean the names of graduate students eligible for scholarships, fellowships and other awards.
- To present to the Faculty Senate a report of the activities of the committee prior to the close of each academic semester.
- To advise the Dean regarding graduate programs, policies and procedures.
IV. Standing Committees
- Standing Committees are established to effectively carry out the business of the GSC. The standing committees shall include:
- Appeals
Definition: The Appeals Committee will meet on an as needed basis to review any appeals of nongraded performance-based assessments. - Curriculum
Definition: The Curriculum Committee will meet at least one time per month during the academic semester to discuss changes in graduate curriculum to be forward to the Graduate Studies Committee. - Policy
Definition: The Policy Committee will meet at least one time per month during the academic semester to discuss and forward changes in graduate policy to the Graduate Studies Committee as well as provide advice, input and feedback to the Dean of the Graduate School in a timely manner. - Scholarship and Awards
Definition: The Scholarship and Awards Committee will meet on an as needed basis to determine the recipients of graduate academic awards, Community of Scholars tribute, and assist in reviewing candidates for the GSA Scholarship.
- Appeals
- Assignment of members to standing committees will be carried out by the chairs of the standing committees at the beginning of the academic year. Members should be provided the opportunity to request specific committee assignments. Standing Committee membership shall be balanced by School.
- Alternates may serve on standing committees in place of a department or program’s regular member.
- Chairs of the standing committees for the new academic year will be appointed by the chair of the GSC prior to the end of the previous academic year. It is recommended that standing committee chairs will have previously served on the GSC before chairing a standing committee. However, chairs of the Policy and Curriculum Committees will have previously served on the Policy or Curriculum Committees, respectively.
- The Standing Committees shall review all proposals emanating from any of the constituencies and make recommendations to the GSC membership. The Standing Committees shall possess the power to recommend amendments, subject to the limitations of the GSC itself.
- The Standing Committees shall meet prior to all GSC meetings where pertinent items are on the agenda.
- A written report shall be presented to members of the GSC as to the results of the standing committee deliberations or recommendations, in advance of GSC meetings whenever practical.
- Ad hoc committees chaired by a GSC member and including GSC members and other University faculty as appropriate may be appointed by the GSA Chair or the Dean of the Graduate Studies at Central.
V. Graduate Studies Committee Approval Procedures
- Requests for Curriculum Changes
- All requests for curriculum changes shall be governed by the University Curriculum Committee by-laws.
- Requests from a Department or School shall be signed by the Department Chair and the Deans of both the Academic School and the Graduate School.
- Copies of requests submitted to the Chair of the University Curriculum Committee shall be forwarded concurrently to the Chair of the Graduate Curriculum Committee at least one week in advance of the Graduate Curriculum Committee meeting at which they are to be considered.
- Requests affecting more than one department shall carry appropriate endorsement by the other group(s) concerned.
- Department representatives shall be present at the Graduate Curriculum Committee meeting to discuss the proposed changes and respond to questions from members of the Graduate Curriculum Committee.
- All proposals approved by the Graduate Curriculum Committee shall be submitted to the next regularly scheduled Graduate Studies Committee meeting for approval prior to referral to the Faculty Senate.
- Procedures for effecting minor curriculum changes shall be in accordance with the University Curriculum Committee by-laws.
Requests for Changes in Scholastic Standards or Admissions Policies
- Requests for changes that deviate from current graduate scholastic standards or admissions policies shall be made according to the latest Graduate Studies Committee format (Attachment I).
- b. Requests for changes to graduate scholastic standards or admission policies shall be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee prior to referral to the Faculty Senate.
- Following approval by department faculty, requests should be referred to the Chair of the Policy Committee before the Monday prior to its regularly scheduled meeting. A copy of the request shall be forwarded concurrently to the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee.
- Requests affecting more than one department shall carry appropriate endorsement by the other group(s) concerned.
- Department representatives must be present at the Policy Committee meeting to review the proposed changes and respond to questions from members of the Policy Committee.
- All proposals approved by the Policy Committee shall be submitted to the next regularly scheduled Graduate Studies Committee meeting for approval prior to reporting to the Faculty Senate.
Attachment I: Recommended Format for GSC Submissions Relating to Scholastic Standards or Admissions Policies
Requests for changes to Graduate scholastic standards or admissions policies shall include the following:- Nature of request
- Documented approval of Department, including date approved
- Rationale for recommended changes
- A copy the existing standards or policies and the exact new wording that will go into the Graduate Catalog
Approved by the Faculty Senate: December 8, 2014