The Central Human Resources Department contributes to the overall mission of the University by creating a supportive culture for faculty and staff and by providing meaningful input into important decisions affecting the development of the total student as well as the University’s service to all of its constituents.
We are dedicated to the health, well-being, and personal and professional growth of our faculty and staff. We will provide sound and responsive advice and consultation; accurate information; and efficient and courteous service in order to motivate and support the faculty and staff who serve our student and the community. Human Resources staff will model respectful and ethical behavior, provide a welcoming and positive work environment, encourage diversity, and create value-added training and professional development opportunities, while recognizing the need for innovation and flexibly as the needs of our workforce change.
The information in this section is here to help you navigate and manage your life at Central. You’ll find important details about your benefits and University policies, forms, and information on campus job openings. On the lighter side, you can learn about the access that Central employees have to the many activities offered by the University and surrounding communities, including the arts, recreation, community events, and more.
The Human Resources staff helps foster a welcoming and positive work environment, encourages diversity, and creates value-added training and professional development opportunities.
If you can’t find what you need here, you can reach out to any one of us. We are here to point you in the direction of appropriate resources, answer your questions, and provide sound and responsive guidance.