This page for new employees contains forms you have been asked to complete (and print) and policies you must read prior to meeting with a Human Resources representative. Please bring completed forms and documentation to your HR appointment. This page also contains important information about retirement and health benefit plans to help you in your decision making. For questions, contact Human Resources at 860.832.1756.
Forms to Complete and bring to On-Boarding Session:
Authorization to work in the U.S.
Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9)
- You MUST bring required document(s) to your appointment
- List of acceptable documents
If you require Visa assistance, please contact Human Resources.
This means that if you knowingly claim allowances or an exempt status to which you are not entitled, you are subject to criminal prosecution in Federal Court. Submission of a fraudulent Form W-4 is a federal crime under Title 26, U.S. Code Section 7205, that is punishable by up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.
In addition, knowingly submitting a false Form W-4 may constitute evidence of tax evasion (or other federal crimes). Tax evasion is a federal crime under Title 26, U.S. Code Section 7201, that is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a fine of up to $1 Million, costs of prosecution, and an order of restitution for any federal taxes owed.
For additional information such as direct deposit, pay schedule, etc., visit Payroll at https://www.ccsu.edu/fiscalaffairs/payroll.html
University Faculty/Staff
Blue Chip ID Card Authorization
- List all previous state service
Employee Benefit Information
Health Enhancement Program Plan Enrollment Form
State of Connecticut Medical Benefit Plan Document
Marriage License & Birth Certificate(s) required to enroll family members in health insurance
Supplemental Benefits
**ARP Participants** - Employees who elect the Alternate Retirement Plan (ARP) are automatically covered for Long Term Disability Insurance through Prudential.
Retiree Healthcare Contribution FAQ
Retiree Health Fund Contributions FAQs
Retiree Health Fund Enrollment Form – for Employees hired prior to 7/1/2017
List ONLY full-time previous state service
Retiree Health Fund Enrollment Form - for Employees first hired on or after 7/1/2017
List ONLY full-time previous state service
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Miscellaneous Benefits Information
- Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) Spending Account
- DCAP Facts
- Enrollment Form
- Claim Reimbursement Form
- Progressive Benefit Solutions, LLC (PBS) - (State of Connecticut Third Party Administrator for Dependent Care Assistance Program & Medical Flexible Spending Account)
Supplemental Benefits
**ARP Participants** - Employees who elect the Alternate Retirement Plan (ARP) are automatically covered for Long Term Disability Insurance through Prudential.
Retirement Plans
- Alternate Retirement Program
- State Employees Retirement System Tier III (hired 07/01/2011 or later)
- Tier IV Defined Benefit
- Tier IV Defined Contribution Plan
- Hybrid Plan (Hired before 07/01/2011 & in ARP - have this option until 03/31/12)
- Designation of Retirement Plan (CO-931h)
- Designation of Retirement Plan Beneficiary (CO-999)
- Included in your packet
- Complete Sections I, IV & V only
- Deferred Compensation Plan Comparison
For Teachers Retirement Board (TRB) Retirees ONLY:
Policies to Read
You will be asked to sign an Acknowledgement Statement that you have read them.
Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
Consensual Relationships Policy
Disposition of Public Records Policy
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Electronic Monitoring Policy (CSU)
Email Policy
Emergency Closing Policy
Emergency Notification System
Ethics Statement (Board of Regents)
Letter from the Governor
Guide to the Code of Ethics for Public Officials and State Employees
NCAA Rules Regarding Student Athletes
Nepotism Policy
Sexual Misconduct Policy & Protocol
Smoking Policy
Nondiscrimination in Education and Employment Policy
Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect (Reporting of)
Textbook Policy
Violence-Free Campus Policy
Polices to Read, Print and Sign.
Acceptable & Responsible Use of IT & Resources and Acknowledgment
Records Disposition Policy Receipt Acknowledgement (RC-001)
Faculty Who Wish To Externally Consult, Conduct Research or Teach
Research and Consulting with Outside Private Public Entity Compliance