Free Speech

The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (“CSCU”) supports the concepts of freedom of thought, inquiry, speech, and lawful assembly. It also supports the right of all individuals and groups at all times to pursue their normal activities at the colleges and universities and to be protected from physical injury or property damage.

At Central we support our students who wish to express their views by demonstrating in a peaceful and respectful manner. To assist in that endeavor, we are reminding you of the guidelines we have in place to facilitate that process. Please be reminded of and refer to the attached guidance:

Each of these documents is applicable to demonstrations and protests organized by Central’s students and student during the pandemic. Failure to comply with the guidelines may subject students to discipline in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

To register or organize a demonstration on Central’s campus, students are required to do the following:

  • Planning is essential. Students planning a demonstration must discuss and make arrangements with the Student Center Central Reservations Office (CRO) event coordinator and follow the process for submitting an event plan.
  • Demonstrations must comply with CSU Policy on Campus Freedom and Order, Guidelines for Freedom of Expression, Protests, Speakers, and Events, COVID-19 mask and social distancing guidelines, and all directions issued by university administrators.
  • Demonstrators are required to follow all COVID-19 policies and protocols, including face mask requirements, healthy distancing, and occupancy/density limits.
  • Only university students, faculty, and staff are permitted to participate in registered demonstrations on campus grounds. Demonstrators will be required to display their University/College IDs.

If you have questions, please review the referenced guidelines and contact the CRO ( The office will be happy to assist you in understanding and following the rules so you can keep the community safe while successfully making your voices heard.