Make quick and easy deposit and tuition payments online from anywhere!
Step 1: Upload - Send application materials to the IELP for processing
Step 2: Make Deposit Payment -When you receive your welcome letter, your student ID# and your Pin number you must apply for your Central e-mail account and then log into the your account to make payment of your non-refundable IELP deposit.
Click here for more detailed payment instructions.
Step 3: Pay Tuition - You will be registered for your course based on your placement test score. When this is complete, you may choose from the university's payment options through the Bursar's Office.
Tuition Policies
In order to withdraw from the program, please complete the withdrawal form and submit to the program secretary not less than one week before discontinuing. Be sure to read the refund policy, below, and find out if withdrawal will have any effect on your immigration status.
Withdrawal Form
In the case of an emergency that prevents you from completing your course, you may apply for a refund of academic tuition within two weeks of withdrawal. Refund applications must include all supporting documentation.
Refund Request Form
The $5,000 or $2,750 tuition fee is due at the start of the program date for that semester.
Students who do not pay their bills by the due date, or fail to arrange a payment plan may be subject to penalties and loss of University privileges/services including:
- $50.00 Late Fee, charged within 10 to 12 billing days
- After the fourth week of class, dismissal from IELP
- Withholding of University services, course registration, transcripts of grades or other official papers.
- Prevention of re-admission until unpaid financial obligation is paid in full;
- Cancellation of all classes in which you were previously enrolled.
- Will be on a course availability basis only, and
- Denial of future course registration.
- Revocation of student status
- Referral of the unpaid financial obligation to the University's contracted collection agency.
- The student would be responsible for any related collection costs in addition to the amount due.
Payment Plan
Students who are unable to pay 100% of their tuition by the due date MUST arrange a payment plan through the Bursar’s Office before the payment deadline. There is a $35 charge for the Payment Plan option, and all payments must be made on time. Please visit the IELP office to obtain the Payment Plan enrollment form that you will need to bring to the Bursar -https://www.ccsu.edu/bursar/cpp.html.