An Alternative...
All enrolled students may take advantage of the Central Payment Plan (CPP). The CPP enables the participant to pay Central's term charges with installments.
Employer Reimbursement Students - Please review the payment plan options available to you.
Terms and Conditions of the CENTRAL Payment Plan
Enrollment in the CPP must be done for each term you intend to use the CPP option.
- Each term, complete the online enrollment through CentralPipeline TouchNet Payment Portal. Filing instructions.
- Answer Yes or No to automatic payments
- Select a payment method
- eChecks
- Credit cards (will be charged a 2.95% or $3 minimum service fee)
- First installment payment is required as a down payment upon enrollment along with the $35 Enrollment Fee
- It is important, especially for students who have been notified of on-campus housing assignments, to enroll in a payment plan and/or submit proper payment prior to the due date of the University's bill to avoid housing cancellation, University late fee of $50, and courses being dropped
Budget Amount/Payments.
- The total budgeted amount is payable in up to seven (7) equal installments.
- All payments made through the CPP will be credited to the student's university bill.
- Refunds to student participants for any reason will be handled through normal University refund procedures.
Due dates of installments vary by term.
Fall Term
Sign up month # payments Due Dates April 7 1st payment due with enrollment, then 5/15, 6/15, 7/15, 8/15, 9/15, 10/15 May 6 1st payment due with enrollment, then 6/15, 7/15, 8/15, 9/15, 10/15 June 5 1st payment due with enrollment, then 7/15, 8/15, 9/15, 10/15 July 4 1st payment due with enrollment, then 8/15, 9/15, 10/15 August 3 1st payment due with enrollment, then 9/15, 10/15 September 2 1st payment due with enrollment, then 10/15 Winter Term
Sign up month # payments Due Dates October 4 1st payment due with enrollment, then 11/15, 12/15, 1/15 November 3 1st payment due with enrollment, then 12/15, 1/15 December 2 1st payment due with enrollment, then 1/15 Spring Term
Sign up month # payments Due Dates November 5 1st payment due with enrollment, then 12/15, 1/15, 2/15, 3/15 December 4 1st payment due with enrollment, then 1/15, 2/15, 3/15 January 3 1st payment due with enrollment, then 2/15, 3/15 February 2 1st payment due with enrollment, then 3/15 Summer Term
Sign up month # payments Due Dates April 5 1st payment due with enrollment, then 5/15, 6/15, 7/15, 8/15 May 4 1st payment due with enrollment, then 6/15, 7/15, 8/15 June 3 1st payment due with enrollment, then 7/15, 8/15 July 2 1st payment due with enrollment, then 8/15
Enrollment Fee
- The enrollment fee for this service is $35/term.
- A new enrollment must be completed for EACH TERM.
- The enrollment fee is non-refundable.
- No interest is charged on payment plans
Failure to Pay and Uncollectible Check Charge.
- A $30.00 late fee may be assessed for each installment payment that is not received by the due date.
- The University assesses a $20.00 service charge for any check payment returned or that is not collectible for any other reason. Fees assessed to the CPP account will be added to the student's university bill.
All questions concerning the CENTRAL Payment Plan (CPP) should be emailed to the Bursar's Office.