By clicking on the link below, you will be transferred to a secure site where you can complete a form to request that a portion of your excess financial aid be allocated, in ADVANCE of the normal time period required to receive your financial aid refund, to your Blue Chip account.
Please note the following stipulations associated with this request
- You are a registered student for this term;
- The maximum amount that may be requested is $800;
- The request is for advanced funding to purchase textbooks and supplies;
- Financial aid in excess of all charges due Central must exist on the date of this request and excess financial aid is defined as aid awarded by the Central Financial Aid Office;
- PLUS loans are not considered in this calculation unless the parent borrower has an authorization on file in the Financial Aid Office expressly allowing PLUS loan balances to be disbursed to you;
- Private scholarships and alternative loans will only be considered as excess if the Financial Aid Office has received the funds.
- If your request is approved, the amount requested will be placed in your Blue Chip account no earlier than ten (10) business days before the start of classes;
- Funds advanced to your Blue Chip Account will not be reversed or removed, and any amount remaining in the Blue Chip Account after book purchases are made at the Central Bookstore can be utilized at any authorized Blue Chip vendor location (list of locations posted at the Card Office), including campus vending machines and on and off campus locations;
- To access funds on your Blue Chip debit account, present your Blue Chip student photo ID to the clerk when making purchases at authorized locations;
- As purchases are made, your account balance is automatically adjusted. Books returned during the term will not be redeemed for cash, but the amount will be credited to your Blue Chip debit account. At the conclusion of the term, books sold back to the Central Bookstore can be redeemed for cash.
- There are no service fees and interest is not earned on your Blue Chip account.
- Lost Blue Chip Cards must be reported to the Card Office, located in Willard-DiLoreto Hall, Room D125, in person or by phone at 832-2140, or to the Central Police Department at 832-2375 on weekends or after hours.
- Cash is not available from a Blue Chip account.
- Should your financial aid award be cancelled or decreased or should you incur additional charges or fees that affecting payment of this advance for books, you assume liability for full payment to the University.
Please click on the following link to proceed to a secure form to request your Financial Aid Refund Advance to your Blue Chip Account. To maintain security, you will be prompted for your BlueNet Username and Password.