Department of Nursing

The Department of Nursing, in accord with Central Connecticut State University, believes that the primary goal of the nursing faculty is to empower the BSN student to attain the highest standards of professional achievement, public service, and personal development. The Nursing Faculty believe that, in a dynamic society, education for membership in a profession includes the development not only of expertise in a field but also of social awareness. In contemporary times, this social awareness includes the development of an increasingly global perspective. The professional nurse with a liberal education thinks critically, provides care that is interpersonally and therapeutically competent, and makes socially significant and personally satisfying contributions to society. The ultimate goal of nursing is to assist individuals, families, and groups to achieve optimal levels of health or wellness.

The Nursing faculty also believe that formal education is preliminary to continued study and a lifetime of creative activity and is reinforced throughout the student’s program of study and demonstrated by faculty through scholarly pursuits.


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing/master's degree program in nursing/Doctor of Nursing Practice program and/or post-graduate APRN certificate program at Central Connecticut State Univeristy is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

Visit the Connecticut Department of Public Health for more information on the state’s nurse licensing requirements

portrait of a student with fun graphics around them

“As a nursing student, working in the Community Health Education Clinic is very helpful because it allows students to feel more comfortable working with different types of patients. We also get to work hands-on with the high tech equipment used in the clinic.”

—Yakena Robinson ‘26