
Nursing students have access to the CCSU Foundation Scholarships which require application in December. Please visit the CCSU Foundation to review and identify scholarships that are a match.

There are 3 dedicated nursing scholarships:

  1. By direct application to Department in Fall semester for following spring funding: Paul L. Jones Foundation Scholarship. Students will be notified via Central email when application opens. Requires GPA of 3.0 + and be a resident of state of CT.

    By application to CCSU Foundation system:
  2. Keith & Rose S. Bernhardt Nursing Scholarship
  3. Vivian Ellerbee Kahrmann Memorial Nursing Scholarship. Requires that a student must be a junior or senior in good academic standing.

Many of Central Nursing Programs Practice Based Clinical Partners share scholarships with us throughout the year - those notifications will be shared with students via email.