Pathways to the Nursing Program
Option 1: Pathway through Pre-Nursing: a three-step option for First-year students.
- Apply and get accepted to the Pre-Nursing major through the Central Office of Recruitment and Admissions. Applications to Central as a Pre-Nursing major to begin for fall semester are due by May 1st. A select number of high-school/first year students may apply for admission during the fall and winter intersession in order to begin spring classes.
- Enroll in prerequisite and general education courses as outlined. See detailed review and schedule of the Prerequisites.
- Once a student has determined their readiness to apply with support of their advisor, the students should submit an application to the nursing major directly to the BSN Program through the Department of Nursing by March 15.
Option 2: Pathway through Pre-Nursing: a three-step option for Transfer and Re-Entry students.
- Apply to the Pre-Nursing major through the Central Office of Recruitment and Admissions during fall semester/winter intersession to begin classes for the either the spring or the following fall semester. See Pre-Nursing Admission Requirements.
- Enroll in prerequisite and general education courses as outlined. See detailed review and schedule of the Prerequisites below
- Once a student has determined their readiness with support of their advisor, the students should submit an application to the nursing major directly to the BSN Program through the Department of Nursing by March 15.
Option 3: Pathway directly to the Nursing Program for Transfer and Re-entry Students: a two-step option for transfer and re-entry students who have already completed prerequisites.
- Apply to Pre-Nursing, or any related major, through the Central Office of Recruitment and Admissions for the following fall semester. If applying to Pre-Nursing, see Pre-Nursing Admission Requirements below.
- Apply to the BSN Program through the Department of Nursing by March 15. See Nursing Admission Requirements below.
Option 4: Pathway directly to Nursing for Continuing Central Students: a one-step option for continuing Central students who do not get to accepted into the pre-Nursing major.
- Once a student has determined their readiness with support of their advisor, the student should submit an application to the nursing major directly to the BSN Program through the Department of Nursing by March 15. See Nursing Admission Requirements below.
NOTE: There is NO option for continuing Central students to change their major directly to Pre-Nursing OR Nursing.
Pre-Nursing Admission Requirements:
- One of the following:
- Eligibility to enroll in CHEM 161/162 General Chemistry lecture and lab. Eligibility requires a minimum SAT math score of 550 (if taken before March 2016) or 580 (if taken March 2016 or after) or an ACT score of 22 or higher.
- AP credit for CHEM 161/162 General Chemistry lecture and lab. Credit is awarded to AP scores of 3 or higher. The course must be on the student's Central records.
- Transfer or prior Central credit for CHEM 161/162 with a grade of C+ or higher.
- For Transfer and re-entry students ONLY, all of the following must be met:
- A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
- A grade of C+ or better in any required science courses, if completed.
- A grade of B- or better in any completed nursing course. Each completed nursing course must be evaluated for transfer and may not be eligible to apply to Central BSN Program curriculum.
Nursing Prerequisites:
MUST be completed prior to application to the BSN Program WITH the required grade or higher:
- CHEM 161 General Chemistry or equivalent
- CHEM 162 General Chemistry laboratory or equivalent
- *BMS 102 Introduction to Biomolecular Science or equivalent
- *BMS 103 Introduction to Biomolecular Science laboratory or equivalent
* What if an applicant does not have BMS 102 & BMS 103?
- If a candidate has successfully completed BIO/BMS 318:
- We substitute whichever biology with a lab student took elsewhere for BMS 102/103 and use this grade for admission to Nursing. IF the student took more than one biology course, Chair of BMS will decide which course – or a combination of courses (BIO 121 & BIO 122 for example) will be substituted. The grade for the substituted course(s) will be used for admission application to BSN Program.
- If a candidate has NOT successfully completed BIO/BMS 318 but has taken other biology courses:
- For biology courses taken at Central
- BIO 122 or BMS 201 are the only acceptable substitutions
For biology courses taken elsewhere
- IF Chair of BMS determines that the transferred course is equivalent to BMS 102/103, the transferred course should be changed in the transfer banks and the grade used for admission to Nursing. This scenario is likely only for transfers from colleges with no articulation already established.
- IF the course is equivalent to BIO 122, the student is eligible to take BIO/BMS 318 here. The grade in BIO 122 is used for admission to Nursing.
May be enrolled in at time of application but must be successfully completed by the end of the spring semester prior to enrolling in BSN Program and maintain status as nursing major IF accepted- to begin courses in the fall.
- CHEM 210 Foundations of Organic Chemistry or equivalent
- PSY 136 Life Span Development or equivalent
- IF a student is NOT successful in completing these courses by end of spring semester - their status as an accepted nursing major will be changed.
Nursing Admission Requirements: Applications directly to the Nursing Department to the BSN Program are due by March 15. Admission to the Nursing Program is highly competitive and meeting the following minimum criteria does not guarantee admission. Any application that does not meet requirements will not be considered. Notification of offer of admission will occur before the Central advising period for fall course registration.
Nursing Major Application
ATI TEAS transcript deadline has been extended to March 1
Via link below - sign in with your Central Blue Net name and password - complete application and upload ALL applicable transcripts (if have only ever taken courses at Central - NO need to do that). You MUST upload an ATI TEAS transcript - if you are planning on taking exam again before the deadline - you will be able to indicate that and we will retrieve that score as needed.
Your information will be password protected and encrypted. Please read second page carefully - as those agreements/policies are pivotal to understand (note that some of fillable fields to sign are your initials only).
Please make sure all of your information complete - incomplete applications will NOT be considered for admission.
Application deadline is March 15 at 11:59 pm NO applications will accepted after the deadline. The submission link is active 24/7.
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status in early to mid-March via your Central email address and letter sent to listed address.
Please DO NOT contact the Department prior to receiving that notification to check your application offer status.
Required elements for application:
- Accepted to Central
- A minimum Central cumulative grade point average of 3.00.
- A minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 3.00 for all coursework taken at all institutions, including Central.
- Minimum grade of C+ in CHEM 161/162 General Chemistry I lecture and laboratory, or equivalent.
- Minimum individual total score of 70.0% for the ATI TEAS test - please see ATI TEAS overview for other information/deadlines
**Students will be ranked on the above criteria as follows: 25% overall GPA, 25% BMS 102/103 grades, Chemistry 161/162 grades, and 25% TEAS score.
In addition, the following conditions must be met:
- Completion of all prerequisites by the end of the application semester (spring)
- A grade of C+ or better in CHEM 210 Foundations of Organic Chemistry or equivalent
- A grade of C or better in PSY 136 Life Span Development or equivalent
- A grade of B- or better in any nursing courses, if completed at any institution.
- For biology courses taken at Central