The Central Veterans Affairs Office is in Willard-DiLoreto Hall, room 201. It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Veterans Drop In-Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Our office provides various services and programs for veterans, dependents, and military members. Besides processing VA educational benefits, we provide information on services such as academic advising, disability services, financial literacy, class registration, and career fairs, and VA events on and off campus. In addition, we conduct social events such as student pizza social, indoor shooting range, or more activities such as the football and basketball military appreciation day. Our office supports and plans information activities for all interests. Finally, we provide social, study, and computer lab space for students to meet or focus on academics at the Veterans Drop-In Center in DeLoreto Hall, Room 201.
Veterans and current military members (National Guard or Reserves) are welcome to email us, call us, or come in person to talk with us about their military service so that we can advise them on what federal or state VA educational benefits they qualify for. A DD-214 Member 4 document is highly encouraged to have with them during the visit.
Absolutely. The Central is committed to evaluating military education utilizing the American Council of Education’s standards with existing Centralcourses to provide the best matchup where possible. You can obtain your military transcript by emailing the Department of Defense Joint Services Transcripts (JST) and submitting your military transcripts to the Central Admissions Office for evaluation.
The Central Veterans Affairs Office is a Veterans Affairs Work Study program member. We encourage students receiving federal VA benefits to talk with our office about available VA Work Study opportunities.
Veterans and students in the military can apply for VA Educational Benefits online at http://gibill.va.gov/apply-for-benefits/application, and for additional information by calling 1 (888) 442-4551.
Yes. Central waives the application fee to all veterans and current military members who provide a copy of their DD-214 Member 4 document and to those who present their military identification card to the Admissions Office Counselor.
A new incoming veteran student or current military member must provide their VA eligibility certification letter and a copy of their DD-214 Member 4 document to the Central Veterans Affairs Office before the beginning of the academic semester.
Yes. Students under federal VA educational benefits can take classes at another university or community college while attending Central. They must first meet with a Central Certifying Official to be approved for doing so.