Application Deadlines

September 15 – Spring Semester
February 15 – Fall Semester

Praxis II/Assessment

ALL assessments required for certification in an applicant's subject area MUST be passed prior to submitting the application for Student Teaching.

The application MUST upload evidence of passing scores in the Student Learning & Licensure (SL&L) application.

Contact Information

Barbara Budaj
Assistant Director of Educational Field Experiences
Barnard Hall, Suite 321-02

Welcome to the Office of School-Community Partnership (OSCP)


The clinical work of student teaching and other course-related field experiences have long been recognized as essential components to the preparation of teachers, serving as the critical link between formal preparation and full-time independent teaching. This web page is intended to be a resource for individuals applying to student teach, teacher candidates currently engaged in the student teaching semester, and those individuals who support this important work: cooperating teachers, university supervisors and K-12 school districts.

It is our goal to serve Central's teacher candidates by collaborating with the K-12 school communities in the placement of Central student teachers.

The OSCP mission supports the mission of the School of Education in the preparation of professionals for the early childhood, elementary, secondary, special education, and K-12 settings. To accomplish this mission, the OSCP works collaboratively with Central faculty/departments to ensure that teacher candidates are prepared to:

  • Serve in the region, the state, and the nation.
  • Apply principles of teaching, learning, and assessment through a variety of technologies to guide best practices.
  • Develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for professional practice and community service through learning experiences that are rich in diversity of perspective, values attitude, and belief.
  • Become reflective practitioners who actively influence the community, promote equity, and remove barriers to student learning.

Guided by the purpose of preparing leaders for service in diverse communities, the OSCP works closely with Connecticut school districts as well as the State Department of Education to secure appropriate placements for teacher candidates, where they transfer theory into practice in a classroom setting.

The OSCP is proud of our longstanding commitment in serving both Central teacher candidates as well as public school communities. If at any time, the OSCP can assist you, we encourage you to contact our office.

Barbara Budaj

Assistant Director of Educational Field Experiences