Once admitted to the Professional Program for Teacher Certification (PPTC), a teacher candidate is required to maintain a semester grade point average (GPA) of 2.70 and a cumulative GPA of 2.70 for all coursework completed at Central and elsewhere. If a candidate’s GPA drops below this level, he or she may be denied enrollment in PPTC courses and student teaching until the GPA reaches the required level. In addition, teacher candidates must receive grades of C or better in every professional program course; candidates may not proceed to the next sequence of professional program courses until such grades are earned. The Graduate School requires candidates enrolled in graduate or post baccalaureate certification programs to maintain at least a 3.00 GPA.
Continuation in the PPTC
In addition to academic good standing, teacher candidates must:
- Engage in professional behavior, attitudes, and attributes that positively impact performance as a teacher;
- Demonstrate acceptable performance during field experiences and student teaching;
- Perform at an acceptable level on all program assessments;
- Adhere to the Connecticut Code of Professional Responsibilities for Teachers;
- Maintain the confidentiality of professional information at all times; and
- Exhibit integrity and honesty in written and verbal communications, documentation, and coursework.
Continuation Issues Related to Field Experiences and Student Teaching
Issues revealed in criminal background checks, conviction of crimes, or other due and sufficient cause may lead to removal from field experiences, student teaching, and the PPTC. The university makes every effort to secure appropriate field placements for every professional program candidate; however, there are times when such placements cannot be procured. If three requests to districts to obtain a field placement for a candidate are denied based on the candidate’s criminal background check, other public records, and /or the candidate’s performance in interviews, this could also result in removal from the PPTC. If a candidate encounters difficulties in a field experience, the opportunity to move forward may be delayed or denied. Should a candidate experience difficulties during student teaching, the Competency Review Team (see Student Teaching Handbook) will convene and make recommendations regarding continuance in Student Teaching and the PPTC.
Approved by Central Faculty Senate 10/31/2016