This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Core Courses
CS 151 Computer Science I 3 Credits
CS 152 Computer Science II 3 Credits
CS 253 Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms 3 Credits
CS 254 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 3 Credits
CS 354 Digital Systems Design 3 Credits
CS 355 Systems Programming 3 Credits
CS 385 Computer Architecture 3 Credits
CS 464 Programming Languages 3 Credits
Electives (12 credits):
12 credits of computer science courses numbered CS 225 or higher, with at least 9 of those credits at the 400 level or higher outside of the core or capstone.
Capstone Requirement
Related Requirement
MATH 152, (MATH 217 or MATH 218), MATH 221, and MATH 226
Science- A choice of one of the following sequences
BIO 121 General Biology I 4 Credits
BIO 122 General Biology II 4 Credits
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
CHEM 200 Foundations of Analytical Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 201 Foundations of Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
GSCI 121 The Dynamic Earth 3 Credits
GSCI 125 The Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 Credit
GSCI 141 Earth and Life History 3 Credits
GSCI 145 Earth and Life History Laboratory 1 Credit
Concentration Options
There are three optional concentrations. Courses taken for a concentration also count as CS electives.
1. Concentration in Cybersecurity (9 credits)
9 credits must be selected from the following courses.
CS 291 Introduction to Computer Forensics 3 Credits
CS 409 Advanced CS Topics in Cybersecurity 3 Credits
CS 419 Usable Security and Privacy 3 Credits
CS 455 Principles of Secure Software Development 3 Credits
2. Concentration in Software Engineering (9 credits)
CS 417 is required, and 6 credits must be selected from the following courses.
CS 414 Mobile App Development 3 Credits
CS 415 Computer Game Development 3 Credits
CS 416 Web Programming 3 Credits
CS 418 Principles of Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3 Credits
3. Concentration in Artificial Intelligence (12 credits)
CS 462 is required, and 9 credits must be selected from the following courses.
CS 445 Machine Learning 3 Credits
CS 446 Introduction to Machine learning for Cybersecurity 3 Credits
1. Accelerate Central Program in Computer Science to Software Engineering MS
Students apply in the Spring of their third year of full-time study and must meet the requirements specified below:
- Successful completion of 60 or more credit hours; of which, at least 12 credit hours must be completed at CCSU.
- Completed CS 253 and two 400 level CS classes with at least a B.
- Have at least a 2.7 cumulative grade point average.
- Have at least a 2.7 grade point average in Computer Science courses.
Eligible students can apply for admission to the Accelerate Central B.S. Computer Science/M.S. Software Engineering program in their third year of full-time study. Students admitted to this program may complete both the B.S. Computer Science and M.S. in Software Engineering in as few as five years on a full-time basis. For students who are officially admitted to the Accelerate Central B.S. Compute Science / M.S. Software Engineering Program, two graduate courses will double-count as courses in the undergraduate program for a total of 6 credits double-counted. In addition, students may take two additional courses before matriculation as a graduate student; these courses will be excluded from the student’s B.S. program and transferred into the student’s M.S. program.
How to Apply
Students will submit Change of Major form, a resume, and the name of two professors from the Computer Science department who could serve as a references to the Chair of the Computer Science Department by February 10 (for Fall) or October 1 (for Spring). The documents will go through the proper parties for review and approval, including the Graduate Program Director. Once the form has been approved by all required parties, the Registrar’s Office will change the student’s undergraduate curriculum to note the Accelerate Central program.
2. Accelerate Central Program in Computer Science to Computer Information Technology MS
Students apply in the Spring of their third year of full-time study and must meet the requirements specified below:
- Successful completion of 60 or more credit hours; of which, at least 12 credit hours must be completed at CCSU.
- Completed CS 253 and two 400 level CS classes with at least a B.
- Have at least a 2.7 cumulative grade point average.
- Have at least a 2.7 grade point average in Computer Science courses.
Eligible students can apply for admission to the Accelerate Central B.S. Computer Science/M.S. Computer Information Technology in their third year of full-time study. Students admitted to this program may complete both the B.S. Computer Science and M.S. in Computer Information Technology in as few as five years on a full-time basis. For students who are officially admitted to the Accelerate Central B.S. Computer Science/ M.S. Computer Information Technology Program, two graduate courses will double-count as courses in the undergraduate program for a total of 6 credits double-counted. In addition, students may take two additional courses before matriculation as a graduate student; these courses will be excluded from the student’s B.S. program and transferred into the student’s M.S. program.
How to Apply
Students will submit Change of Major form, a resume, and the name of two professors from the Computer Science department who could serve as a references to the Chair of the Computer Science Department by February 10 (for Fall) or October 1 (for Spring). The documents will go through the proper parties for review and approval, including the Graduate Program Director. Once the form has been approved by all required parties, the Registrar’s Office will change the student’s undergraduate curriculum to note the Accelerate Central program.
Total Credit Hours: 110
Students in this program are required to take a proficiency test specified by the department during their senior year.