Admissions Contact

Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions

Academic Contact

Pascal Rekoert
Assistant Professor, Dance Education Coordinator
Physical Education & Human Performance
Harrison J. Kaiser Hall

Dance Education, BS

Central to Creative Movement.

Central’s BS in Dance Education develops students’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for pursuing either business-based dance careers or PK to grade 12 teaching careers.

Graduates prepare to teach dance at the highest level. Students show evidence of possessing a strong, well-rounded background in dance pedagogy, history, research, learning theory, and practicum to become highly qualified teaching artists.

Program Features

  • State’s only dance program specializing in dance education
  • Powerful amalgam of dance, education, business, and marketing
  • Courses taught by faculty knowledgeable in various dance education fields, ranging from ballet to ballroom and from absolute beginner to professional
  • Learn from regionally and internationally acclaimed guest artists
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Learn and apply the latest teaching and dance techniques
  • Chances to perform on- and off-campus
  • Financial aid and scholarships available
  • Free on-campus child care available

Program Options

Combines dance education praxis with business skills. Students graduate with the knowledge and skills to handle the marketing and managerial side of running a successful business.

Provides students with certification to teach dance full-time in the public school system.

This program will help you expand your knowledge and versatility, but it will also find you a consistent job.

Karilyn Villarini

Learning Outcomes

  • Dance Entrepreneurship

    By the time of graduation, students in the dance entrepreneurship program will be able to:

    1. Perform at an advanced level of skill and dance technique

    2. Present the ability to plan developmentally appropriate dance education lessons

    3. Show the ability to plan developmentally appropriate units of instruction in dance education

    4. Demonstrate the ability to implement developmentally appropriate units of instruction in dance education

    5. Identify and apply choreographic principles, processes, and structures

    6. Have the ability to market and manage a successful business effectively
  • PK-12 Dance Education

    By the time of graduation, students in the PK-12 Dance Education program will be able to:

    1. Perform at an advanced level of skill and dance technique

    2. Present the ability to plan developmentally appropriate dance education lessons

    3. Show the ability to plan developmentally appropriate units of instruction in dance education

    4. Demonstrate the ability to implement developmentally appropriate units of instruction in dance education

    5. Identify and apply choreographic principles, processes, and structures

    6. Have the ability to demonstrate effective teaching strategies in the public-school setting at the elementary and secondary levels