Students in the CCSU Dance Education Entrepreneurship program develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to pursue a business-based dance career. Graduates will be prepared to teach dance at the highest level and have the knowledge and skills to handle the marketing and managerial side of running a successful business. Students will show evidence of possessing a strong, well-rounded background in dance pedagogy, history, research, learning theory and practicum to become “highly qualified” as a Teaching Artist.
A minor is not required with this major.
Core Requirements
This 75-credit program consists of 41 credits in core lecture and skills classes, and 34 credits in the entrepreneurship dance specialization.
Core Courses (41 credits)
DAN 110 Introduction to Dance Education 2 Credits
EXS 207 Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise Science I 3 Credits
EXS 216 Biomechanics 3 Credits
DAN 151 Beginning Modern Dance 2 Credits
DAN 152 Beginning Ballet 2 Credits
DAN 157 Beginning Jazz Dance 1 Credit
DAN 200 Dance Practicum 1 Credit
DAN 200 Dance Practicum 1 Credit
DAN 230 Afro-Caribbean Dance and Culture 2 Credits
DAN 252 Intermediate Ballet 2 Credits
DAN 257 Intermediate Jazz Dance 1 Credit
DAN 299 Dance History 3 Credits
DAN 377 Modern Dance and Theory 2 Credits
DAN 234 Ballroom Dance 1 Credit
DAN 235 Movement for Performers 2 Credits
DAN 236 Principles of Choreography 2 Credits
DAN 272 Creative Dance in Education 2 Credits
DAN 398 Contemporary Dance Technique 2 Credits
DAN 477 Secondary Methods in Dance Education 3 Credits
DAN 480 Project: Dance 1-3 Credits
PE 416 Program Development in Physical Education, Dance Education and Health Education 3 Credits
Note: DAN 200 is taken twice for a total of 2 credits
Specialization in Entrepreneurship in Dance (34 credits)
Specialization includes 11 credits of required courses, plus 6 credits of business electives, and 17 credits of electives approved by a faculty advisor.
Required Courses
Note: DAN 200 is taken twice in the Core above and twice in this specialization for a total of 4 times.
Business Electives (6 credits)
Business electives must be chosen from the list.
An additional 17 credits of specialization electives are required and selected in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Required General Education courses
MUS 109 Fundamentals of Music 3 Credits
HIST 161 American History to 1877 3 Credits
HIST 162 American History from 1877 to Present 3 Credits
ANTH 170 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3 Credits
PSY 136 Life-Span Development 3 Credits
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics I 3 Credits
COMM 115 Fundamentals of Communication 3 Credits
COMM 140 Public Speaking 3 Credits
STAT 104 Elementary Statistics 3 Credits
STAT 200 Business Statistics 3 Credits
STAT 215 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences I 3 Credits
BIO 111 Introductory Biology 3 Credits
BMS 102 Introduction to Biomolecular Science 3 Credits
BIO 121 General Biology I 4 Credits
WRT 110 Introduction to College Writing 3 Credits
WRT 105 Enhanced Introduction to College Writing 3 Credits
WRT 105P Enhanced Introduction to College Writing Workshop 2 Credits
Total Credit Hours: 120
Note: For more information on admission to the professional program see the page linked here.