This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
The BA degree in Graphic/Information Design provides professional studies in the areas of graphic design, website design, interactive multimedia design, information design and digital and 3-D imaging.
Requirements: (36 credits)
Required Courses:
DES 222 Graphic/Information Design I 3 Credits
DES 225 History & Design of Typography 3 Credits
DES 322 Graphic/Information Design II 3 Credits
DES 325 Digital Imaging / Motion Graphics I 3 Credits
DES 326 Digital Imaging / Motion Graphics II 3 Credits
DES 419 History of Design 3 Credits
DES 425 3-D and AV/VR for Graphic/Information Design 3 Credits
DES 436 Graphic/Information Design III 3 Credits
DES 438 Graphic/Information Design IV 3 Credits
DES 499 Computer Applications for Graphic/Information Design 3 Credits
MKT 306 Advertising and Promotion 3 Credits
Directed Elective Approved by your Advisor (3 credits)
Total Credit Hours: 36 Credits
Additionally Required:
ART 110 Introduction to Art History 3 Credits
ART 112 History of Art I 3 Credits
ART 113 History of Art II 3 Credits
ART 224 Illustration I 3 Credits
MKT 295 Fundamentals of Marketing 3 Credits
Directed Elective Approved by your Advisor (3 credits)
Note: Students must complete a standard minor or 18 credits of major-related courses as approved by advisor. Students are limited to 6 credits of design-designated coursework per semester without approval of advisor and department chair.