This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Required Courses
MATH 120 Problem Solving I 1 Credit
MATH 211 Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education I 1 Credit
MATH 218 Discrete Mathematics 4 Credits
MATH 220 Problem Solving II 1 Credit
MATH 221 Calculus II 4 Credits
MATH 228 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4 Credits
MATH 313 Number Systems from an Advanced Viewpoint 3 Credits
MATH 320 Problem Solving III 1 Credit
MATH 327 Curriculum & Technology in Secondary Mathematics I 3 Credits
MATH 328 Curriculum & Technology in Secondary Mathematics II 3 Credits
MATH 366 Introduction to Abstract Algebra 4 Credits
MATH 377 Introduction to Real Analysis 4 Credits
MATH 383 College Geometry 3 Credits
STAT 314 Introductory Statistics for Secondary Teachers 3 Credits
and 5 additional credits from:
MATH 222 Calculus III 4 Credits
MATH 311 Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education II 1 Credit
MATH 344 Mathematics and Diverse Cultures 3 Credits
MATH 355 Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications 4 Credits
MATH 411 Clinical Experience in Mathematics Education III 1 Credit
MATH 421 History of Mathematics 3 Credits
MATH 422 Introduction to Mathematical Software 1 Credit
MATH 440 Selected Topics in Mathematics 1-3 Credits
MATH 468 Symbolic Logic 3 Credits
MATH 469 Number Theory 3 Credits
MATH 477 Numerical Analysis 3 Credits
MATH 491 Advanced Vector Calculus 3 Credits
STAT 315 Mathematical Statistics I 3 Credits
STAT 416 Mathematical Statistics II 3 Credits
STAT 453 Applied Statistical Inference 3 Credits
STAT 455 Experimental Design 3 Credits
Related Requirements:(11 credits)
Professional Education (29 credits)
SPED 315 Introduction to Educating Learners with Exceptionalities 3 Credits
EDTE 316 Principles of Learning in Diverse Settings (Secondary) 4 Credits
LLA 440 Literacy instruction in the Secondary School 3 Credits
EDSC 425 Multicultural, Interdisciplinary Teaching at the Secondary Level 3 Credits
EDSC 435 Secondary Education Student Teaching 9 Credits
MATH 414 Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School 3 Credits
MATH 414: taken concurrently with EDTE 316
MATH 415: taken concurrently with EDSC 425
MATH 426: taken concurrently with EDSC 435
Additional Requirements: (9 credits)
HIST 161 American History to 1877 3 Credits
EDF 215 Education in a Multicultural Society 3 credits
Total Credit Hours: 120