This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is required with this major.
Requirements: (30 credits)
Spanish Language
For non-native speakers:
Spanish and Spanish-American Literature and Cultures:
15 credits from:
SPAN 300 Literary Analysis 3 Credits
SPAN 304 Introduction to Spanish Literature I 3 Credits
SPAN 305 Introduction to Spanish Literature II 3 Credits
SPAN 315 Spanish Civilization 3 Credits
SPAN 316 Latin American Civilization 3 Credits
SPAN 375 Introduction to Spanish American Literature I 3 Credits
SPAN 376 Spanish American Literature II 3 Credits
SPAN 401 Introduction to English-Spanish Translation 3 Credits
Add Two Proposed New Courses:
SPAN 402: English-Spanish Business Translation
SPAN 404: English-Spanish Medical Translation
Specialization in Inter-University Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures
Students must complete 12 credits at one of our Spanish-speaking partner institutions abroad during one semester. The 12 credits may be taken in language, culture and/or literature as appropriate to the student's level of proficiency and upon recommendation of student's academic advisor at CCSU. These credits may apply to the core requirements of the major.
Total Credit Hours: 30
For students with advanced preparation, appropriate substitutions will be made.