This is an unofficial description for this program. For official information check the Academic Catalog.
A minor is not required with this major.
Accredited by ATMAE
Major Requirements
Core Requirements
Students of this program are required to complete a common core of 24 credits in technical and management courses. Courses included within these common requirements are as follows:
TM 190 Global Quality Management Systems 3 Credits
TM 310 Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) 3 Credits
CM 335 Construction Safety 3 Credits
TM 362 Leading Project Teams 3 Credits
TM 366 Supply Chain and Purchasing Strategies 3 Credits
TM 401 Industrial Internship 3 Credits
MGT 295 Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior 3 Credits
AC 210 Accounting for Decision-Making 3 Credits
ENGR 290 Engineering Technical Writing and Presentation 3 Credits
General Education Requirements
Required courses as part of General Education requirements:
MATH 115 Trigonometry 3 Credits
MATH 119 Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry 4 Credits
MATH 123 Applied Business Mathematics 3 Credits
ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credits
CHEM 161 General Chemistry 3 Credits
CHEM 162 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit
PHYS 111 Introductory Physics I 3 Credits
PHYS 121 General Physics I 4 Credits
Directed Electives
This degree has been developed to allow students to develop a custom plan of study utilizing various existing technology and management courses. Students transferring credits in from other institutions of higher education can use those credits in this program. The technology management degree requires the student to complete the 24 credits in core courses plus 36 credits of technical and management electives.
Technical and Management Electives
Technical and Management elective courses selected in consultation with, and approved by, advisor.
Total Credit Hours: 120