Course Designator and Registration:
This is a 3-credit course, for which the student will sign up with the section taught by their advisor. The course has no designated meeting times; all meetings with instructor are arranged.
Course Description:
Provides students with a supervised opportunity to work in an industrial environment directly related to their program. Written technical reports and program assessments are required. Applications obtained from the department chair. Graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
Prerequisite: Completion of 75 credits in the degree.
Purpose of the Course:
This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to observe, participate and work in an environment directly related to their technical specialization. The internship is a program of experiences tailored for each intern within a selected company. Students must be employed in an advisor-approved internship or regular position. This also requires completion of assessments that help determine the student’s preparedness for this internship and the career beyond. Grades are given on a Pass/Fail basis only.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the knowledge learned from the student’s academic program on the job, and gain experience from working in a professional environment.
- Expand the student’s knowledge of career options and direction, leading to continued employment or future employment prospects.
- Present oneself professionally in a work environment and as a representative of the Department and University.
- Assess how well the program has prepared the student for the internship and beyond.
The MINIMUM requirements to earn a “P” (PASS) grade for TM 401 are as follows:
- Provide the Student Employment Record or letter to your academic advisor.
- Work at an approved internship for at least 480 hours.
- Complete the narrative report.
- Complete TWO Technical reports.
- Arrange a site visit, meeting with your work supervisor and academic advisor, or a class field trip.
- Complete the ATMAE Certification Exam, for Certified Technology Manager.
- Ask the work supervisor to complete the Employer Survey.
- Complete the Senior Student Survey.