A. Pearson
Professor, Department Chair
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Minor
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall
Heide Tarchini
Ebenezer D. Bassett Hall

Welcome to the Department of Sociology


Sociology department outdoor graduration photo

The Mission and Vision of the Sociology Program

The Department of Sociology prepares students to become thoughtful, engaged, and responsible citizens in an interdependent world. Students are provided with a firm understanding of the complex social structures and processes that connect their private lives and experiences to their present society as well as to the multi-varied characteristics of a global society. More specifically, the mission of the department is to foster logical and analytical reasoning, social scientific inquiry, a socio/historical consciousness, and an understanding of the relationship between social inequality and matters of social justice.

Sociology helps students develop valuable skills and knowledge relevant to various career paths. Key areas include quantitative and qualitative research methods, scientific understanding and analysis of complex social issues, cultural competency, and developing evidence-based solutions. Sociology provides students with a scientific understanding of the complex issues confronting society, allowing them to analyze public policy issues, develop strong, socially beneficial programs, and help drive better policy decisions in such diverse areas as education, immigration, healthcare, climate change, housing, law enforcement, and many others.

Additionally, courses in social justice, diversity, and community engagement can prepare students for roles in non-profits, government, and social services. Incorporating internships, experiential learning opportunities, study abroad and interdisciplinary courses that intersect with fields like health, education, women and gender studies, Latino studies, gerontology, and labor rights further enhance employability for undergraduates. A sociological perspective is vital to interdisciplinary efforts to understand and address issues such as climate change and explore many other pressing social issues that require an understanding of human behavior and social institutions. Social institutions such as the family, government, education, or healthcare systems benefit from a greater diversity of thought and perspectives.

The CCSU Sociology Department offers both foundational and subject specific courses.  Foundational courses such as Introduction to Sociology, Socia Problems, Research Methods in Sociology, and Social Theory provide a solid theoretical and methodological framework. Additionally, courses covering key areas such as The Family, Race and Ethnicity, Gender Studies, Education and Social Inequality, Health and Aging, Environmental Sociology, and Globalization are essential for exploring contemporary social issues.

Read more about sociology students and how their sociology coursework positively influenced their careers and personal lives. In the testimonials that follow, students note that the critical thinking, research, and collaborative skills they gained from sociology have contributed to their professional and personal success.


Sociology Department Graduration photo

Learning Outcomes of the BA Program in Sociology

• Apply a sociological perspective which demonstrates an understanding of the link between private troubles and public issues; the preeminence of social structures and their influence; and the value of empirical analysis.
• Demonstrate foundational research and writing skills, including effective use of vocabulary, organization, and references to support a clear sociologically-informed thesis.
• Ability to develop well-organized and plausible arguments, demonstrating a sound knowledge of sociological concepts.
• Perform sociological research by locating, analyzing, synthesizing, and interpreting sociologically relevant data to address research questions and draw evidenced-based conclusions.
• Communicate findings from sociological research orally and writing in a professional context.