"The Faculty Senate has decision-making authority in such areas as curriculum matters, degree requirements, scholastic standards, academic freedom, admission policies, and student behavior." (The Constitution of the Faculty Senate, Article 2.2)
The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate charged with reviewing and recommending to the Faculty Senate changes affecting Central curricula, including but not restricted to course offerings and program requirements (see Curriculum Committee Bylaws, Article 3).
The primary responsibility of committee members is to apply their professional expertise as they consider the merits of each proposal before the committee on each agenda.
The secondary responsibility of each member of the committee is to bring to the committee any changes their department chooses to propose.
An explanation of the curriculum process is here: Curriculum Process
Please note that members (or their alternates) must attend every subcommittee meeting at which their proposals are to be considered - missing even one subcommittee meeting will result in an automatic postponement of their proposal to the next round of meetings.
2022-2023 Curriculum Committee Chair: